Chapter 7:Airplanes And The Night Sky

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Austin's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and saw Ally looking above me and she quickly blushed, I rubbed my eyes and slowly got up, "hey um, did I miss anything?" I asked. "No I mean well we're about to get on the private jet so I was sent to get you up, you fell asleep as soon as you got on the bus" Ally said giggling at the last part, smooth one Moon. "Oh sorry my bad, well let's go" I said getting up. We walked outside and there are stair leading up to the plane, it's about I don't know like eleven or so. We walk up the stairs and I see Ally. She looks nervous? "Ally? You ok?" I asked, "um yeah! I just have a bit of a fear of airplanes" Ally said nervously. Oh man this is gonna be hard for her isn't it. "Here come with me I'll sit by you and make sure you don't freak out" I said taking her hand, oh man she's shaking. We got up and took our seats. Cassidy was on the very first seat in the row asleep with her phone in her hand, I took it out and put it on the table. Next to her was Dez and next to him was Trish, aw they were leaning up against each other. Well they're both gonna freak it the morning oh well. Next to Trish there were two seats on next to the window one next to Trish. I took the seat next to the window, "here" I said to Ally trying to make the seat look some what comfortable. Ally laughed and said "you don't have to do this all you know, I mean I've been on planes before I just don't like them, my brother died when riding one" as she sat down next to me, a tear ran down her cheek. I wiped it away and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, "I'm so sorry Ally" I said, she then said "no it's ok, it was an accident and all I can do is move on" Then I thought of something, I can relate to her I've lost someone too. "Well I don't mind planes, but I can tell you that I've lost someone too, can I tell you? " I asked her. "If you're comfortable with it" Ally said looking at me straight in the eye with concerned and caring eyes. "Ally you're probably the first person in long while that I've met that I actually feel comfortable with" I said, Ally smiled and said "thanks" "Ok. Well I've never told anyone this besides Dez so here it goes" I began. "So when I was nine, my parents had just divorced. I wasn't the happiest about it. I remember my mom came to pick me off from school. We went to grocery store, she told me we were going to make a special dinner. We were going to make homemade pizzas, she had a secret recipe that made amazing pizzas. I remember being so excited. I had been with my dad all week so I didn't get to see her. I had missed her so much. She also let us get a movie so we could watch it while eating the pizza. I chose Iron Man, I loved him so much when I was a kid. She first helped me with my homework, long division. We then started to make the pizzas, I added extra cheese on mine and we then waited for them to cook we danced and sang along with the radio, she sparked my love for singing and dancing. She was a dance teacher and had an amazing voice she told me that if I want to be a singer all I have to do is work for it and fate will take me the rest of the way. Then the pizza was done, we ate it and watched Iron man. It was nine fifty six. The doorbell rang, I was in the kitchen drinking some chocolate milk. I heard a man's voice saying "where's the money?" And my mom said "I have no idea what you're talking about" I had gotten up and walked out and came next to my mom, the man was tall. I saw he had a gun in his hand. "Mom what's that?" I asked her she looked down to the man's hand and she had paled. The next few moments happened so quickly, my mom grabbed me and ran up stairs, the man followed us. Yelling "you bitch! Come back!" By then I was crying. I had no idea what was happening. We had a door that had a lock from the outside in the wall it was small. I used to hid there when I was scared. My mom put me in there and looked at me and hugged me tightly and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Baby, I don't have much time. I don't know if I'm going to see you agian or not so please know that I love you so much and I will always love you with all my heart. Remember what I told you. Twinkle twinkle little star, cause your going to go far" she then gave me a kiss on the head and quickly closed the door and locked it. I yelled her name and then I heard a gunshot and a body fall. I cried and cried for hours, I then fell asleep soon. The next thing I remember I seeing my dad and I was in a hospital bed. But I'm not letting her down, I'm singing for her" I said, a tear had formed in my eye and Ally looked like she was crying. "Oh god Ally I didn't mean to make you cry!" I said wrapping my arms around her. "No, it's a sad but sweet story and thank you for telling me" Ally said. Then the flight attendant said "We are now taking off please stay seated and buckle your seat belts" I felt Ally tense up next to me. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly. "Hey it's going to be ok" I said, rubbing her hand softly with my thumb. Ally smiled at me but still looked scared. "Just look at me, pretend that were on stage, not on any plane" I said. Ally looked directly at me, at first her eyes looked worried and frightened, I began to hum don't look down. Then Ally began to sing softly so did I.

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