step twenty-one

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"In the end, people will judge you anyway. Live your life for yourself, not to impress."


Niall walked around the school aimlessly. There's no classes for today because of the faculty's emergency meeting, he thinks there's a politician coming over. It's a public school anyway, maybe they're like checking how things are going.

He looked around, looking for his friends but found none. All the students he passed by are either freshmen who's gawking at him or sophomores and juniors trying to get his attention. He started to wonder if the other seniors ditched school already.

He walked around more and when he found no one, he decided to go the Special Class' room and prayed that Harry would be there. He entered the room and immediately frowned at the scene he found, students all sat on their respectful seats either reading, taking notes or studying. This is why he refused to be in this class, it's too boring for him. He wonder how his step-brother can take it.

Some of the special students completely ignored him while some snickered, he knows they hate his guts.


He looked around and saw Harry waving at him. Seriously, he's the only one who's loud here.

"Hey Haz, let's go out." He said, going out of the suffocating (for him) classrom not looking back to see if Harry followed him.

After a minute or two, Harry came out pouting. "You didn't even wait for me, rude. Where are we going?"

"Anywhere. There's no teacher in sight, you know about their emergency meeting right? I'm super bored!"

"Let's eat then, I'm hungry." They started to walk. "Where are the others?"

Niall shrugged, "I dunno. I got lost sight of them. I can't even find one stupid senior in this stupid school to ask whether they saw those stupid friends of yours."

"Wow, you're in such a good mood and they're your friends too you idiot. Maybe they're in the cafeteria, have you checked there?"

Niall pouted, implying that he forgot to check the place making Harry chuckle. "Shut up curly."

When they arrived, Louis and the others are still not there making Niall groan in frustration. "They're not here."

"Relax babe, there are other seniors here, we can ask them. But let's buy food first because I'm really hungry already."

They got in line, silently waiting for their turn when Harry said something that made Niall smack himself. "Why didn't you just call them Niall?"

"You know what Harry?"

The boy looked at him, grinning widely.

"I'm so done okay. I'm so done looking stupid, I'm sorry I'm not as level-headed as you."

The green-eyed boy just laughed out loud, ordering them their food. They sat down on their usual spot. Niall immediately took out his phone and texted all of them, asking where the hell they are.

"You know Ni, I have a feeling the teachers will force you to attend the special class one way or another when that special visitor comes."

Niall frowned. "Oh no, none can do. Have you seen your class room Haz? It's suffocating!"

"Oi, I'm in that class you bastard."

"Whatever. I don't even know why you stay there. I mean, there's no teacher who really officially supervise you guys right? You can do whatever you want."

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