Freddy O'Rourke

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After nine days and three visits from Yusha he took Freddy aside to ask how things were going.
"The kid still behaving himself?"
"Aye he's taking in some of what I say, not the dumbest by any means. He's slow to click with my methodology, it will sink in soon."
"Is he becoming restless?" Yusha asked with concern.
"No, not yet Yush. You're not giving him enough credit, I'm keeping him entertained, I've even nailed the curtains in place. The television set is the only light in there, oh apart from when he goes online to look at his porn when I leave."
"That's what he looks at?"
"Haven't we all at his age?" Freddy smiled with his golden grimace.
"Locked up like that I can see why. You told him any stories yet?"
"Nothing of substance although he keeps pushing me for it. I'll start telling him some things today, I've warned him he might not like it."
"We've saved his ass, he'll like it. I need to have a word with him then I'll leave him in your capable and clever hands."
They locked palms.
Yusha went inside, Eros was dozing. He shook the kid.
"Hey time to wake up."
Eros turned over rubbing his eyes. "Hey man, wassup?"
"Fresh washing and groceries, I hear Freddy is going to tell you about the golden days of when me and him rode. Understand bad things happened, a lot of it beyond our will to control. You know how it is, we're misunderstood but we aren't bad."
"I know what you mean, aren't you staying?"
"I can't today, things to do, in January you'll get your facial reconstruction. Sorry I couldn't get it earlier but that's how it goes, be patient, soon you'll sing shitty Christmas songs and get drunk. Before you know it this will be in the past. Keep your head up, listen to me and Freddy and you'll be fine, do right by us and we'll always have your back."
"I'll always do right by you, we're cousins, I don't betray those who help me, I'm no burden."
"I know, you wouldn't be here if you were." Yusha took his leave as Eros went to the bathroom to splash water on his face.
He looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't see a devil staring back at him but it waa there.
"Alright buddy today is storyteller time, then we'll play more tactical cards."
"Fuck yeah, I've been waiting long enough to hear this."
Freddy made two coffees then the two sat down facing each other.
"Ready for me to begin kid?"
"I'm ready."
"I was born in..."
Freddy O'Rourke was born in Strabane, Northern Ireland, to a devoutly Catholic family.
His first arrest was at twelve years old for assisting in assault on a protestant man then wrapping him up in a Union flag before hanging him from a tree and throwing lit vodka bottles on him until he was burnt to death.
When Freddy had been questioned by the police he would only laugh and tell them 'one less traitor in Ireland', he was locked up in a Young offenders institution.
Freddy had stabbed another boy while inside because he was a day late returning a video game.
At eighteen he was sent to a prison in Lisburn where he met a member of the Irish Kodiaks Motorcycle Club called Craig Keely who was inside for arson. Craig was in his late thirties at the time, he took Freddy under his wing telling him he was welcome at his house when he got out.
When Freddy was released, seven months after Craig was released he went looking for him, Craig's wife Kelly answered.
First she told him to 'feck off ye pasty faced little shiter' until Freddy explained.
Kelly wasn't happy, she was hoping Craig would leave The Kodiaks behind, you could never do that, it was a club for life whether you liked it or not.
Freddy stayed with them for a while and their son Faolan earning a prospect start with the Kodiaks.
On a trip to the States he met his soon to be best friend Yusha Badawi, they did runs together and even though Freddy always represented the Irish Kodiaks he spent most of his time in Indiana.
He would join poker tournaments and had an aptitude for it, winning a lot of big pots, this hadn't gone unnoticed by the club who wanted to make use of his strategic abilities.
Yusha had him promoted to full membership and the pair were almost inseparable, riding together everywhere.
The rest of Yusha's family didn't like the Irishman and he didn't like them but they tolerated him, he brought money into the club via his tournament participations.
He and Yusha had a penchant for taking women back to a safe house and raping them.
One evening they made a drive to an old cornfield where they were to meet a lorry driver dropping off illegal immigrants for them to put into slavery.
This was their fifth time doing it, no one else in the club knew what was going on until one of the member's wives Emma Badawi followed them to see what was going on.
When the lorry arrived twenty eight people came off it with three children.
One mother was screaming with her young son in her arms.
Yusha had tried to calm her down but the mother was talking in a language he didn't understand.
She was making too much noise for him, Yusha put a bullet in her head.
Freddy shot the boy afterwards and after the lorry driver tried to call for help he was gunned down too.
Yusha and Freddy started to unload on all of them, a few scattered like rabbits.
Emma couldn't believe her eyes, she needed to get away but one of the screaming victims was heading towards her.
Emma reversed and got out of dodge, just as she was going Freddy glanced towards her, she tried to cover her face with her coat hood.
"Get in!" She screamed to the woman who was dropped only yards from her car, blood spraying from the back of her head.
Emma knew if she'd been recognized she would be next on their list.
Unfortunately soon after the mother of Evie Badawi was found shot to death in her home beside her husband Fai.
Freddy looked up at Eros. "Anything to say buddy?"
"You didn't let any of the bastards escape did you?"
Freddy flashed his hideous gold teeth. "No pal, every single person there that night is laying in a cemetery somewhere."
Eros grinned, proud of his new friend. "Good man!"
They embraced, Freddy knew the boy was going to turn out alright.

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