step twenty-five

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Niall managed to avoid Zayn since that Monday night up until now, Thursday. He knows he can't keep this up, sooner or later he'll run into him. But he needs time. Time to process everything that's happened.

He's now together with Zayn. A History teacher. His teacher.

And Ashton made up with him. But he made Niall to promise to never, ever, mess around with Zayn anymore. And he did promised.

But he also agreed to he with Zayn.

And Ashton will be angry.

But he kind of like the knowledge that he's with Zayn now.

And he might get suspended.

And Zayn might lose his job.

And he might lose his best friend.

I'm fucked.

He walked through the hallways, students either saying hi, giving friendly nods or smiling at him. His ex team mates in football even greeted him and it was a surprise, since they were all bitter about him leaving the team.

This made Niall think, there is something that's gonna happen.

He just knows it.

The whole morning went out smoothly, no one bothering him except Ashton asking a few things here and there- just the usual. When lunch came though, he heard a high-pitched voice that undeniably belongs to none other than Louis Tomlinson.


Most of the students in the canteen turned their heads to Louis' direction, including Niall's and their friends'.

"What is it that's so important you have to shout all across the room Lou?" Niall asked him once he arrived in their table.

"Oh God, you don't remember don't you?"

Niall kept his poker face making Louis do a face palm. "Niall, we're supposed to perform together later in Music class! And we haven't rehearsed anything yet!"

Niall frowned but once he realized what Louis is saying he gasped. "Oh my God Lou. Oh my God."

"Yes Niall, oh my God. Now can we go in one of those practice rooms so we can at least practice for," he looked at his wrist watch. "Twenty minutes please?"

Niall fixed his things sloppily, said good bye to his friends sloppily, and got dragged by Louis sloppily.

This isn't the first time they thought of collaborating in Music class. In fact, during those times when Louis still push him to stalk Zayn around, they were supposed to perform together. But they were the last to perform, and they ran out of time so they didn't managed to do it.

Niall is undeniably excited though. Like what he said, Louis is good. Like real good in singing and he never wanted to miss an opportunity to sing together with him.

When they arrived Louis faced him and asked him what they should do.

"I'll play guitar and you sing?" Niall said, unsure.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Nonsense. I finally had the chance to sing with the most popular student in this school and I'm just gonna make him my guitarist? I don't think your fans will love me after that so no."

It's Niall's turn to roll his eyes and sigh. "What do you want me to do then?"

"Sing with me of course!"

"Fine fine, but what song do we sing?"

Louis though for a moment before he smiled triumphantly. "I know! Let's sing..."

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