Character Assassination

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Eros who had listened to the conversation felt Eren's senses go off, he made for the Gateway ready to slaughter their precious auntie as well.
"Idiots, I can't believe they're family, and they had the nerve to forget about me, leave me to rot when I should have been here with them living like a king." He had been told by Yusha no matter how angry he was with these people he was to keep his head if he wanted to dispose of them.
He had the perfect hiding place and once they were dead he'd take Eren's motorcycle as his own.
He had thought about everything he had done since coming to America, now thanks to Yusha he was sitting by a tree in South Wales, on the verge of obtaining his every desire, he grinned impishly.
"I defy you all, never had time for me just because I made a few mistakes, all my father's fault really."
When Eros had met Yusha at the airport a day after slaughtering his father he was quickly rushed to a black convertible.
"It's good to finally be here Yusha and free of those losers I was stuck with, I'm better than they could ever be, too much happiness and kindness, not enough motivation to do more. I'm special, I know it and I got away with killing them."
Yusha who had said nothing at the moment drove his cousin to what would be his safe house.
"It's easy so get stuck in a rut when you're happy. You talk of family my own sister Maria wouldn't forgive me for being a bully as a kid. She likes to call herself kind and understanding she's a snake and the worst of us all, I would never trust her again because she hides behind a smile but will turn on you in an instant then play the victim. With the help of her piece of shit boyfriend Tac they each beat me with a baseball bat one evening then sat down next to me laughing and drinking beer as my ribs were broken, eventually I was thrown onto the pavement outside the hospital by them. Of course with threats of having me killed if I ever told anyone, nothing but a disgusting pansexual dog."
"Maria eh? Yeah I remember you telling me how she would sort out assassinations for the Kodiaks, how is she not locked up?"
"She's cunning and deceitful, use people and throw them away, when Tac's son Ady was killed I heard she didn't shed a single tear. And that Scottish friend of hers Ashleigh? I'll tell you now she's a vicious and callous woman. See that old lady crossing the road? Give that bitch money she'll have her killed no questions asked. My other siblings you know about."
"Fawez and Fai."
"Yes, Fai has it all, the loving wife and daughter, he works hard to provide for them and despite his daughter not always appreciating his efforts she loves him, makes me sick I can't have that. Fawez barely sees his kid but it will work out in the end because he wants to protect her, the proud Badawi family who would take a bullet to protect those they love. Me, I don't get to do that do I?"
"I'll kill them, it would be no bother, I owe you Yusha."
"I've killed too, tell me was it exhilarating?"
"I felt powerful."
Yusha began to laugh. "I know the felling little cousin."
"The look on my father's face when I ended him, I couldn't believe it. He spent so much time saying he deserved better and would be better, that I was a nuisance who wouldn't achieve anything. As he choked on his blood he surely thought he was destined for more, the delusions of a madman are the divinest of comedies don't you think?"
"I wouldn't know, I'm not mad."
Eros burst into laughter.
"When we get you to your destination there will be set rules until we can get you a new identity, it shouldn't take long."
"How long?"
"A few months Eros, it takes time then you will see what America can give you, with my assistance of course."
"Americans only care about money, I'll happily take my share." Eros felt it in his palms, but it was an illusion for now.
"Do you feel any different now you're here Eros?"
"Yes, a free man finally, I want to be like an American, to have any woman I wanted and them being grateful for it. I want the finest jewellery and the biggest house, I want kids too, they will look up to me."
"You want a lot, just like my goddam wife Megan, greedy woman." Yusha replied calmly.
"You both have it, I want it! Yes Eren isn't your kid but you demand respect from her!"
"Oh but Eros I have a daughter, but no one but me and her mother knows."
"You do, do you? Another cousin I would surely like to meet, tell me about her."
"Her name is Naia, she doesn't know I'm her father but in time she will."
"Why doesn't she know?"
"Her mother, well to be frank with you cousin I raped her, she was fifteen. I did what I must, I payed to keep her quiet, unfortunately my dear daughter knows what I did to her mother she just doesn't know who I am. I'm working out how best to meet her, maybe I'm coming to the point where I'll conveniently have her killed and step in as the heroic father willing to take her in. By then I'll be done with that annoying Welsh wife of mine and her tranny kid."
"How old is Naia now?"
"She's twenty, I raped her mother when I was the same age, a prospect in the Kodiaks M.C. Remember me talking about my buddy Freddy O' Rourke? He raped another girl a few months later, we kept it a secret between ourselves because if anyone in the Kodiaks knew we'd be ostracised. I will eventually be steering her on the straight and narrow, she's in college now. See the thing is she has some kind of twisted relationship with a dyke called Polly Asiri, another Saudi Arabian. It's not Naia's fault though she's been corrupted. I mean I've taken an interest in her background. An asswipe do-gooder father who calls himself a Doctor but spends his time roaming all over the world helping the poor."
"Disgusting, let them rot I say, but how did your family not know what you were getting up to with the O' Rourke guy?" Eros asked.
'I'm Kodiaks Indianapolis, Fai is Nomad, Maria Kodiaks Swansea and Fawez even though he's rarely about is Kodiaks Swansea too. If any of them knew what me and Freddy were up to they'd have castrated us and burned us alive. But back to that Polly girl, if I could get my hands on her..."
"Why don't you, her dad is never around."
"Exactly, her mother is some businesswoman highflier, but from what I know she has a rightly conservative view of this queer behavior, and disapproves of it, you agree being gay is wrong don't you?"
"It's disgusting, thankfully this is a country that despises them, at least the President does. Unfortunately it seems he's about to lose office, he'll probably be replaced by some polite asshole that accepts that kind of stuff. I mean Saudi Arabia treats them with respect, gays aren't natural."
"I couldn't have put it better myself, no you do the right thing and find a hot woman who will appreciate you, flap some money at any of them and they'll come panting."
"I can taste their pussies now." Eros was a disgrace who could never understand he had left a country he didn't deserve to be a part of. The kid didn't deserve a country.
"Two months from now you won't be able to get enough. Although once I've made Naia see sense I'll bring you this Polly girl, maybe you could teach her a lesson or two."
"You mean fuck her?"
"Torture her first, I insist, what's her daddy going to do? He's too busy saving pathetic poor people and useless animals."
"Land of the free, I can't wait to get started." Eros laughed, rubbing his hands together and licking his lips, he was beyond saving.

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