Chapter 17:Can We Try One More Time?

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Austin's P.O.V

Ok deep breaths Austin, you can do this. No biggie just winning back the girl of your dreams in one talk. No biggie. NOT. We walked into the practice room and I sat down. "Ok before you speak can I just tell you what happened?" I asked Ally she nodded. I told her everything about Cassidy and by the end I was afraid to look up at her. Ally spoke up, "um what were you going to give me?" Ally said. I smiled maybe this would make her forgive me a bit more. I walked over to my bag, I grabbed the box that had the necklace in it, it had a small dent in it. I also took the rose which I put the end in a bag of water. It was slowly dying but I was determined to keep it alive. "Austin?" Ally said laughing a little, "why is the rose in a bag?" Ally asked. "Well I wasn't going to let it's beauty die on me, just like how I'm not letting us die" I said with confidence. Ally looked at me in a bit of shock, then she asked me "why is the box dented?" I laughed nervously. "Ok well you see when I saw you leave, it crushed me. I felt like I was dying I threw the rose and the box. But then the necklace fell out so I had to search for that, I then thought I lost it so I punched a few walls" I said then Ally cut in and took my hands. "Austin, I never meant to cause you harm to yourself, punching walls isn't going to fix everything. Here how about you help me put it on" Ally said taking the necklace looking it over then giving it to me. Ally took her hair in one hand and put it over her shoulder. Deep breath Moon. I laided the necklace on her chest and I did the little chain, Ally looked up at me and I was looking down at her. Her eyes were full and looking at me with questioning and want. She started to lean in and then so did I when WHACK! I was knocked to the ground. Ow! My jaw! "DALLAS!" Ally yelled at him then ran over to me then Dallas scooped her up. "No Ally! He is just making you fall for him again!" Dallas said I began to get up when Dallas kicked me to the ground. "Stop it! You're hurting him!" Ally yelled. "Ally just go with him, I'll (cough) see you (cough) after the concert. you'll be sitting (cough) with Dez ok?" I said weakly. I knew if Ally tried to fight him off she would just get hurt. And if Ally got hurt because of me, I couldn't live with myself. "Ohh-ok" Ally said as Dallas brought her out. All the pain I was holding inside I let out. I heard Trish's heels running down the halls she saw me and ran over to me. "Austin! Are you ok? What is Dallas doing with Ally? Are you two all good?" Trish asked me as she walked me over to a table. "I'm fine, get security to get Dallas out of here ok? I need to get ready for my performance, I have something that I wrote" I said. Trish gasped "Austin that's amazing! Ok I'll go get security and get Ally, I'm getting Dez down here with a first aide kit, show's in thirty minutes oh god! I've gotta go!" Trish yelled running out of the room. I laughed at my friend. I waited around for about five minutes and then I saw Dez running with a first aid kit. "Ok buddy you're going to make it out alive" Dez said frantically. I laughed at Dez "it's fine Dez! I just need a few bandages" I said. Dez bandaged me up and I made my way over to stage. Ok show time. This was the last show in Australia, next week we would spend about three days jumping from various islands and then we decided to skip the first part of the U.S since there was a glitch on the computer system and it crashed. So no one could get tickets so we're going straight back to Miami. "Give it up for Austin MOOON!" Jimmy yelled. I ran out and sang about ten songs, it was the time period for the duet, but I wasn't doing a duet. I was singing a solo. I wrote my first song ever last night thinking about Ally. I walked out with a guitar and there was a band behind me the stage was covered in hanging lightbulbs. I sat down on the chair and took a deep breath. "Hey Aussie! How are you all?" I said, for about ten seconds they all cheered. "Well that's good! I know right about now I'm suppose to my duet performance with my amazing dance partner Ally Dawson. But instead she is in crowd right as we speak. So I know that life is short and you should say things while you still can so I will, Ally Dawson I am completely utterly in love with you. And the thing that I don't like, I love them. I love the way you laugh the way you talk, the way you dance and just you. I'm pretty sure you love me too so I wrote this song for you. Now I know thee Austin Moon writing his own song? Well with the right amount of inspiration it just kind of came out of me. So for the fans I hope you guys like it and to Ally, I hope you like it too."I said before picking up my guitar, I could see Ally, I placed her right where I can see her. Her mouth was open, in shock. You can do this.

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