The Cwn

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The next morning Evie couldn't hide her displeasure at Eren leaving.
"You'd better not be there long Eren, I like having you as company, can't say that about most people."
"I've got to do this Evie, for me, you, dad. Once it's done I'm not staying then once we've helped you we can party forever."
They hugged. "I still say fuck Annwvn, we can do this together but I'd never deny you time with your dad."
"Remember you've got auntie M and you like Issa, look out for them. I will be back soon, I won't let you down, you've had enough of that." Eren turned to Unger. "Come on boy."
Unger hopped on the motorcycle and Eren sped away on her motorcycle.
Evie watched her go, she frowned and shook her head.
"She won't let you down, believe in her." Issa said standing in the doorway.
"I know she's doing it for me and she's got these great powers or whatever but every time I think I'm starting to feel happy again it's ripped away from me."
"Happiness is hotdogs for lunch." Maria replied.
Evie nodded. "Yeah I won't say no to that."
Eren entered the gateway to Annwvn where her father was waiting.
Unger greeted him playfully.
"You still need to meet Evie, you owe her that dad."
"I will, she's my niece, I will get to know her, first we have to do this, follow me." He took off, Eren followed behind as their motorcycles were the only sounds to be heard in the snowy lands.
Fawez stopped by a vast forest of white trees which were being patrolled by white haired, red eyed hounds.
"They're cute, I'll have one as a pet." Eren said.
"These are the Cwn Annwvn, the Hounds Of Annwvn, they're nobodies pets."
As if to prove Fawez's point one of the hounds bared rancid looking red fangs to Eren, the two ends of its forked tongue each had an eyeball on the end of it.
Eren knelt down beside the hound. "Impressive, I'm sure you've killed haven't you, so have I. I'm taking you as my familiar, what do you say about that?"
"Don't taunt Gwynn, they're wild and free like us."
The hound snorted, blood hitting Eren in the face, organic evil staring back at her, it then bounded away.
Eren wiped her face. "I wasn't the one who ran off. I get it they're wild, I just want one by my side."
"Not going to happen dear, let me tell you why we're here."
"To freeze our asses off I guess dad."
"Leave the bikes here and come with me." They entered the forest.
Eren skipped a heartbeat. This was a world inside a world.
White bunnies with six eyes and antlers merrily bounced across the ground. Winged animals with the heads of squirrels and the bodies of kangaroos hopped into the air and hovered around her, Eren gently shooed them away.
A shimmering pond ahead was surrounded by ice fairies and faces on the trees wearily acknowledged her with a wintry smile.
"Where the frig are we?"
"We've left the Frozen Fields for the Great Forest."
"It's majestic, my god wow, but why are we in it?"
"This is where you'll receive your powers once you earn them."
"Yeah can we do that quickly so I can get back to Evie? This is supposed to help her, I don't want to screw things up for her."
"Her possessor is fire and you're ice, but unless you're powerful enough you can't help her without killing her. You might not be powerful enough even with this ability, let's hope so."
"Evie kept saying why not get an exorcist, I still don't see what good this will do overall."
"The belief is she's possessed by an outcast of Annwvn, it could be anyone there's so many, if that's the case a priest isn't going to save her Eren."
"I'll kill the fuck whoever it is." Eren was getting angry, how dare someone do this to her cousin?
Eren saw Gwynn watching her, they glared at each other. Gwynn bared her fangs and came closer, Eren knelt down again.
"Eren I told you..."
"Shush dad." Eren didn't take her eyes of the Cwn.
Gwynn leapt at Eren who caught her, biting her ear and not letting go.
Gwynn frothed blood and fought to release her ear, Eren refused to let go.
Eventually Gwynn calmed down and Eren let go.
Eren rolled Gwynn on her back and started to tickle her belly.
"Who's a good hellhound, you, yes you." Eren said in a coochy coo voice.
Gwynn was no longer growling, she was allowing Eren to play with her.
"Well, that's the first time I've seen a Cwn act like that." Fawez said surprisedly.

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