Chapter 24:Hospitals Bring Hope

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I'm soo soo soo sooo SOO sorry I didn't update for a while and I left it at a cliff hanger! So sorry i hate myself for doing that! I had a bunch of work loaded on top of me this week sorry!Here is a chapter! SO I'm going to post two tonight or at least try to! The first one is going to all be in Ally's P.O.V and the second will all be in Austin's! So here's Ally's.

Ally's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, everything was going by so slowly. I was on the ground I felt people running towards me, I saw police officers and ambulances. I tried to speak but no words came out. I heard someone yell, "we need to get them all to the hospital now!" I was being picked up, the world around me slowly began to darken. "She's losing pulse!" Someone yelled.

***at the hospital***

I woke up, it was bright,very bright? Am I dead? Wait nope, my eyes soon adjusted and I saw people walking around outside of my room. I looked at my arms all attached to different things. I had my arm wrapped and I felt the top of my head and there were stiches. "Hello?" I asked then I held my throat. It was sore and dry, like so dry that it hurt to speak. Then a familiar blonde lady walked in. "Ally darling you woke up! Here's some water, I bet your pretty thirsty" Rydel said smiling and handing me a cup of water. I quickly chugged it all down, refreshing my throat. "Um what happened? All I remember is the bomb and Austin..." I began but then covered my hand over my mouth. "Austin what?" Rydel asked. "Well I-I don't know if he survived? Is he here?" I asked hopefully, "well I haven't heard anything but I bet he is, you'll be the first to know" Rydel said with a smile. I smiled back but still sad. Where is he? Is he even on this planet anymore? No, no you can't think like that Ally. He's fine, he has to. "Well here's your update. So Jimmy said he went to Elliot Montgomery's house and was going to suprise you guys with some gifts, but he said when he go there you weren't there. He was worried where everyone went he called you guys but on one answered so he then called the cops to start a search party. Only a few miles from where you guys were kept captive there was a small farm, they say the explosion and they called the cops. They got to you all just in time or else you would all of been goners. We also found Cassidy, Dallas, Kira, and Elliot. They were about a hundred meters away but where still knocked out by the impact. The bomb was very powerful, if anyone was inside they would of died instantly" Rydel said a lump formed in my throat. "So let's say someone was stuck in the doorway, would they be ok?" I croaked out. "Well it depends they would either be someone alive or nearly dead unless given attention right away" Rydel said, tears began to run down my checks. No, not Austin. Rydel looked at me and quickly came over to me and hugged me, "that someone was Austin wasn't it?" Rydel said still hugging me, this just made me cry even more. "It's going to be ok, he's going to be just fine I promise and doctors never make a promise unless they can keep them so trust me on this" Rydel said with a smile. This made me feel a bit better. Rydel pulled away and said "as for you arm it's broken, so don't plan on using your left arm for a while. The stitches are from when you flew you hit your head which caused you to bleed. Also when we first found you, you almost died on us but you're here now which is good!" Rydel said. "Thank you but wait, what about Trish and Dez?" I asked looking around. "They're on the rooms to your left and to your right, they're both awake. Trish's right wrist is broken so no writing for her and she has a mild concussion, but nothing that can't heal within a month or so. Dez's right leg is broken and he has a few cuts but we got those bandaged up. You can get dressed into some different clothes I know they aren't super stylish but there are some in the draws over there and I'll bring you some food and then I can take you to Dez's room. That's where Trish has been hanging out, also your father's here so I'm going send him in" Rydel said. "Thank you so much Rydel" I said as she passed some grey sweats and a sweater that said "Marno Hospital" I thanked her and got changed, they fit perfectly. Then my dad walked in. "Oh Ally honey, I was so worried about you! I'm so glad that you're ok" my dad said hugging me tight and he was even crying. "I'm ok now dad" I said smiling at him. "And that's all that matters" he said. We talked a little he then had to leave. "They said that they were going to keep you here for five days, I have a very important meeting back in L.A, I have to go to it but I'll be back in time ok honey? And if you need anything I'll be back in a blink" my dad said. I smiled at him and said "I get it dad go I'll be fine. I'll see you soon" I said he gave me a kiss on the head and walked out. I sat back down in my bed trying to relax. Although I couldn't I would not be anywhere close to calm until I knew Austin would be ok. He is, I know he is. I don't know what I would do on this planet if I couldn't be with him. I know I've only know him for a little bit but a part of me feels like he could be the one. He completes me. "Here's some soup Ally, once you're done just press the orange button on the side of your bed and someone will come in and bring you to Dez's room. Don't press the red or blue, unless you're dying" Rydel said winking at me. I laughed and eat my soup, Austin was still on my mind thee entire time. I was finished so I pressed the orange button, making sure I didn't press the red or blue. A kind older women walked in. "Hello there sweetie, I'm Stormie and I'm gonna help you out of your bed and into a wheelchair ok? You're not fully ready to walk yet" Stormie said with a warm smile. "Thank you, could you bring me to Dez Worthy?" I asked. "Sure thing hun" Stormie said, I slowly slipped off the bed and into the wheelchair with Stormies help. "Thank you" I said as she wheeled me into Dez's room. As soon as I entered Dez and Trish spun around and smiled appeared on their faces. Trish ran over to me, "ALLY! Oh my god! I'm so glad your ok! You left me so worried! We're all ok!" Trish said smiling, "I'm so glad your ok Ally, I would hug you but I'm stuck in here. I also promised my gingerbread family they'd be the first to get a hug" Dez said smiling. I laughed at him and Stormie brought me over to the side of his bed. "I'm gonna leave you kids alone but call me if you need anything Stormie said patting my shoulder and leaving. "So have you guys seen Austin?" I asked hoping they had. Dez looked sad all the sudden, "no I haven't yet, we thought he might of been in the same room as you or something" Dez said. "Wait when did you last see him Ally? Cause I last saw him when we ran out" Trish said. "Well Austin picked me up and threw me out into the field. H-his leg got stuck and he mouthedd I-I- love you" I said crying. Trish pulled me into a hug. "And after that it all went black" I said. "Well I'm-I'm sure Austin will be just fine, um right Dez?" Trish said. "Uh-yeah he's going to be just fine" Dez said. We all talked until it was about eight or so, then Stormie came back in with another nurse. "Did you hear about the mystery patient? he has too many cuts on his face we can't tell who he is and he didn't have any I.D or anything" Stormie said. "Wait what do you mean by mystry patient? Trish asked Stormie. "Well we don't know who he is, he's in the I.C.U which is on the other side of this hospital. We don't know who he is though" Stormie said. "Wait have you had anyone under the name of Austin Moon?" I asked, "no I'm sorry honey, is it ok if we go over to the mystery patient. I have to check on their I.V's. It will only take a few minutes" Stormie said. "Oh that's fine" I said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow ok?" I said waving bye to them. Stormie and I went to the other side, most of the patients were asleep, as we got over to the I.C.U I saw people with horrible cases. Even someone with a tree in them. I kept my eyes out for Austin but no luck. "Ok we're here" Stormie said we went in. The body was literlly covered in cuts and bagnges even their head. I wheeled closer to them to have a closer look, they had a certain smell to them. It wasn't dead it was a mix of blood and something else, but the blood smell was too strong I couldn't put a finger on the other smell. They had a cast on their left arm and from the little part of skin on their hand, they were very, very, VERY pale. Almost dead. "Poor guy, he's hanging on an edge we don't know if he'll make it past the end of this week" Stormie said pushing me out of the room. I got back to my room and I wasn't tired so grabbed my songbook and I wrote down everything. Everything that had happened these past few days. Then suddenly a song came to me I quickly wrote it down.

Step one, you say, "We need to talk."

He walks, you say, "Sit down. It's just a talk."

He smiles politely back at you

You stare politely right on through

Some sort of window to your right

As he goes left and you stay right

Between the lines of fear and blame

You begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best

'Cause after all you do know best

Try to slip past his defense

Without granting innocence

Lay down a list of what is wrong

The things you've told him all along

Pray to God, he hears you

And I pray to God, he hears you

And where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice

You lower yours and grant him one last choice

Drive until you lose the road

Or break with the ones you've followed

He will do one of two things

He will admit to everything

Or he'll say he's just not the same

And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life

How to save a life

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life

How to save a life

How to save a life (How to Save a Life-by the FRAY)

I sighed, I went to bed still thinking about Austin and that mystery person and their mystery smell.

***that morning***

I woke up early, still thinking. Thinking and thinking and thinking. Then it all added up. I knew exactly whose smell that was. Only one person thee entire world could smell like that, that person was Austin Monica Moon. He was alive.

So ta-da! I'll post Austin's very soon! Hope you liked it! Please review!!

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