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The sign for Swansea came up on her, she was around fifteen minutes away from seeing Evie again.
She passed the train station, the hotel next to Fendrod lake and made the left turn into Morriston parking outside the motorcycle club.
One of the Kodiaks, Brodie, was cleaning his bike, he looked up at Eren then his face dropped.
"I'm Eren."
"Aren't you dead?"
"I was."
"I thought you'd been murdered kid."
"That's what you were meant to think, you are?"
"Sorry yeah I'm Brodie, your father is Fawez, he told me about you, in college weren't you?"
"I was, but that's not happening right now. Is my cousin Evie here and auntie Maria?"
"Yeah they're both inside the bar with Ashleigh."
"Maria's best friend."
"Oh, okay thanks."
"Wait you're just going to walk in there?"
"I'm going to walk right in and announce I've risen from the dead, come and watch the show Brodie." Eren entered the bar with Brodie following inside.
Maria who was a mix of Latin and Arabic was talking to a pasty faced woman wearing a black hat, a black dress and black gloves sporting a plum colored lipstick.
"Auntie Maria!" Eren called to her.
Maria stopped talking mid sentence and turned around comically slow, she pointed at her niece.
"Eren? It's really you?"
"Yes auntie M, I have a lot of explaining to do, where's Evie?"
"Damn right you do, she's sleeping right now, I had her up at Six this morning training."
"I need to speak to her." Eren turned to Ashleigh. "Hi."
"Hello Eren." She replied in a broad Scottish accent.
"My best friend, as far as I'm concerned we're sisters." Maria added.
"Aye, that we are." Ashleigh nodded in agreement.
"I'll wake her up, back in a moment."
Brodie spoke. "So how did you survive Eren?"
"I'll tell you all everything when my cousin gets in here."
There was silence for a few minutes until Maria came back with Evie who was in a wheelchair.
"Fuck me blind, cous, you live and breathe." Evie was in shock but her smile said it was a pleasant surprise.
"Good to see you Grumpy."
They hugged then Eren pulled away.
"As promised I have a lot of explaining to do so let me finish before you say anything okay?"
"Sure cous, get to explaining then."
"This will sound insane but I promise it's true."
"You survived being murdered by those scunner fucks from Cardiff, I'm sure we won't think you're insane." Ashleigh willed Eren on.
Eren explained meeting the other Evie and Maria, everything in between up to the point they left Elena only for Yusha to kill Evie on the snowy plains of Annwvn.
Eren took a deep breath, ket it out and finished with. "That's everything."
"You know what, I'll go back to fixing my bike." Brodie left the four women and went back outside.
"I believe you, Fawez is in Annwvn now, how could I not?" Maria explained.
"I do too because strange shit has happened and I've seen the gate to Annwvn with Maria but you're saying you're from another world and I died?"
"Yeah, it's a lot to take in." Eren agreed.
"It really is, so you travel through the gate? I thought it only led to Annwvn." Evie looked at Maria who shrugged.
"I want you to come back with me Evie."
"Why can't you stay? I don't want to leave here."
"Is Yusha still alive?" Eren asked Maria.
"He was killed alongside your mother unfortunately, unfortunate for your mom at least." Maria replied.
"Okay so did you and Evie get revenge on Beyza and Samantha?" Eren asked.
"Yeah, they're dead, I expect they've become worm shit by now." Evie replied, a slight flush of anger showing thinking about them.
"Did it end with their building going up in flames?"
Maria looked concerned. "Yes, why are you asking this?"
"And did you feel something strange happen to you when the fire began blazing?" Eren knelt down beside Evie. "Please I need to know."
Evie nodded. "Yes, like a fire erupted inside of me."
Eren's face contorted. "That bastard found his opportunity to possess you."
Evie looked at Maria again, Maria still didn't know what to say.
"Come with me." Eren begged.
"And just leave auntie M on her own?"
"You come here and want to take Evie away after Maria has finally got you both back?" Ashleigh asked, understandably aggrieved.
"I'll come back and we'll visit." Eren explained.
"You've got another Maria already, right? Why would you care about coming back?" Maria asked.
The butterfly pendant around Eren's neck began to glow, it levitated and pulled itself off the necklace and flew towards Evie who put her hands out.
"What is this?" Evie asked.
"I think it's the soul of you inside m the you I lost to Yusha." Eren explained.
The butterfly exploded as the blue light pulsated entering Evie who shuddered briefly before putting her hand to her chest. She touched her head, her eyes darting about in her head, moments later she sat back and took deep breaths.
"My god, everything that you told us, I see it all, I saw my own death." Her eyes flashed orange briefly before returning to their sharp, intelligent brown color.
Everyone saw the flash in her eyes.
"What the feck girl?" Ashleigh asked.
"I have to go, this Gryphon guy, he can help me right Eren?"
"Yes, I fucked up and let you die once, I won't let it happen again."
"So that's it, I lose you both?" Maria couldn't hide her pain.
"Eren you must promise we come back here, otherwise I can't go."
"Of course, having two auntie M's is fucking amazing and it will be an honor to return. But I'm not kidding, the first thing we need to do is get to Gryphon."
"Then you have my permission girls." Maria looked at Ashleigh who nodded.
Little did Eren know that another Eros had followed her to Wales and was sitting patiently at the gate to Annwvn.

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