Chapter 18:Don't Worry I'm a Tough Guy

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Austin's P.O.V

Ugh. I have to pretend that I'm without Ally. I can't hold her or kiss her in public. I really need to figure out who this person is. But forget about that for now, I looked down at the amazing girl next to me. I smiled at memories from last night. I wrapped my arm around Ally pulled closer to me. "Austin" Ally whispered. "Uhmm" I said snuggling with her. "We need to get up before Trish or Dez-" Ally began but then we heard the door open. "Hey Ally have you seen, AHH! I need to really work on my timing" Trish said covering her eyes and bumping into Dez, "so that's what all the noise was last night!" Dez said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I rolled my eyes at Dez and said "well Ally and I want to talk to you guys, but with clothing on" I said hoping they'd catch my hint. They didn't. "What Austin means is, get out so we can get changed!" Ally said. "Ohhh" Dez and Trish said at the same time. They both rushed out and I laughed at them. Ally began to get up when I grabbed her waist and pulled her back down. "Just because we have to get dressed doesn't mean we have to right now" I whispered, "Austinnn as much as I would love to. We can't come on" Ally said grabbing my arm. We changed into our regular cloths. We walked out and saw Trish and Dez fighting, "tell me now Trish! What happened to the rest of my gingerbread family?" Dez said. Trish just rolled her eyes "I ate them doofus!" Trish said. "GASP!" Dez said. "Um guys?" Ally said raising her eyebrow. "Um, so what did you guys want to talk about?" Trish said. "Ok well we have to keep this very low key ok?" Ally said, I could tell she wa nervous. I rubbed her back and she continued "well ok we got this note (shows them the note) and we can't not be with each other. So here's the plan. We are going to say that all of this was for Austin's popularity and that the get back together was staged. So whoever this person is they won't figure it out, but in private we will stay together" Ally said. "Wow, it's a good plan but you two need to be very careful" Trish said. "I know" I said. We all walked out and went down to the airport we were headed down for my two nights in Hawaii and all of the individual islands. We told Jimmy the news and while on the plane he told everyone. "Hey Austin come check this out" Ally said showing me her laptop. There was an article "Austin Moon and Ally Dawson. A fling? Are they still a thing? Or was it all just an act?" I rolled my eyes. "Well it worked!" I said. "Yeah so hopefully they'll soon back off" Ally said. "But I'm glad that I'm with you" I said planting a kiss on her head. "Aww you two are soo cute" Trish said. I laughed at her and enjoyed the rest of the ride. We landed and got off the plane. "Ally, Austin!" I saw Kira and Elliot ran over to us. "Hey guys!" I said, "austin! Arm!" Ally whisper shouted. I looked and saw my arm was still on her waist, I quickly moved it away. "Hey sorry I heard you two break up" Kira said with a bit of a smile. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "Oh I um, I'm just happy to be in florida" Kira said. "Um ok?" I said. "So do you guys want to go swimming? Austin's concert is tomorrow so we have the entire day!" Trish said. "Sure! Why not?" I said, we all made our way to the house and got in our swim gear. I walked out and saw Ally talking to Trish, she was wearing a yellow bikini that showed off her fine legs. All and all I had some issues keeping my eyes on her face, or anything in general. "Dude, you're staring" Dez said nudging me. Apparently Ally noticed too, because she was soon a deep shade of red. "Come on guys! Let's go jet skiing!" Elliot said. There were three jet skis on the beach. One was green and Kira and Elliot took that one, one was purple Trish and Dez took that one. So there was just a red one left for Ally and I. "Come on Als" I said grabbing her hand and leading her over. "Austin you sure this is safe?" Ally asked putting her life-jacket on. I clicked mine on and I took the front so Ally wrapped her arms around my waist. "Let's race! To the rock and back!" Elliot yelled, we all started our engines and then took off. "Austin!" Ally laughed as I swirled us around and went faster and faster. We were almost at the rock when I saw a huge wave come near us, and then I saw behind the rock there was someone else. My blood went cold. "Guys! Watch out!" Dez yelled, we were all going too fast to stop. I knew the wave was going to knock one of us over and there was no way I was going to let that happen to Ally especially with that creep over there. "Ally hold onto me tight ok?" I said. Ally nodded and I watched the wave come over us. I knew that I was a decent swimmer so this wouldn't be too bad. The wave came crashing down. As soon as it hit us I felt us go underwater, Ally still held onto me. We were sinking. I looked over at Ally who began to struggle to go up over all the waves. I grabbed her and the jet-ski (everything underwater is a lot lighter) and pulled them up. I gasped for air. "Austin!" Ally yelled trying to grab me. "Ally! Get on the jet-ski now!" I yelled then the waves began to pick up. "Ally!" Trish yelled, "you guys alright?" Trish asked sitting with Dez, Elliot and Kira. "Yeah I'm-" I began but then another wave came crashing over. Pushing me closer and closer to the rock, and further and further away from Ally. "Austin!" Ally yelled. I tried to swim to her when I then felt a hand bring me head back down. What the hell? I struggled trying to fight the arm. It wouldn't budge. I felt my lungs called for air. I was a musician so I could last a bit longer than most, but not a ton. I was now desperate for air. The water around me began to fade. I felt my body moving still a strong hand move me. Just a bit of air. Then I felt my head thrown against the rock. The hand left and I let out a gasp of pain. Water filled my lungs, shutting me down. Soon everything back came black.

Ally's P.O.V

How do you start this damn thing?! I tried starting the jet-ski it wasn't working. I looked for Austin then another huge wave crashed over sending me over to where Dez and Trish was. The waves were crazed for a little bit, no sign of Austin. "AUSTIN!" I yelled. Over and over again. "Ally here let me get on and we'll go find him, I um bet he just went under the rock to get away from the waves" Dez said getting on. I could tell her was nervous too. We drove over to where we were last. Why was I so dumb to let Austin go off by himself? If he is. Oh god I couldn't live with myself. "Austin!" I yelled. We drove over near the huge rock. I then saw a bit of blonde hair against the edge of the rock. Joy filled me, he was ok! Dez was right! "Austin!" Dez yelled driving over to him. As we got closer, his body looked to weak, his limbs moved to well with the waves. "Austin are you-" Dez began but stopped and gasped. My face turned pale. There Austin was unconscious, a cut on his head and he was almost pale. "Dez!" I yelled. "We're coming!" Dez said, he came by Austin and picked him up, he looked so weak. "Here make sure he doesn't fall off, we need to get him to shoar and fast." Dez said driving off. I cupped Austin's face in mine tears going down my face. "You're going to be ok" I said. We passed Trish who started to drive along with us, "start giving him CPR" Trish yelled, I nodded and placed my lips to his and began giving him long breaths, "one, two, three" I said. Over and over again until we got to shore. "Ally! Dez! Trish! Austin?" Kira yelled at us from the beach. How did they get there? "Guys get help! Austin's hurt!" Trish yelled. Elliot took off towards where we rented the jet-skis. I continued to do CPR. "By the time they get here Austin will be gone" Kira said. "No!" I said snapping at her. "he's(one) going to be (two) fine (three) " I said then placing my lips back to his. Then I felt his almost dead lips have life in them again. I looked at Austin who squinted then looked at me. "Why does this keep happening to us?" Austin said with a smile, and then coughing up some water. "Well at that matter is that your ok" I said, Austin smiled at me and then some people came and brought him to get checked up on. We waited on the beach, "so Kira how did you and Elliot get her so fast?" Trish asked Kira, I was thinking the same thing. "Well you see, when that massive wave hit, it pushed Elliot and I back to shore and so we waited for you guys cause it would of been too difficult for us to come to you, since it was so rough out there" Kira said. "How come I didn't see you?" Trish asked. "I don't know the waves?" Kira said shrugging. Just before I was going to say something Dez came out and said "Ok well the cut isn't bad. Austin said someone kept him under, (gasp) so they're trying to figure out who it was, but Austin should be out soon. He told us go to the house he'll just met us there" Dez said, "oh ok" I said, I was a bit disappointed I couldn't see Austin, but he does need to rest. We headed home I began to think about who this person is. "Ally? You ok? You've been in the car for five minutes, and we got here five minutes ago" Trish said. "Oh um yeah I was just thinking" I said getting out of the car. "About what?" Trish asked as we walked inside. "Well just everything, I'm not resting until I figured out who is doing this" I said, "ok missy, here is some pizza Kira got" Trish said handing me a piece of pizza, "thanks" I said. I went in my bedroom and got dressed into a long light pink summer dress. I wrote down some possibly lyrics,

Let the storm rage on

the cold never bothered me anyway.

I think we all know this but Let it go!

I then heard the door open and I turned to see Austin walk into my room, I ran up to him and gave him a gentle hug, "hey there" Austin said into my hair, "I'm so glad that you're ok" I said. We walked over to my bed. "Do you have any idea who did this all to you?" I asked. "Nope, I've been thinking a lot about it though" Austin said with a yawn. "Hey go to bed, you've had a hard day" I said grabbing the covers and tucking him in. "No the hardest day for me had to be the day when you stopped talking to me" Austin said, I smiled at him and said "well that was mine too" I said giving him a quick peck before Austin passed out for the night. I smiled at him, I really do love him. I began thinking and writing. I wrote down all the times we saw the person or got notes or anything. I then wrote down what happened and who we were with at the time. Everything then clicked all at once, I looked at the clock 11:11. When magic's suppose to happen. I got out of my chair. Ran my hands through my hair, what? HOW? WHAT! I yelled all these questions in my head. I sat down next to Austin, I was about to tell him my news. When I saw him, I have to be careful with this information. I mean look at what they've done to Austin, almost killing them twice! I can't tell them right away, the timing needs to be perfect, everything does for this to work. But as I know in the world I live in nothing is perfect so I'll have to do the best I can, because the one I love the most could suffer the consequences if I don't. Because I know who our worst nightmare is.

Smart Ally! She figured it out! WHO? Does she know it all or just a little? who knows!? I hope you guys liked it! PLEASE REVIEW!! 

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