Chapter 9:Driving Me Crazy Baby

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Here is the next chapter! I hope you guys like it! I have to get 350. 

You like history? 

I'm just not sure continue. 

What you think? I continue or not continue

Ally's P.O.V

I still can't believe that Austin and I actually kissed last night. Like actual lip contact! Ahh! I just can't stop smiling. I would love to date but I don't even know if that would work, all those hotter and prettier girls out there throwing themselves at him. I still have Dallas on my trail and who knows what Cassidy would do. Ugh why is life so complicated! I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen and saw Trish sitting outside with a piece of toast and some orange juice I got some and walked out and closed the door behind me. "Hey Trish!" I said sitting next to me. "Hey Ally" Trish said smiling at me. "So did you sleep well?" I asked, "yes as soon as the jet-lag wore off I got to bed at like two but it's good that it's noon now. So I got all good sleep. Also by the way you're going to be filling in for Cassidy at tonights show apparently kissing Dez did gave her food poisoning. I don't blame her though kissing freckles would be (she shudders) just ew. Anyway did you sleep well?" Trish asked looking at me. I blushed, "well um-" I began until Trish cut me off. "I know that you and Austin had a little make-out session in the kitchen. Like I said I couldn't fall asleep until two so I heard you moaning his name and your lips attacking each other" Trish said. I was so red now. "Well I mean yeah, I mean I can't help it though! He's (sigh) Austin" I said dreamily. "Oh Ally, so are you two gonna go out?" Trish asked me. "Well not right now I mean we just don't think it's going to work right now I don't want to ruin any of my chances with him" I said finishing off my orange juice, "aw well then we're going to have to play even more truth or dare then" Trish said evilly. I just rolled my eyes at her. We walked back into the kitchen were Dez and Austin were sitting on the chairs eating toast. Dez was in duck pj's and Austin was in yellow pants and no shirt. God why couldn't he of put on a shirt!? I looked over his perfectly toned abs and his muscles on his shoulders, my mind wondered off to very dirty thoughts that I quickly pushed far away. "Morning ladies" Austin said looking at both of us. "Is Cassidy ok?" I asked walked over to them and leaned against the counter. "Well she is sick but I looked it up online so she should be all good by tomorrow, but I wouldn't go in there if I were you it ain't pretty" Dez said shuddering. I laughed at this and then Trish said, "ok so we need to be at the studium by one so everyone get ready, also Austin you'll be dancing with Ally to steal your heart ok?" Trish said, Austin and I both smiled, "sounds good to me" Austin said, winking at me. God this is going to be harder than I thought it would be. I walked into my room and got changed into some black spandex cause it's hot here in Puerto Rico and a yellow tank top. I walked out and saw the house was empty I guess everyone else had left. I was walking down the hall when Cassidy jumped out and pinned me against the wall, "whaaa-" I began but Cassidy covered my mouth. "Ok listen and listen well Allyson, I can only talk for a little bit before I begin to feel nauseous so listen up. Stay, away from Austin. Got it? Or else you're going to regret it big time" Cassidy said then removing her hand, I was coughing and trying to swallow as much air as possible. Oh wow I'm soo 'scared' now. God ok maybe I'm a bit creeped out but nothing too bad to worry about. I walked out and got in the car with everyone I sat with Trish in the back-seat. We all just sang along with the radio, we were singing 'made in the USA' by Demi Lovato than everyone else stopped singing so I then sang a little solo. I then stopped and hid my face. "Ally that was amazing!" Dez said, Austin said "absolutely beautiful" I blushed and Trish said "you really need to get over that stage fright of yours young lady." I just laughed "well I'll try" I said. We then pulled up into the parking lot. We went our separate ways for the first I went to work on the group dance. God are these dances getting harder and harder or is it just me? It was then five o'clock so I walked into another practice room. I saw Austin standing there shirtless, god this boy is making this hard for me. "Um where did your shirt go?" I asked. "Well it's really hot in here so I mean unless this bothers you?" Austin asked me walking towards me. "Whattt? It's totally fine you know what let's just work on the dance" I said my voice was very high, Austin just had a smirk on his face. "Ok, also we decided to change songs, I'm singing Timber (I know this is by Pitbull ft. Ke$ha) at least the guy part. We recorded my friend Kira singing this part but right now she is off on some cruise with her boyfriend." Austin said. "Oh ok! Let's get started" I said. First the dance instructor told me that I was going to use my hips, a lot in this dance. So we got started pretty much I turned my hips so much that I thought they were going to fly off. Austin would follow me with his arms tight on my hips and there would be a little bit of grinding here and there, not that I'm complaining. We went through it about three times with our dance instructor and on the fourth we finished and at the end we stop in action. Austin is dipping me so his arm is supporting me while I'm arched down the ground while he is leaning forward over me. We waited for the music to end the Austin slowly brought me up but our faces were still so close. I could feel his warm breath against my lips. Austin then said "Roberto (That's our dance instructors name) is he gone?" I looked around and said "no, why?" I asked. "Good so I can do this" Austin said then connecting his lips with mine. I kissed him back running my hands through his blonde hair. I felt Austin's tongue on the surface of my lips asking for access, I opened my mouth and our tongues battled for dominance<strong> (sorry I know like every fanfic has this)</strong> I moaned and then we went apart cause we needed to breath. "Like I said, just cause we aren't going to date doesn't mean I can keep my lips away from your pretty pink ones" Austin said walking and getting some water. "Well I'm not complaining" I said, it looked like Austin almost choked on his water. I just laughed at this. "wait what? I mean uh, yeah cool" Austin said scratching the back of his neck. "Well the one thing is Cassidy would go crazy, she threatened me this morning" I said like it was something casual, Austin looked at me wide-eyed. "Wait what? I can talk to her" Austin said sounding concerned. "No it's fine she's just girl crazy about you" I said, "well what can I say?" Austin said pointing at himself. " Ha-ha yeah I can beg to differ" I said. "What?" Austin said acting offended. "I was kidding mostly" I said running away, "oh come back here Dawson" Austin yelled running after me.

Austin's P.O.V

Man Ally. This whole not dating things is probably going to kill me but it's her wish. And I am never going to be anything like Dallas whatsoever. I kissed her today and man this girl she drives me crazy. The way our lips fit together. I mean I don't want to sound like a player but I've kissed quite a few girls and they're have been like some little baby sparks but with Ally. It was like a cannonball she gave me a show of fireworks. She had run off so I chased after her. "Ah!" Ally squealed, I grabbed her waist and spun her around and we both laughed, then we looked into each other eyes. Her eyes were so amazing, a deep shade of chocolate that I could get lost in, then a lady cleared her throat. "So sorry love birds, but the show starts in about half an hour. Be glad I'm not Jimmy or else you two would be in so much trouble" Kelly said, "Oh sorry!" I said and Ally looked at her and said "yes very sorry Kelly" "It's fine but both of you go get ready" I ran over to my dressing room where Dez was I went into the bathroom and began to get changed then Dez said, "so you and Ally?" "Whatt?" I asked. "Sorry dude but walls have ears, since I had jet-lag I couldn't fall asleep so I was lucky enough to hear your guys little make out session. But don't worry I saw this coming remember I am the love whisper" Dez said as I walked out he waved his hands all in my face. "Alright but we aren't going to date just yet. But it's killing me but I don't want to be anything like Dallas. Ally is so amazing and doesn't deserve to be hurt. Ever" I said clenching my fist thinking about Dallas. "Wow you really like her don't you?" Dez asked me as we walked near where I was going to begin the concert. I could hear the fans cheering for me. "Yeah I do" I said looking at Dez, we did our wha up handshake and he patted me on the back and walked over to where the film crew was since he loved filming. I took a deep breath and walked out to the stage and began to sing 'better together' I sang and sang and danced and danced. The show was almost over TImber was next. I was wearing a cowboy hat and some jeans, cowboy boots and a red checkered shirt. Ally was wearing some short shorts and a flowy shirt with her hair tied up and she was wearing a red bandana. I ran out and locked my hands to her hips, they never left her until the song was over. We dipped, the light was shining on her and she looks just so damn amazing I wanted to kiss her right then but I couldn't. So Ally gave me a peck on the check but left a stain from her red lipstick. Everyone came out and we bowed and then ran off. "Amazing job guys!" Trish said running over to us and giving Ally and I a hug. "You were amazing Ally" I said giving her a tight hug holding it out for just a bit longer, "you too" Ally said into my hair. We all went into the car and went back to the house, Cassidy's room lights were out so I guess she was already asleep. We all went into our rooms then I walked down the hall and got some water Ally was already out there. "Well isn't it funny seeing you here?" Allu asked me with a grin. "It sure is" I said with a wink, which made her blush. We walked back to our rooms and I said "sleep well Ally" I said, "sleep well Austin and don't let the bedbugs bite" Ally said, "you're just too cute" I whispered and bopped her nose. Ally smiled and I went onto my bed. Man Ally Dawson you're the death of me, and with that I fell asleep with a certain brunette on my mind.

Dancing The Night AwayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon