Collagen Repairal Process

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Eren would visit the gate everyday for a month and still nothing had happened. She would go and visit Maria a lot while Issa had began painting again.
One evening Eren sat on her own while Maria was seeing stock was accounted for at the MC.
"Auntie M I gotta ask you something."
"Sure Eren, what is it?"
"With everything that's happened why are you still a part of the Kodiaks?"
"The guys here are against what happened to your mom and your stepdad, also about what happened to your aunt and uncle."
"Why can't we just find the bastards who killed them and have them, I don't know, dealt with?"
As Eren was asking a member of the MC called Tac walked in. "Who are you talking about kid?"
"Whoever offed my family."
"I told her no one here agrees with what happened." Maria explained.
"Why don't you change your names then instead of associating with them?" Eren asked.
"Ain't no one changing nothing around here kid." Tac looked at Maria. "A beer when you're ready."
"Hey!" Eren called.
"What?" Tac replied nonchalantly.
"So you're okay with what happened?"
"People die okay Blue, you live this life it happens. Your family were in the line of fire, dig the graves, fill it up with shit and move on."
Eren stood up. "Listen to me, my family weren't nothing. You can sit there and not give a shit all you want but if I were to beat it into you..."
"Eren you're drunk, shut up!" Maria ordered.
"No, she wants to say something let her. But I'll tell you this kid if you want to fight me I'll beat out whatever testosterone is left in your little tranny trailer body."
"And there it is! The true you shows himself finally, not only an uncaring bastard but a transphobe, probably a racist too huh? I bet you can't stand it sitting in here with two women who aren't white, you wouldn't grope that would you?"
Tac got up. "I've had enough of your slander and we're not leaving this bar until there's blood soaking it."
"You wait a damn minute Tac!"
"No Maria, your niece has a big gob, she can think what she wants about me but she'll never disrespect me again."
Eren stood in front of him. "You're a fucking sympathiser, you probably knew who killed them."
"What I know from your breath is you've drunk too much and don't belong here. You get first punch, if you haven't hit me in ten seconds I will start. Fists only, but if you use a weapon I will. Ten...nine...eight..."
"Fuck you." Eren punched him on the chest only to feel a stiff punch to her temple that rattled her senses.
Tac was getting the best of it but a feint right swing which was followed by a left saw Tac's lip split open. Eren stumbled back into her table, her beer bottle landing in front of her.
Other members of the MC had come to witness the brawl, Maria had a 9mm in hand if Tac was willing to take it too far.
Eren crashed the beer bottle into Tac's face splitting his cheek. This infuriated the biker who slammed Eren face first onto the floor splitting a wooden chair over her back.
Tac threw the chair down and knelt down beside a groaning Eren.
"You done kid?"
"I don't know." Eren whined not wanting to admit defeat.
"Let's call it a draw then." Tac helped Eren to her feet. "Get her cleaned up, and get someone to stitch up my beautiful face."
Some of the MC laughed at this.
Maria took care of Eren's face. "I'm going to limit your drinking because you can't hold your liquor. I know you're upset believe me and we will find out who killed them."
"When is Evie coming back?" Eren asked, her face throbbing from the slightest movement.
"Soon, also there's something I haven't told you and you keep it to yourself. One of Tac's sons, Ady, dated your cousin Evie for a while until he died in a gang war. Tac always liked Evie, he's not a bad guy, he just isn't good with words."
Eren nodded. "I see."
"After what happened in Indiana with that guy you killed it might make you feel invincible, fuck I've killed and there's nothing clever or special about it. You can kill a thousand people then die with a dildo in your ass. Never try to be more than you are, be an extension of yourself if you get my meaning. Try to be humble, you'll get more respect that way."
"I've got a lot to learn yeah I'm just a dumb eighteen year old."
"Yes, I definitely won't take most teenagers seriously, they haven't experienced anything of the world, in most cases. Okay you'll be fine, apologize to Tac then go home and relax, I'm sure Issa will want an explanation."
"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Let your face heal for a few days first."
"Yes ma'am." They hugged then Eren left, Tac stopped her before she could ride away.
"You and me should have a proper chat next time you're here, clear the air."
"I'd like that Tac." Eren strapped on her motorcycle helmet which Tac slapped playfully.
Eren smiled before heading home, she didn't feel like visiting the gate for a while, when her father wanted her she'd know.
Parking the motorcycle in the drive she saw another one there, a Triumph Bonneville.
"She opened the door to see Issa chatting to a man with a fox on his lap.
Issa turned to her. "What the fuck happened Eren?"
"I got in a drunken brawl with Tac." Eren grinned.
"Fighting with Tac eh? That's my girl." The fox man said.

Thanks to MercofBeja for assisting with this chapter 💙

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