Chapter 8:Welcome to Puerto Rico

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Sorry, sorry, sorry is that I had family problems and had no desire to do anything but I'm better now. Hope you like this chapter

Austin's P.O.V

We had gotten off the plane and walked into our 'house' that we would be staying in. As soon as we walked in we all stopped dropped our bags and stared in awe. It had a nice big dining room and living room, the ceiling was windows. There were six bedrooms. So we could all have one and one extra. There was a window glass sliding door that lead straight to the beach. We all ran to our rooms. Mine was painted yellow, personal favorite. A king sizes bed and a huge window that looked out into the ocean. I then heard Trish yell "AUSTIN! We're going swimming you wanna join us?" "Yeah! I'll be out in like five minutes" I yelled back to her. I heard feets run down the hall and hear the sliding door close. I closed my blinds and put on a pair of pink swim shorts, hey what can I say I like pink? I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair so it looked messy but not too messy. So what if I'm trying to impress a certain brunette? I put on a pair of black shades and some flip flops grabbed a towel and walked out. I was Ally and Trish sitting on some towels with some cover-ups on. I looked at them and Ally was looking me up and down, I chuckled at this. What can I say? I'm hot then Ally said "Austin! Puerto Rico is amazing!" Ally said, "it sure is Als" I said. Then I looked and saw Cassidy with a volleyball in her hands and she was wearing a tiny pink bikini and looked at me flirtatiously, I swear I saw Ally roll her eyes. "Hey Austin! Wanna play some volleyball with me?" Cassidy said. "Sure" I said walking over to Cassidy, just cause I don't like her doesn't mean I don't like volleyball. We played a few games when Dez came running over to us with a floaty. "Let's go swimming!" Dez said. I saw Cassidy run over to the water waving her hips around and looking back at me, ugh. I then looked at Ally and Trish who were taking off there cover-ups. Trish was wearing a black with silver stars bikini and then Ally. My jaw dropped. She was wearing a yellow bikini that showed off some cleavage and her amazing curves and legs. I think she caught me checking her out because she said "um, Austin? My eye's are up here" I looked up at her and said, "come on! Let's go swim!" I said. Suddenly I scooped her up carrying her bridal style. Ally yelled and hit my chest "Austin! Put me down!" I ran with her until we got to the water "Don't you dare" Ally said. "Oh I do" I said in a husky voice, then I dropped her. Ally came back up and splashed water in my face. "Hey!" I said as I splashed back at her. "Hey yourself! You dropped me in the water! I hate you!" Ally said but with a smile. "Aw thanks Ally" I said pretending to look sad and I began to walk away. "Austin wait!" Ally yelled. She ran up to me and jumped on my back I wrapped my arms around her legs so she wouldn't fall. "You know that I could never hate you" Ally said whispering into my neck. Now I don't know if she just couldn't reach my ear or not but man did that turn me on. "I know" I said then walking through the waves back to Trish, Dez and Cassidy. "Let's have a piggy back race!" Cassidy yelled just as I let Ally down, Cassidy jumped onto my back. "Fine" I grumbled. Ally got on Dez's back and Trish grabbed a camera, she took shots of us running on the sand, I won cause I hate losing. The rest of the day we played all sorts of water games. Like marco polo, freeze tag and all kinds of others. The sun was just setting over the sea. It was beautiful, I looked over at Ally who was also looking at the sun, it shimmered on her face and made her look even more gorgeous. Ally looked at me and said "what? Do I have something on my face?" Ally said touching her face, I took her hand and pulled it down, "no you just look gorgeous" I said. Ally blushed. Then Trish yelled "come on over to the camp fire! We're having dinner" We both walked over and we ate the tamales that our cook made. Once we had finished we had all changed into just shorts and t-shirts since it had cooled down just a bit. "We should play truth-or-dare!" Dez said. "That games for little kids Dez" I said, "you afraid?" Dez asked me. "What? No way, let's get started" I said. "Ok so Cassidy truth or dare?" Trish asked her. "Dare" Cassidy said with a grin. "Ok I dare you to kiss freckle face" Trish said, Cassidy rolled her eyes and kissed him. "EW! What did you last eat tuna?" Cassidy yelled as she wiped her mouth I chuckled and Dez said, "well yes actually" Cassidy looked like she was gonna puke. "Ok hmm, Austin buddy! Truth or dare?" Dez asked me. I'll start off easy, "truth" I said. "Ok so who do you like?" Dez asked. Crap I should of said dare, hmm think fast moon! A-ha! "Well there is this one girl I like, but I doubt she likes me back so I'm not going to say cause I don't want to jinx my chances with her" I said hoping they bought it. No one could know that I liked Ally, especially Ally.

Ally's P.O.V

Aw I was hoping he would say me. Wait no that just sounds selfish but it's true. "Ok Ally, hmmm truth or dare?" Trish asked me. I know Trish she is amazing at dares and truths so either way I'm in trouble. "Um, dare?" I said nervously. I saw a smirk go across her face oh no. "I dare you to kiss Austin" Trish said. What? I mean I'd love to and all but what? "Wait what?" I asked, I looked over at Austin who looked shocked too. " You heard me do it. Or else you have to run butt naked into the ocean with the entire crew watching" Trish said, no I can't do that I'd loss this job! "Fine" I grumbled. I got up and sat next to Austin, my heart was beating a thousand times per second. Ok you can do this Ally. I looked up at Austin who was looking at me I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me. As soon as our lips touched I didn't feel 'sparks' I felt canoes shooting out of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back, I was a bit shocked but I melted into the kiss, we just sat like that a passionate kiss but then I realized I needed oxygen. I pulled away and quickly went back to my seat, I looked at Austin who seems a bit dazed, Cassidy who was mad and stormed off into the house. And Trish and Dez who were both smiling. "You know that I did just ask for a kiss right? Not an entire make-out session" Trish said, "well you know it was for the dare" I said, I saw Austin look up at me with a bit of sadness in his eyes. "Yeah guys just for the dare" Austin said. "Well I think that I we should all head to bed so let's go!" Trish said I walked inside with her Austin and Dez. I brushed my teeth and got in my pj's. I was wearing a tank top and some short shorts. It was one o'clock I knew I was going to regret this in the morning. But I couldn't sleep what so ever. I kept replaying that kiss in my head, over and over again. I couldn't take it I crept down the hall and into the kitchen and grabbed some water and sat and drank. I tried to clear my head. NO such luck. I then heard some footsteps, it was Austin. "Couldn't sleep?" I asked him, he walked over to the fridge opened a La Croix and said "yeah, sorry did I wake you?" Austin asked, "no I was up before" I said. Austin nodded and we both just sat there drinking and I just couldn't stand it, "sorry about the whole kiss thing" I said. Austin looked at me and said "no if anyone should be sorry it's me, I'm sorry. I know this is wrong and all but I kinda liked the kiss" Austin said, "me too" I said softly. "That's why I couldn't sleep. I know that this will never work out and so we can just put this behind us and-" I was cut off by a pair of lips. I instantly started to kiss back, at first it was passionate then it became heated. Austin bit my bottom lips, I gasped so he took the chance and let his tongue slip in. I moaned and then I wrapped my legs around Austin's waist as he propped me up onto the counter, he started to kiss me neck and I moaned "austin" Austin smiled and then came back up to my lips, we soon unlocked lips. I got down from the counter. Suddenly reality hit me. This could never work out, as much as I wanted it to it just can't. "Austin?" I said looking at him, his eyes said that he knew exactly what I was going to say "I know" Austin said looking down. "I would love for this to work! Maybe after the tour?" I asked, Austin then smiled. "Definitely, I get it. You don't want to lose your job and I would never want to make you feel hurt because I'm nothing like Dallas." Austin said looking at me with caring eyes, he is so sweet! "Thanks, let's just be normal for now" I said beginning to walk back to my room Austin followed me and right before I opened the door, he whispered. "Even though we aren't going to date or anything. I can't promise that I'll be able to keep away from those lips of yours" Austin said sending chills up my spin. I smiled at him and he walked into his room. I knew that we aren't dating and that we're suppose to stay friends. But neither one of us knew that it was going to be an extremely hard task for both of us to do.

Ta-da! Kiss! But I didn't want to make them a couple just yet so sorry! But they still have a long amount of the tour left so don't worry there's gonna be a LOTTT of Auslly coming up! Anyway if you liked this pretty please review :) 

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