Chapter 11:Missing You

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Hey guys! Soo soo sorry that it took me so long to update! Here is the new chapter hope you like it please review!

Ally's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun- slipping through my window and I looked over at my clock I saw that the time was eleven, eh no biggie I should go back to sleep since I didn't get a ton last night. I felt bad for Austin though he looked like a sad puppy stuck out in the rain when he was sick. I hope he's feeling better, I began to drift off when I felt someone jump on my bed and yell "ALLY!" Trish yelled. I grounded and said "whhat?" I said propping myself up with my elbows. "I already told Dez, but he went back to sleep. Cassidy, you and me are going on the jet in half an hour to Europe. We couldn't find a flight that would take all of us, we're taking a private jet but we only get the back and we're sharing it with this band called R5 I think? Anyway get up! Austin and Dez are going to meet us there soon. Cassidy is already ready so get ready and get ready quick!" Trish said then shutting my door. Ugh. I grabbed all of my clothes and toiletries. I decided to go with some cozy cloths, some leggings and a red zip-up hoodie with a grey t-shirt on. I walked out with my bags and looked into Austin's room. He looked a lot better. He still had his shirt off, not that I minded. The blanket covered his bottom half except for the rim of his boxers. He had a bowl next to him that I set there last night, it looked empty so that's good. He looked so happy. I sighed and walked out. I saw Cassidy on sitting on a stool on her phone. "Well someone likes their phone" I said grabbing an apple. "Can it Ally. Don't tell me you've forgot about the whole deal with Austin" Cassidy said looking at her phone then her eyes got huge and she then glared and me, "WHAT DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT KEEPING AWAY FROM HIM?" Cassidy whisper yelled shoving the phone in my face. I saw an article saying, "Austin Moon: Taking a new interest in dancer Ally Dawson?" Then it showed a picture of Austin and I on the beach kissing, that was during the dare. "How could they?" I asked, then Trish said from the doorway "I don't know paparazzi just followed us, but I just got off the phone with Jimmy and we're taking care of it. He is just saying we were fooling around playing truth or dare and it was only a dare. Nothing else" I felt a bit sad about that part, nothing else. "Well anyway let's go" Trish said motioning us to get going. We all walked out and got in the car. The car ride was mostly Cassidy and Trish arguing, she kept on saying how Austin and her were going to be a couple and Trish being my best friend and all defended me. We got to the airport we had only a half an hour wait. Trish started talking saying "ok guys so since we are moving around again I'm giving you the entire schedule for the tour. Where our concerts are, in what stadium, when, even what hotel we're staying in. But you have to keep these away from pretty much the world. There are some crazy Austin Moon fans out there( I could think of one) so don't show this to anyone or else you're outta here, understood?" We both nodded frantically. I didn't want to get in any trouble with Trish. The rest of the time I couldn't stop thinking about Austin. I wonder what his doing? I hope his voice is ok, I wonder if he is thinking about me too? Nah I doubt it. A girl can dream right? "Ally. Come on let's go" Cassidy said walking up the stairs and into the plane. Deep breath Ally. You can do this. I walked up and took my seat. We had a blocked off part in the back, I saw there was five other people on the plane but they closed our door before I could see any of them. I sat down and then my phone buzzed. It was a number I didn't recognize but I opened it anyway. It said

Hey Als, I know you're about to take off so I hope you have a great flight and don't look down. The only direction you're going is up. I'll see you later tonight

Austin xx

I smiled at the text, that made a bit of my anxiety go away. I replied to Austin's message,

Hey Austin, thanks that really helped me. I hope you have a great flight too so I'll hopefully see you tonight. Also how did you get my number?

Ally xx

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