Escape plan

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Rein's pov 1 week ago

I had no choice but to dial the number that Rayleigh gave me. He said that these pirates will be of great help towards (y/n)'s escape. My old friend believes that if there would be a group of pirates who could take good care of my niece, it would be the straw hats. I have heard about them a lot of times because they are often in the news headline.

Monkey D. Luffy, a captain from the worst generations,  I don't know if they are good people but from what I've heard from Rayleigh, they are the ones who stopped the civil war in Alabasta, and saved the Fishman Island. Their group is viewed as notorious criminals because they are a bunch of  strong and dangerous people.


"Rayleigh-san!" I cried out happily towards my old friend whom I have not met for 10 years.

"Rein, long time no see! How are you? And what are you doing here? aren't you allowed to visit sabaody on your own?" Rayleigh baffled, rubbing his fingers on his chin.

"Oh a lot had happened I don't even know where to start." I replied. Before he could even answer, I cut him out of his words, grabbed his right hand, and ran for the bush near the tree.

"What's wrong? Why are we hiding?" Rayleigh asked again bamboozled by my actions. His confused expression was evident on his face when he noticed that I was hiding from the celestial dragon who passed by riding  on his poor slave.

"I can't be standing here and casually storytell what happened. Could you let me get inside of your house?"  I eagerly requested. "Sure." Was his only response.

Location: Rayleigh's house

"What in the world?!" Rayleigh tumbled in surprised when I told him what happened.

"So you were stripped from your title as a celestial dragon??" Disbelief plastered in his face.

He went to his counter table and grabbed a bottle of red wine.

"This calls for celebration!" The old man screamed in delight. I was expecting such reaction from him. Knowing that he dislikes the fact that I am a celestial dragon, this could be the perfect time to celebrate my disbandment from them.

He handed me a cup of glass, poured the red wine and he did the same thing to his. "So, what's your plan now?" Rayleigh inquired holding the cup of glass with his right hand, his left elbow on top of the counter. I sighed before replying. "My niece. I want to help her escape the palace."

"Are you crazy? She's a Princess and an ancient weapon. For sure the King would redirect his wrath towards you." Rayleigh warned still holding the glass of wine.
"I know." I replied." But I would be willing to take all the punishment. I just want my niece to attain the freedom she's been longing. So Rayleigh, I need your help."
Rayleigh sat at the stool silent for a munute. His gaze went towards the Alabasta's eternal log post displayed on top of their shelf.

"The straw hats." He muttered. "Luffy and the others might be able to help her escape. That is if-" I cut his statement when I heard his suggestions. My eyes grew wider with excitement. "Oh hoho! I knew you would help me my friend." I winked at him with my left arm on his shoulder wrapping around. Rayleigh smiled back and punch me to my right side.
"Ouch! What was that for?" I shouted. "Don't cling to me you idiot." Rayleigh responded. I chuckled at his reaction realizing he hadn't changed a bit.

I did not made a wrong choice of asking help from Rayleigh because I know how reliable he is. "Here, this will help you contact Luffy and the others. Just tell him I was the one who referred you to them. I promise, you can trust these people." Rayleigh stated while handling the small den den mushi to me. "Thankyou Rayleigh-san." I smiled.

End of flashback*

"Moshi moshi! I am Monkey D. Luffy and I will become the king of the pirates." Luffy answered on the other line. 

I heard a noise of someone being spanked and lectured. "Luffy don't answer the call directly introducing who you are you idiot!" A girl from the other line shouted.

"Who are you? Do you wanna be part of my crew?" Luffy continued, as I heard another noise of someone being spanked again.

"Luffy, I'm glad you answered my call." I informed him with a smile tug on my lips. A seed of hope grew inside of me just by thinking that they could possibly become my niece's friends.

"I am Rein Massimo..." I uttered waiting for his shocking response.

"Massimo? Hmm? I think I've heard that name already. Where did I hear it? Hmm?" Luffy muttered trying to recall.
"Idiot! I just mentioned it a while ago,  Massimo is the surname of the King of the Mariejois!" The man on the other line whispered. Thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"Oh yeah! That king. So are you the King? Why did you call me? Are you challenging me?" Luffy accused. I chuckled underneath my breath. This guys sure are boisterous. I thought to myself.

"Don't worry, I'm not the king. I'm his brother though." I scratched my head in guilt.

"Luffy, do you know Rayleigh-san?" I inquired expecting for a positive response.

"Rayleigh? How did you know him? Are you his friend?"

"Yes. We were friends since youth. He was the one who referred me to you."

"Hmm, then what's your objective?"

"I would like to ask for your help to rescue and kidnap my niece. Princess (y/n) Massimo."

The other line fell in silence when I mentioned her name. I suddenly felt an awkward atmosphere  even when we're on different lines.

A minute have past waiting for his response, both of us drowning in silence.

"Okay." He answered shortly.

"Naniii!!?? LUFFY YOU HAVE NOT EVEN SAW HIS FACE LET ALONE GRANT HIS REQUEST TO KIDNAP THE PRINCESS!" I couldn't determine whose voice was it since they were like 4 to 5 people who whined simultaneously. Luffy giggled and said "Don't worry, If he's Rayleigh's friend, then we can trust him. Right Massimo-man?"

"Ofcourse! I guarantee I won't put you into harm. I just want you guys to rescue the princess and take her as far as you could from the Palace." I answered without hesitations.

"Then Massimo-man, what's the plan?"

"Like you'd follow a plan!" Law shouted.

2 weeks after. Present time. **
(Y/n)'s pov

It's almost 12 am. I am a little bit nervous about the plan in escaping. I have already packed the essential things that I would be needing. Including some of the medicine books I have not read yet. I also brought with me some of the politics books, just in case I'll be needing them. Despite not wanting to study politics, I thought that some time, I may have to force myself to study it. I know deep inside of me that the fate I was born with would not be so easy to oppose, but whatever happens, happens.

My uncle once told me that you are the navigator of your own life. You are responsible for your own direction. What comes along your way, is the consequences of the choice you made.

While waiting for the appointed time, I sat at my favorite spot at the edge of the window. I journeyed my eyes around my room, trying to memorize the details. Even if I was locked up in here for almost my entire life, this room was still my comfort zone, my home. The place I'd want to rest freeing me from doubts and worries that something might happen to me.

As I was drowning in my own sentiments, I have not noticed the clock ticked at 11:00. I snapped myself out from my thoughts and rushed towards my closet and looked for something I could wear. Something that would not get in the way of my movements since I'm expecting that I might get involved in a fight.

It's escaping time.

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