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Josephine was entrusted to execute Brenna the daughter of Maria's boyfriend Tac before she returned to Craig and Kelly, and before the worthless child had his face changed.
Brenna's elder brother Ady had been killed in a drive by shooting while doing a job for The Kodiaks, in direct retaliation to the death of their son Faolan, who had been tied down to two stone bollards and driven over by Ady multiple times.
This was in retaliation to Faolan threatening to gut Brenna for refusing to go on a date with him then trying to lock her inside a stolen car and drive it into a river.
Ady had saved his sister that night but it all came down to the same thing, a vicious circle of retaliation.
An understanding had been made via the two parties, both Kodiaks, both at war, it had to stop before they imploded.
There were rules to abide by and no one was above them.
Then President Fai Badawi had voted and ruled they were to make peace or leave the club in disgrace and with their tattoos burned of their backs.
Peace had stayed in tact for now, but with Craig and Kelly Keely this promise had never meant a thing.
Tac had begrudgingly accepted it, he wouldn't go back on his word.
There was no reason why Brenna and Siobhan couldn't live.
Josephine was outside the University where Brenna studied for her Bachelor of Music, a prolific pianist with a bright future ahead of her.
"A shame to snuff out such a gifted young lady before her time, I suppose your music will sell more if you're dead, that's something. If I had my way I'd choose to end that useless socialite Siobhan Keely but I have my duty and I'll live by it.
Brenna had released two albums already, a solo album of moonlit piano lounge music and as a member of a gothic metal band called Divinest of Blackened Birdsongs.
Josephine was genuinely a fan of her material.
"I expect the next album wouldn't live up to these two anyway, best cut her down in her prime."
The piano played in her head, she knew exactly where the girl was just by standing outside.
"You have a boyfriend to who you love and plan to marry then have kids with. Oh, don't I know how hard that one is. A pet snake is much easier and cleaner, besides who doesn't find it fascinating watch one crush then devour its food. Okay tiny piano playing mouse no more fooling around, you must die."
Josephine turned into a snake and slithered towards the building.
Brenna was planning a fancy meal with her boyfriend Nick who was the drummer in both her bands.
He had blonde hair and lived up to the New Romantic image of eighties Britain.
Brenna was more interested in gowns and beehive hairdos, an ashy blonde hair color and a fascination for Marie Antoinette dictated her fanciful style.
Nick had been there for her when Ady was killed and helped her compose a song for him, this was the guy she wanted to grow old with.
"Dad keeps wondering when you're going to put a ring on my finger." Brenna asked Nick.
"In 43 days, your birthday and it will be your favorite kind, a Tanzanite."
"Oh my god, wait can't I pick?"
"You can pick the Wedding ring. Tonight we'll have a wonderful meal and go over our papers, once we've done that I can't wait to start writing for the next album."
"We'll get Heather and Jason together for the weekend, it's the only time we're ever able to practice together."
"Don't worry, we'll figure it out. Your dad should be there when I present you your ring, my mom too."
"Maria too, she's been a great stepmom, you know, even though she's not."
"Yeah bring whoever you want, it's going to be a day to smile, celebrate and play some music. We'll book ourselves, hey we can even play at our own wedding." Nick laughed.
"Great idea, although our music is more suited for a funeral."
"Eh, we'll do something upbeat just for that."
"As long as it's not unbearably upbeat." Brenna slapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh yeah obviously, just enough until they're drunk then we'll play whatever we like."
"Okay then, let's get out of here."
The window was slightly ajar, Josephine slipped in unnoticed.
She silently followed them outside managing to conceal herself to anyone else who she passed.
Nick had a moped, the pair put on their helmets and drove off, Josephine had been swift enough to wrap herself around the bottom of the passenger seat.
As they rode on Josephine attempted to strike, the moped went over a bump as she launched herself, Brenna had moved and Josephine bit into Nick's shoulder.
He yelled in agony as the bike crashed by a small lay-by.
Josephine had returned to her human form, although at this point her reptilian features were easily noticeable.
Nick held his shoulder wincing in pain.
Brenna who despite some scathed knees was relatively unharmed.
"What did you do to Nick, who the hell are you!?"
"A fan Brenna Knightsbridge, but unfortunately you will never make that third album. Can I have your autograph before I kill you and the drummer boy?"
"Brenna run, get out of here!" Nick pleaded.
"No I'm not leaving you!" Brenna pulled off her helmet and unsheathed a penknife.
Josephine laughed. "What fun. Did your daddy tell you to carry this?"
"Don't talk about my dad!"
"It's because of your dad you must die, remember Faolan Keely? His parents want you dead, so here I am."
"Fuck Faolan Keely, he tried to drown me, fuck you too!"
Nick had managed to pull the moped back up. "Come on!"
"Tried to drown you?" Josephine got closer, her forked tongue coming closer.
Brenna was angry, she had her father's explosive temper.
As Josephine's tongue got closer Brenna swiped at it, cutting it.
Josephine retracted her tongue as blood dripped down her chin.
She grinned as the lovers drove off.
"I think I'll let them go, with anger like that the third album could be quite special."

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