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"Take that!" A gang of navy was wiped out in an instant from the attack emitted by Zoro's sword. On your rear side you can witness Sanji and Robin fighting without difficulty.

Taking into account, you didn't mind to move a finger and fight along side your mates since they managed to take a grip of the Navy's surprise attack.

They should've sent some powerful armies instead if they ought to catch me.

A minute has passed and the battle has subsided, the rest of your friends continued to accumulate supplies in preparation for leaving the island. You watch them as they carefully repacked the sunny, when a familiar figure captured your peripheral vision. You darted your gaze to Law who was walking nonchalantly allowing his nodachi to lay rest his shoulders.

You rushed towards him with an open arms, your face looking worry and anxious.

"Law!" You feigned innocence as you try to nudge towards him only to be blocked by his strong hand tapping against your forehead.

"I was so scared, I need comfort!" You demanded pouting underneath his palm that's still on your forehead.

"Stop acting wimpy and innocent. It doesn't suit you." He muttered stoically.

But I'm supposed to be the damsel in distr3ss here!

"But those men were strong! They almost managed to take me!" Again you pouted thinking that it would get him to comfort you, but he knows you were overreacting and just needed some attention:p

"Shut up. I know you could easily finish them in a single blow."

This doctor never changed.

Just when you were about to reply, a single survivor appeared from your back, leaving you unguarded. He was about to slash you with his sword when Law vehemently blocked it with his nodachi, and locked you in his arms shoving you against his solid chest. You grappled tightly at his collar taking advantage of the warmth and comforting zone.

My prince charming

"Way to go, sugar plum" you giggled pulling away from him.

"Stop calling me that."


"It's disgusting."

But you're going to marry me and im gonna call you whatever the fuck i want.

"Honey it is." You grinned looking at his slightly irritated face, trying to hide the blush from appearing.

"Stop acting stupid. We're not lovers."

"You're gonna marry me." You stopped walking when he paused for awhile and looked at you with a smirk.

"Not gonna happen. Princess." He teased walking away from your location. You can hear his little giggles as you tried to catch up to him.

"Hey- you I told you not to call me that!"

If you're not gonna marry me I'm going to cast a spell on you.


I'll ask for a love potion and put it on your drink and the next morning you wouldn't wanna lose sight of me.

So wicked.

You're on my side aren't you?

Only if you act normal.

"Hey (y/n)-ya, are you just gonna zone out in there?" Law called you out for the nth time snapping you back to reality.

You sprinted towards the sunny feeling so happy and refreshed. Everyone waved goodbye as the sunny pulled away from the island sending huge waves at its tail end.

Your Warmth : Trafalgar Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now