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"Let me carry that, (y/n)" Kid vehemently trotted out, taking the bunch of firewood from my possession.

"Thank you, Kid." He replied with a smile as he shove them to the other pile of firewoods on the ground. The typhoon was a bad news to everyone in the village. It left a disastrous effect on their homes and livelihood, so we had to work together to help in rebuilding some houses that were destroyed.

Aside from construction works, I have also ask Law to tend the wounded since the disaster made a collateral damage to the people. We've all been working hand in hand, and I've been busy helping all around.

"Would you like some coffee, Doctor?" I inquired him, as I cupped one of my hands on my cheek.

"Don't need one." He tardily answered, without turning in front of me as he continued to write some doctor's prescription or advices.

"What about food? Want me to cook you something?"

"No." Twice.


"Don't want." Thrice.

"Grilled fish?"

"Not a chance." He gave me a sluggish look and I winced at his reactions.

"Traf what's wrong? Is something bothering you?" I mumbled, worry that I might have done something wrong to piss him off.

"Nothing. Why are you worried about me? Why not ask your Eustass-ya"

My what??

I gave him a questionable look not taking my sight off of him. He gave me one of his famous aloof expressions again which encouraged me to ask him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You two look good together. You're so sweet to him and he gives you that stupid look like you're some kind of ice cream ready to be taken anytime."

Is he pissed? I couldn't help but to hale a smile. As much as I try hard not to, my facial muscles just won't let me hide it.

"What?" He rigidly asked, as I sat at an empty spot beside him.

"Nothing. I didn't know you would get jealous over someone who befriended me instead of you." I retorted and let out a small chuckle.

"That's not the issue here (y/n)-ya." He looked tensed than he ever was a while ago.

"Then what is, Traf?"

"Tss. Don't mind it." He stood up and tidied his things before he walked away from me. I trailed him with my gaze as he entered the house.

"(Y/n)!" I fended my sight towards the guy calling me, watching him sprint near me.

"Oh, Kid. You're here. How's the rebuilding going?"

"It's going well, we have to take a break for now since its already lunch time. By the way, any news about the straw hats?"

"Not a thing yet." I frowned.

"It's been three days since I was washed here, what's keeping them from coming?" He furrowed his nonexistent eyebrows.

"It's okay, I'm sure they have a reason for it. Knowing Luffy, he'll surely come at any cost." I wearily responded as we both walk together to enter the house for lunch.


I pinned my eyes to a sad-looking Law, not paying any attention to what gramps was talking as he humbly watch the view from the window. He noticed that I and Kid entered the dining room together, making his gloomy expression more evident.

"Oi, Trafalgar, didn't notice you're here." Kid called him out, causing him to throw a scornful glare at the red head.

I bit my tongue as I skid myself beside Law on the same wooden bench he's sitting on as I notice his eyes slowly soften.

"Here ya go doctor," I grappled the serving spoon, giving him a plateful of onigiri and grilled fish. He started to eat in a voluptuous manner and I could suddenly feel the beaming radiance from him.

"(Y/n), want some soup?" Kid offered.

"Yeah sure, it's my favorite." I smiled back as I took the bowl from him and poured the hot soup on my plate.

"What's gotten into you Trafalgar, you seem so silent." Kid inquired.

"Mind your business."


"Are you still sleeping with him?" Kid queried swinging one of his legs on the arm chair leaning comfortably.

"Of course, besides, the people here think that we're couples." I answered folding the white sheets that I just hung to dry.

"Need help?"

"Nah, I'm good." I carried the sheets to our room getting ready to change the bedsheets, when a tall figure appeared from the bathroom. Water droplets dripping from his jaw down to his tattoos. This isn't the first time I would see him half naked but everytime I do, it almost feels like new to me.

Law walked over to the door, slightly slamming it separating us from Kid's inauspicious glare.

I held back my breath for a second as I watch him flaunt his muscle-bound upper body oozing with water droplets as it flow downwards entrapped by his abs.

"Enjoying the view?" He muttered, meekly snapping me back to reality.

"O-oh...it's hot... I mean-I mean I gotta open the window to ventilate this area, would that be okay?" I struggled and awkwardly opened the window.

He grinned causing me to flush. I then replaced the bedsheets with the new one and positioned myself comfortably on the clean blankets.

He descended himself right after, still half naked with a towel on his lower part. He shove his head on the soft pillow beside me as he released a frustrated groan.

"Traf,  go put on some clothes now." He shrugged my suggestion off as he continue to scoop his face on the pillow. Why are you acting cute?dammit.

"Traf." I called him out once again.

He nodded and stood up towards the closet. "(Y/n)-ya?" He muttered in a low voice while taking in his shirt.


"Are you tired?" He skid himself onto the bed, our eyes came in contact.

"No, why?"

"Wanna go out for a walk?"

"It's late already."

He gave me a stubborn look so I decided to agree.

I mean who wouldn't wanna go for a walk with this hot doctor?

We're almost at the good part now so stay tuned for more updates ;)  
    :(i hope):

Your Warmth : Trafalgar Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now