The Mechanical Dragon

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Issa was whinging at the airport.
"I have to pay $400 to bring your bike?"
"We'll need it now stop moaning, I owe you big time and I won't forget it."
"Fine." Issa begrudgingly forked over the costs to take the motorcycle.
They're plane would arrive in two hours.
"Not long and we'll be on the mechanical dragon back to my homelands." Eren was looking forward to the new start, she couldn't handle Indiana anymore.
Issa bent over and whispered in Eren's ear. "So, what's it feel like to kill someone?"
Eren's face dropped. "W-what?" Eren whispered back.
"We're friends but I have to ask."
"Keep your voice down."
"I am, it's pretty powerful knowing I'm sitting next to someone who killed a transphobe."
"It was an accident,"
"That's why I said killed, not murdered."
Eren looked at him sternly. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"What?" Issa shrugged innocently.
Eren pulled him close. "If there's a problem then let me go on my own."
"I need to know what I've gotten into, we've only just met. Yeah we're friends but if I'm coming I need to understand what I'm getting into."
"It was a fucking accident." Eren whispered loudly.
A couple behind them looked up.
Issa turned to them. "Her period." He grinned widely. The couple looked uneasy, this made Issa chuckle.
Eren put her hand to her head. "It sounds like you're judging me, like you think I'm a heartless killer."
"I know you're not heartless, but I'm dropping everything for you."
Eren brought him even closer. "Yes...yes you dummy because I killed a man."
"I'm coming and I've got your back Eren but when we get to Wales as soon as we're alone you're going to explain everything to me."
"Like what?"
"Everything, I know a few things here and there but I need to know everything. You're parents were murdered and maybe you could be next, if I'm putting myself on the line for you I need to know okay."
"Yes, fine okay, but not until we get to Wales."
"Your aunt M will be there? How the fuck do we even know that?"
"She just will, my family has a knack for knowing things."
"What do you know about M?"
"Not much really."
"I know my parents had a falling out with a lot of family members and never talked about them, I'm guessing M is one of those people."
"Absolutely nothing more?"
"We'll find out soon enough."
"I'll have to learn how to handle a gun."
"In Wales?"
"Yeah, if dangerous people could be after you."
"Let's take a break, I'll get us something to drink, anything in particular?"
"Anything sugar free, I don't want to piss myself on the plane."
"I think there's toilets on it."
"But I'll have to share them."
Eren patted him on the shoulder. "I hear you, transgender woman needs to go herself. Back in ten minutes, behave."
"I'll sing Ave Maria to keep my spirits up while you're gone."
"Good girl." Eren joked leaving him to his singing.
Eren took a deep breath and headed for the women's toilets, she passed convincingly enough although she was always anxious of people figuring out she used to be a boy. The full transition had been done thanks to her parents, it had been stressful for everyone and Eren was still taking estrogen after five years.
She entered the toilet, another woman was checking herself in the mirror, she glanced over at Eren. Eren smiled meekly and quickly went into a cubicle, it still wasn't easy for her after all this time.
A few minutes later she washed her hands and checked herself in the mirror.
"Get it together girl, you've got this. It was an accident, that's all, you didn't mean to..."
Someone walked in.
Eren took a deep breath and left.
The queue for refreshments was vexingly long, she got herself and Issa some flavored water then returned to the amateur soprano.
"Here you go, give that wonderful singing voice a rest."
"Thanks, everybody loves it." Issa winked at her.
Eren grinned. "Let's talk more later about the heavy stuff."
"When we get to Wales okay Eren?"
"Okay, you win, we'll do it as soon as we can without being heard."
The flight came in on time and they boarded, Issa took the window seat.
"Thanks for letting me have it." Issa chuckled.
"You're welcome, I'm getting my beauty sleep, don't wake me unless we're about to crash." Eren put her blue sleeping mask on, settled down and got some much needed rest.

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