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Eren and Issa stayed the night at the house but Issa had left early, surprised to hear from a potential buyer for one of his paintings.
The mail had come and Eren had thrown most of them away except for one addressed to her in crayon, it read:

Eren Badawi
My dear niece, you have never met me before and this will come as a shock to you but I have been watching over you ever since you were born in the Autumn of 2002.
I will simply refer to myself as your auntie M.
There's lots you don't know about your family and I want you to come to Wales to find me. You'll find enclosed two first class tickets to start again with me, bring a significant other if you want. Don't worry about contacting me, just make it to Cardiff airport and I'll be waiting, trust me.
Love M

Eren was shocked back into reality by a heavy banging on the door. She wasn't going to be harassed by anyone anymore.
She swung the door open and saw the sweaty Londoner staring back at her.
"You haven't got the law to protect you now, I saw that, that gay leave earlier and my family have left, we're going to have this out while we're alone!"
"You're not coming in."
The man grabbed hold of Eren and threw her to the ground. "Get the hell up freak, you would be burned at the stake if I had my way."
Eren got up shoving him away. "Leave me alone!"
The man tried to grope her. "Oh yeah freak let's see what's down there."
Eren angrily shoved him away and threw a fist, the man dodged hitting Eren on the back of the head. He hit Eren in the gut hard, then again and again, before one hard punch to Eren's face opening up her right eyebrow. He spat on her and turned away.
"I'll say I was defending myself against a threat to have my family killed." The man laughed, walking away proud of himself.
Eren lay on the grass spitting out blood, she looked at him as he turned around with a grin that turned her insides to Hellfire.
As the man went inside Eren got up and stumbled towards his house, as she got to the door he opened it.
"You want another round do you?"
Eren shoved him hard, he lost his footing, his head hit a protruding hook from the coat rack which impaled his head.
"Fuck." Eren closed the door and stared in horror at the spasmodic marionette in front of her. Then the anger rose to the fore again. "Maybe Jesus will come for you now!" She pulled him off the hook and he hit the ground heavily, brain matter exposed. Eren dragged the still barely breathing man into the hall, she looked around and found the door to the basement. Dragging him towards it she threw him down it and had to stop herself from vomiting as he landed chest first with his head staring up at her. His lifeless eyes and a broken neck a vision Eren would never forget.
She closed the door and ran to her house in fear, she packed her bag, taking the two tickets she got on her bike and said goodbye to a town she'd never see again.
Eren stopped at Issa's place, he wasn't there. "For fuck sake." She rang him, he answered surprisingly quickly.
"Hey Eren, what's up?"
"Get your ass back here now Issa!"
"I'm talking to a client."
Eren shouted down the cellphone. "Buy it dammit! Now get back here or I'm leaving and you won't see me again."
"Okay fine, give me ten minutes."
Issa finally turned up bemused and agitated. "I lost a buyer back there."
"I'll buy it, now get inside, I don't have much time."
They went in.
"What's going on Eren, what happened to your face?"
"That jackoff came to the house and we fought, it ended up in his house and he's dead."
"Yes he's fucking dead, read this letter because I'm leaving and I'm not coming back here."
Issa read the letter. "They'll know if you try to leave."
"I was told to be gone by New Year, good enough for me Issa. You've got ten seconds to decide, come to Wales with me or it's been nice to know you."
"Alright give me a minute to pack, women urgh."
"Yeah alright, hurry it up will you?"
"How the hell did he die? What about his wife?"
"Only him, I've made a phone call, a guy my dad knew, he'll take care of it. I shoved him after he tried to sexually assault me and he hit his head and it killed him. I don't want to talk about it, time to go."
They left trying to make it look as casual as possible, they took Eren's motorcycle and headed for the airport.

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