A Vampire, a Punk, an Emo and Santa Claus

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Dawed landed the helicopter at Fendrod lake where Ashleigh waited to meet him.
She'd briefly talked to two people she'd met on Lamper called Katti and Azoo, Katti didn't look well but that wasn't her problem for now.
Ashleigh was shouting something at Dawed who couldn't hear her over the whir of the propellers.
Dawed was shouting back that he couldn't hear her.
"What!!!?" Ashleigh shouted.
"I can't hear you!!!" Dawed replied.
Polly tapped her father on the shoulder. "Just wait until you land please." She rolled her eyes.
Finally the green and blue helicopter landed and all was quiet again.
A guy in a tracksuit bounded towards them. "Hey I'm trying to workout here, I don't need that fucking noise tamping me out!"
"Fuck off!" Dawed replied.
"Here mate no one talks to me like that!"
Ashleigh turned around and glared at the man who went as white as a ghost.
"Sorry Taibhse, I didn't know it was you." He sprinted away.
"That guy knows you?" Polly asked.
"Bellend Barry." Ashleigh replied.
Kayla had come as well.
"Bellend Barry, I like that one. Wow, it's good to finally be in Wales where my grandparents are from." The red Mohawk Kayla took the area in.
A kid walking along with his dad and their pet Labrador pointed at the four of them.
"Look dad a vampire, an emo, a punk and Santa Claus!"
"Don't be so rude Geffyn." The father pushed his son onwards.
Polly began to look at her dad and burst into laughter. "Santa Claus."
"Hmmm unfortunately I have a few white hairs in my beard. I don't know what you're laughing about emo."
"So I'm the vampire?" Ashleigh asked.
"Yes, and this little punk knows what she is." Polly pointed at an unimpressed Kayla, only found her sense of humor incredibly funny.
"Okay this bollocks has gone on long enough, we need to ask you guys something so we'll head back to Maria's. It concerns the two blue haired kids Eren and Evie."
"Ah." Was Dawed's reply.
"This will be interesting." Ashleigh led them to the car.
When everyone had settled in the back room of the Motorcycle club fit with snacks and drinks, even a few cornucopia on show Maria sat down and with a pained look directed her sentence towards Dawed.
"Issa here is worried about Eren and Evie, to be honest we all are. Obviously you are involved with Annwvn now, all three of you. Is there any chance you can find out what's going on with them so we can stop worrying."
"Or start worrying." Issa added.
"Don't start." Tac said harshly.
"What? I can't help caring okay?" Issa replied flustered.
"Stop stressing lad, trust them."
"Tac I do but no one is invincible."
"Okay let's get down to the Gateway then I can find them from there." Dawed replied.
"So what exactly is it you have in common with Annwvn? You must have met my brother Fawez who spends most of his time there." Maria added.
"Long story short I am like your brother, so is Polly and Kayla too, Polly's mother Josephine as well. I'd rather explain things on the way, but also could you explain some things to me?" Dawed asked.
"Little Evie has been possessed by that lowlife Yusha, he's come back from the afterlife to torture her all because, and I'm not being a dick, because you and Maria killed him and Freddy Fuckface." Ashleigh replied.
"He's possessed her?" Kayla hmmm'd.
"Our families are somewhat alike, even in death that bastard found a way back." Maria was clearly irked.
"As great as it is to sit here and snack on popcorn we need to get off our butts and help them." Polly stood up. "Come on, no time to waste."
"Finally, someone else who actually wants to do something." Issa replied.
Maria glanced at him. "That's what we're doing. But yep you're right it's time to find out what's going on with them."
Maria led them to the Gateway where Dawed bent down putting a hand on the giant warped stone.
"Anything?" Issa asked.
"Be patient, there's endless universes." Dawed replied.
A minute later, what seemed hours to Issa, Dawed had locked onto the correct Eren and Evie, their whereabouts and situation.
A worried look painted itself over Dawed's face.
"What, what is it? Tell me, I have to know." Issa bent down beside him, the Gateway was opening.
"This isn't looking good I'm afraid." Dawed told them.
"What!?" Issa was getting overexcited.
"If we don't do something very soon it's going to end with the death of Eren, Evie and that world's version of you." Dawed pointed at Maria.
"So what now?" Ashleigh asked.
"While it's not always possible for humans to cross into Annwvn it can be done, same for what I call Gate-jumping. On the other side is Eros with a group of people heavily armed. I'm going in, Polly are you?"
"Yes dad, they'll regret it." Polly looked at Kayla who nodded.
"I'm going in." Issa demanded.
"No lad you'll just get in their way." Tac replied.
Issa punched Tac knocking him off guard and taking his 9mm.
"Sorry Tac, I'll make it up to you." Without anymore hesitation Issa jumped through the Gate.
"Fucking dumb kid!" Tac held his bloody nose. "What are you waiting for, get in there."

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