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Cold breeze slapping across your face, tangling your (h/c) strands blending with the wind. Your white dress swinging backwards and a familiar comforting presence walking beside you, your distance not far away from his.

A placid atmosphere filled in your perception, you fended your attention to your surroundings, dark skies, the music of shuddering waves hitting the rocks and reaching the surface, the luminous light from a peaking moon, and a neverending array of white sand extending to the very corner of your vision.

Everything is perfect.

This is probably one of the best moments in your life. To do nothing but to enjoy the company of your favorite person without a single care for the world.

Your worries gradually brushing off  when you felt a warm comforting hand captured yours interlocking both of your fingers as you walk side by side with him. A smile etched on your lips and a heat of embarrassment emerged from you.

Not knowing what to say, you tightend your grip on his as you both continue to walk in a slow pace.

You finally managed to start a conversation cutting the awkward silence between both of  you.


"Nobody's gonna see us here..."


"So you don't really have to hold my hand and pretend like we're lovers.."

He released a small grin as you both paused facing each other.

"You really think I'm pretending?" He arched his eyebrows giving you a soft and gentle look. What does he mean? Were you guys not pretending?

You gave him an utterly confused expression. Although in the back of your mind, you know what he exactly means. You could hear your heart thumping, not a word could escape from your mouth.
You asked yourself if this would be the perfect time to tell him how you feel.

But what if he rejects you? What if he's just being nice to you? What if he's only doing that to ease away your worries? What if he~

"I love you."

You dropped your jaw unaware of your own reaction. You heard him louder and clearer than the rampaging waves, yet despite it, you wanted to make sure if you heard him right.

Words barely coming out of  your mouth.

"I love you, (y/n)-ya.."

You were taken aback by what he said, you still can't believe his confession.

"I-i love you too, Law." Words voluntarily flew from your mouth.

With that being said, he moved another inch closer to you, drawing his head down to reach your level. Your nose touch each other's, as you slightly tilt your head and closed your eyes.

Just when your lips were about to come in contact, you heard him call you again.

"Y/n)-ya...(y/n)-ya... (y/n)-ya, wake up... hey... wake up." You woke up from your doze as you slowly rub your eyes , stretched your arms and let out a frustrating yawn. You came into your realization that it was just a dream.

Damn it. You sighed.

You just remembered, Law did invite you for a walk last night but just when you two were about to head out, the rain suddenly poured heavily, disrupting your plans.
What could've happened if the rain hadn't poured?

"(Y/n)!!!!" Familiar voices echoed across the room, the heads of your friends popping out of the door one by one. You jumped with surprise to see your friends have arrived. A grin stretched across your face as you trotted towards them aiming for a hug.

"LUFFY! EVERYONE, YOU MADE IT!" A tears of joy flowing from your pink cheeks as they all laughed at your reaction.


After a thorough explanation to the villagers of Jalapeño island, they all seemed to understand your condition and welcomed your crewmates. It wasn't hard to convince them to like your friends since they were all willing to help the villagers.

You walked past your busy friends doing their own roles in the rebuilding. Zoro cutting woods while Kid transports them, Chopper and Law tending the injured, Usopp and Franky building roofs, Sanji cooking delicious foods, Nami and Robin  helped with the preparation for tonight's banquet. You watched them as energetic as they were before, your heart fluttering.

Yet despite it, you felt a small twinge when you realized that you no longer have to pretend that you and Law are lovers. Together with the revelation that you are a pirate, Law had also revealed that you were both pretending to be lovers. Nonetheless, it's good that you don't have to put up a face infront of the lady who welcomed you.

"(Y/n)-ya, are you gonna help us or will you just stand there and zone out?" Law disrupted you as he contimues to do a physical examination to his patient.

"Oh, I'll help, I'll help." You alarmingly responded and trotted beside Chopper, who was busy making medicine out of the herbs he gathered on his own.

"Here, (y/n), you can take over me for awhile, you just have to powderize this, to make a supplement." Chopper explained as he got out of his seat and rubbed his paw, untidying the small particles of medicine.

"Sure Chopper, you can leave this to me." You continued to pound the mixture.

"I'll go get some herbs, I'll be back in a while." With that, he hurriedly walked from you, leaving you and Law alone.

"So he was the last patient?" You confirmed, continuously pounding the mortar and pestle without shifting your gaze from it.

"Yeah, he was."

A moment of silence spread throughout the tent as you awkwardly make a screetching noise with the mortar and pestle. You weren't looking directly to Law but you feel a gush of intensity from his gaze on your peripheral vision.

"So... What happened right after you answered me?" His question draw confusion in you as you stop pounding the medicine and turned towards him.

"What?" You narrowed your eyebrows still confused of his question.

He smirked and leaned closer to you, your (e/c) came in contact with his grey orbs. "You were dreaming this morning, (y/n)-ya."

Your mouth agape as you realize you were probably talking to your sleep. The thought of you confessing to him in your dreams stirred up your emotion causing you to panick.

What happened after you answered me? Does he meant after you voiced out an I love you 'too' Law?

"Stop zoning out, (y/n)-ya."

"D-do you mean I was talking in my sleep?" You worriedly ask shifting your gaze from his eyes.

He didn't respond to you as he continue to stare blankly waiting for your answer to his first question.

"We uhmm.." A taint of red brushed across your cheeks hesitations winning over.
"W-we almost kissed..." You told him, slightly desolate that it had to come out from your mouth.

He squeaked stiffly from your answer, arching his eyebrows, he managed to maintain his composure.

"Is that all?" He chuckled lightly before speaking. "Is that why you were seemingly being awkward to me?"

"Huh? Of course not. I'm just somehow overwhelmed with my crews' arrival. It's not like I was thinking about that dream." You denied yet your face doesn't hide the fact that you were actually caught.

You felt a tingle of pain in your chest. Why does it hurt you? Is it because it was just a dream? Or is it the fact that Law couldn't care less that it made him laugh it off?

Your Warmth : Trafalgar Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now