Chapter 25:Hospitals Bring Death

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So here's Austin's P.O.V! Ta da! I hope you like it!

Austin's P.O.V

There is a point in every person's life where you chose you life or someone elses. Someone who you love, someone who is they died you would die. That person to me is Ally Dawson. We were almost out. We were going to make it, "one" boomed in my ears, I was about to run when my foot got stuck. I couldn't let Ally die. I threw her with all of my strength she flew a couple feet. I mouthed "I love you". Ally looked scared. This is it. "Zero" BOOM! I blacked out, I opened my eyes man it's bright out! Wow. Am I dead? I looked at myself I was in the same clothes minus the blood and the dirt, I looked good as new. What is going on? "Austin" I heard a voice say. Am I dreaming? I turned around and there she was, my mom. "Mom?" I asked walking towards her. "The one and only baby" she said with a smile. "Where am I?" I asked. "Honey, you're in limbo." She said. What? What in the world is limbo? "Wait what?" I asked. "You are in the middle of two worlds, the living and the dead. You aren't alive, but you aren't dead either" she said. "Then what are you doing down here? Your-your dead" I said. Mimi looked sad for a moment and said "I know I am, but I'm here to help you. You have to figure out if your going to live or die" Mimi said. Wait, what? "What does that mean?" I said confused. "Well honey you can go back but you need to figure out on your own, you need to find that yourself I can help but you aren't allowed back unless you do it all on your own" Mimi said. "I-" I began then we were suddenly next to my body. "Wait what are we doing? Is that me?" I asked crouching down next to myself I guess. I had cut's all over my face, the only reason why I could tell it was me was well because it was me. "No one can see you sweetheart" Mimi said. "Wait where's Ally?" I asked looking around furiously. "Ah the girl, she seems like a keeper honey" Mimi said. "Wait how do you know Ally?" I asked. "Well I am dead but I've been aloud to watch you grow up and shin ever so brightly, I'm so sorry for leaving you the way I did" Mimi said. "Can I hug you?" I asked, "no I'm sorry honey, as much as I want to. You aren't dead yet." Mimi said. I then saw a few people in the distance come running towards me, they were calling for help. I watched my body getting lifted into a stretcher and into an ambulance."Hey I'm going to live!" I said happily. "Well we don't know that quite yet" Mimi said. "Ally and the others are already in the hospital but you"ll be there soon" Mimi said then she snapped her fingers and we were now in Ally's room. "Sh, listen to them" Mimi said I kept quiet. Ally was talking to Rydel, then she began to cry. I just wanted to hold her and tell her it was all alright and that I was right here, that she didn't have cry. " I want to be alive!" I yelled. I ran over to Ally's bed, but I just went through it. "I know you do but you have to figure out how to get there" Mimi said. "But I don't know how!" I said running my hands through my hair. "Once the time is right you'll know honey" Mimi said. I watched Ally talk to her father. I hoped I could someday talk to him, asking for his blessing. I was planning to marry Ally one day. She was my person, the person who I couldn't live without, who made me the best possible, who completed me. "Your thinking about her aren't you?" Mimi asked me. "Yeah" I said scratching the back of neck. "You're in love with her aren't you?" Mimi asked i just nodded. "Well once you get back down to earth, don't ever lose her, marry her! I saw when you almost lost her, that wasn't good. You both were horrible without each other, stick with her ok promise your mother that?" Mimi asked me. "I will" I said looking her in the eye. We had the same brown eyes, we were the only two people ever in Moon history to have brown eyes. "They've changed rooms" Mimi said we went through the wall, and man was that weird. But cool at the same time. I saw all of my best friends laughing talking they seemed happy, were they happy without me? "I know there's always doubt" Mimi said. "But don't let it get to you ok? Ally needs you don't ever forget that" Mimi said, I nodded but still they looked just fine without superstar Austin Moon. I then saw they were crying, so they do miss me! YES! Wait, no I mean yay they miss me no they're crying over me. They talked more and more, I began to wonder where the idiots who got us in this whole mess where? Oh well. I'll deal with them once I'm 'alive' again. They came in and said there was a mystery patient. Hmm, I wonder who that is! "Let's follow them" I said, Mimi nodded and snapped her fingers. We got there before them. Wait. That isn't a stranger's body...that's MINE! Holy shit! No one knows that that's me in there. Then Ally and Stormie came in and said I might die at the end of this week, no I am not going to die. I then saw Ally, my only hope. I then used all of my power within me to try to seem like I was in the room, and it worked. Ally began to smell, it was my smell. I knew she couldn't mistake it. It looked like she was about to say something when she closed her mouth. NO! Great. I'm now going to be nameless forever. "It's ok dear, she'll figure it out soon. And you're a step closer now to becoming alive" Mimi said with a smile. I smiled back and went into Ally's room, I saw she was writing. Now I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, but it wouldn't kill me to take a little baby peak? I saw she was writing everything, everything that happened to us. The bomb, the kidnapping, the end of the tour, her memory, everything. I looked at the clock and saw it was midnight. I wanted to tell her to go to sleep, but I would just end up tell myself. Then she wrote a song and it was pretty damn good. Right after that she fell asleep her book in her lap. "Do I even get to sleep?" I asked yawing. I mean I don't know do dead(ish) people sleep? "Yes honey you can sleep" Mimi said and with that I was out in a blink.

***that morning***

I woke up and saw Ally bolt up, she was thinking, very hard then she looked happy. Ally said "It's Austin" I now had a huge smile on my face as well and I said "that's my girl" now I have to figure out how to get back to my body. It's now my turn to think, well why should I go back? Ally, she needs me down there and I need her. I couldn't be away from her. I had my dad I'm pretty sure he would die if his son died. Dez, he's always going to be my best friend I probably need him more than he needs me. Ally my fans, I've got many letters saying how much I've helped people through my music. Wow. Thinking about it. I am actually needed. Then I turned around and my mom had turned from white to gold. "What's going on?" I asked nervously. "Just follow me" Mimi said. I watched Ally run into Dez's room and yelled "AUSTIN! IT'S AUSTIN! HE'S ALIVE!" Dez and Trish looked excited and called Rydel in. "What is it?" Rydel asked. "I went to go see you're mystery patient and I could smell him, it was his sent. No other human being on that planet would smell like that" Ally said happily. Then they all ran (and Dez was wheeled) down to my room. "Wait! I'm not alive! How do I get there?" I asked. "Honey you know why you're needed down there that's how you go back to life, if you know that you're wanted" Mimi said as we flew over to my room. "Wait where are you going?" I asked. "You're time is running out honey! You need to go back down there before you loophole has closed. They only give you a certain amount of time to go back to your body before you're dead forever so go" Mimi said. "I began to run then I stopped in my tracks "wait! Will I ever see you again?" I asked. "Yes sweetheart, when the time is right and don't forget I'm always going to be with you" Mimi said and she soon rose up. I then looked down at my body. "He's lost pulse!' Rydel yelled. "Code blue! Code blue! Get me a crash chart!" Rydel yelled. I need to move fast! "Austin!" Ally yelled tears going down her cheeks, Trish was trying to hold her back. "Clear!" Rydel said pressing the panels to my chest, nothing. God how far is my body! Come on Moon! I was almost in my room, everything was becoming more real, I ran into someone and it made an impact, but I was still invisible. "Go up to five-hundred! Ok clear!" Rydel yelled, I was almost there I was going to live. They tried one more time, I was so close. I turned to corner there was my room, I was now sprinting. This is probably the weirdest day ever. The long noise of a silent heartbeat filled the room. "NOO! AUSTIN!" Ally yelled tears falling down her cheeks she fell to the floor and began sobbing. No. I am living today, I will see another day. I jumped back into my body, come on react! "Time of death-" Rydel began,

I suddenly felt weak. I put all of my power into moving my heart. "nine-" Rydel began but she was cut off by my heart monitor starting again. I did it. I was alive. "Austin?" Ally said getting up and rushing by my side, she grabbed my hand. I squeezed it lightly but she noticed. "He squeezed my hand! He's alive!" Ally cheered. Rydel let out a sigh of relief. Dez gasped out a breath must of been keeping in. Trish hugged Ally and soon the doctor had moved out. I had finally had enough energy to get up. It opened my eyes and let out my first real breath in a while. I looked and saw Ally next to me, asleep and holding my hand. "Ally" I croaked. Ally suddenly looked up and smiled tears filled her eyes. "Austin" Ally said going up to me and kissing me, that made me now feel like I can do anything. Who knew the power of one kiss, I had missed the feeling of her lips on mine. "Don't you dare ever do that again young man!" Ally said looking me in the eye. I laughed at her and Ally climbed into my bed and I wrapped my free arm around her. "I'm not planning on it" I said then dozing off into a peaceful sleep.

So I hope I didn't throw anyone off with the title! nope we have a close death but no deaths! I really hope that you guys liked it! Please review! I have like two or three chapters left! Wow chapter 25! I thought the story would be over by now but nope! I've loved writing for you guys your all just SOOO amazing!

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