cold water

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If you're still reading this, thank you for keeping up with my sh*tty story... you really motivate me to keep going so here it is :*)

Timeskip brought to you by Luffy's meat*

"You got 43/50." Chopper strictly announced my score on the quiz. It's not bad tho, atleast I got less than ten mistakes. He oughted to dismiss me right after I hear my score. "Okay (y/n), go take a rest now, tomorrow afternoon we'll probably dock on some island to collect and refill our supplies." I nodded and went ahead to my room while chopper remained on the library for him to also study some new medical discoveries I don't know about.

Before I could sleep, I decided to take a relaxing bath at the tub of our personal room. We have a personal bathroom for girls, and a public bathroom at the common area. I only used the bathroom of the common area awhile ago to brush my teeth since Robin was using our bathroom this morning.

I hovered towards the tub and spinned open the faucet allowing it to release some warm water. I used the body wash that Nami gave me and sprinkled a decent amount of it on the warm water.

When the bubbles rised up, I slid myself inside and took a comfortable position as I rest my head backwards, my facade facing the ceiling. I closed my eyes and relax my tensed muscles.
This feels so good. I spent my entire time leisurely calming myself as I organized my thoughts. A lot had happened in just 1 week. I got out of the palace, separated with my uncle,  joined a pirate group, became an apprentice of the world's best doctor, and embarrassed myself to him. Speaking of, whenever I think about Traf, an image of him with his bare tattooed flesh would flash through my cognition taking over every bit of important thoughts in me.

"Ah, stop stop." I slapped cursing myself when my mind began to wonder at the picture of his body again. I shouldn't be thinking of such things. Although I idolize him as a doctor, that doesn't change the fact that we're nothing more than just allied pirates.

A few minutes later, while I was relaxing my self to the scent of my pomegranate body wash, the sunny once again began to shudder in oscillation from peaceful and serene to a convulsive state. I hurriedly grabbed my towel and wore my usual whatsoever clothes that I just happened to pick up out of panick only to see Nami and Robin's absence in the room. I figured they're outside to see what caused the intense quake.

I abruptly left the room and sprint outside of the ship's deck to see what's going on. Gosh, what's wrong with today's weather?

I gathered myself among everyone only to find I was the only one not in the area. A gigantic wave approached us carrying strong wind pressure causing the deck to move slightly to the left. I was unable to hold onto something on the ship because I was so focused on the gigantic wave, so I slipped myself to the wet floor and was tossed up in the air towards the direction of the sea.

"(Y/n)!!" Chopper shouted.

"Room...shambles." I was about to be overthrown on the rampaging waters when a blue film-like dome appeared jailing me inside of it and in a split second, I was in the arms of Law. He carried me with both of his hands in a bridal style.

I looked up to see everyone relief that I was safe but that didn't end their worries when a gigantic wave larger than the first one  invaded the sunny and slammed us hard on the deck.

Law failed to hold his grip onto something because both of his arms were tied up holding me. The ship tilted rightward at an 80°  angle, almost completely flipping the ship upside down.

The two of us slammed ourselves hard on the violent water.

"Noo! (Y/n)-chwuaan!!" Sanji voiced out. It was the last thing I heard before we fell deep into the pits of cold dark water.

I feel like  this would be the end of my life when I sensed that my strength is slowly deteriorating. I feel sorry for Law because I'm the one responsible for his  current predicament. If only he hadn't saved me, he would have live longer and save his crew.

Speaking of Law, I know he's running out of strength too because he's also a devil fruit eater, but I was amazed by how he still manage to not let go of me despite the wild waters. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly from the back of me as we are being carried by the water's  strong current. I don't know where this tide is taking us, but I do wish there's a little hope for our safety. Just Law's would be more than enough.

I felt weaker and weaker, and eventually ran out of breath as darkness succumbed my vision, taking over every bit of consciousnesses within me, both of our perceptions left our bodies.

Luffy's pov**

I panicked when I saw both of my friends fell onto the rampaging water. I'm so frustrated that I couldn't save  them from danger. The following waves aren't so huge anymore unlike the past ones. The ship was filled with darkness due to the broken lights that was hit by the strong ounce of water.

Out of my worry, I attempted to jump on the what seemed to be an endless pit to save my friends without even thinking that I too couldn't swim.

"Let go of me Zoro!" I struggled from his grip. Both of his arms were wrapped around my shoulders, his hands holding the back of my head.

"Luffy, you can't save them! You can't swim too! You'll only kill yourself if you jump!" Zoro exclaimed.

"B-but (y/n) and tra-guy!! They cant swim either!" I insisted

"Luffy calm down, I don't think they're dead yet." Nami stated trying to ease my worries.

"The direction of the wind and the water current is towards the west. It's where we are heading right? The island is also located in that area. The strong currents of the ocean would probably carry them to the island. We just gotta find them tomorrow and hopefully reunite with them." Nami explained knocking some sense to me.

Zoro let go of his arms and I slammed myself down on the deck's floor.

"Fine. Let's hurry to the island." I announced, and they all nodded in agreement.

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