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The lightning crashed all day long, it was becoming strangely comforting to Evie.
"Hey it's almost Easter I've got a funny story about something that happened one Easter." Elena said chirpily.
"You met the Easter bunny?" Eren joked.
"Then you and the bunny hopped around delivering multicolored eggs to elves and fairies?" Evie added, the cousins were in tune with their sense of humor.
"Erm no."
"Then you and the bunny sat on a chocolate mushroom and watching a gnome fishing." Eren continued, the cousins burst into laughter.
"Girls?" Elena was trying to explain.
"Then you and everyone ate the fish and chocolate battered." Evie laughed.
"Wait what, battered chocolate?" Elena scrunched her face.
"Yeah our friend Casey said it's a big thing where she's from in Scotland." Evie explained.
"Oh." Elena chuckled. "No this Easter story happened just after I'd met Kieran, about ten years ago, or was it nine? Something like that but the point is you mentioned something earlier and it just hit me..."
"What?" Eren asked.
"Let me tell the story and you'll know, it will mean your coming here was for a reason. Okay so I had Easter off from work, it was owed and I pushed for it. Kieran took me to Peru, Indiana to see the Air Museum."
"Peru or Indiana?" Evie asked.
"Peru is a city in Indiana." Eren explained.
"Ah gotcha."
"Exactly, I always had an interest in planes, I used to make model ones with my grandfather then I got my pilots license, best thing I ever did."
"Wow sweet." Eren replied enthusiastically.
"We could go flying one day." Evie added equally impressed.
"Maybe one day girls."
"We'll remember that." Eren added.
"Sure, so I was having a great time and don't ask how I remember this but Eren can you remember me and Kieran? We saw you and your parents, well stepfather at the museum, your mom had the big brown mop of hair and wore a blue tartan shirt with the motorcycle badge on each arm, you looked at me and said something like 'fairy', you had a blue T-shirt on which read 'Cold As Ice', can you remember?"
Eren was speechless. "Oh my gosh I remember now, I called you a fairy because, well, you're beautiful."
"Your mom said 'come on Corey', then apologised."
"Yeah I mean I hadn't transitioned yet."
"I understand, what was really odd was your mom dropped something and I only noticed after you'd gone, it was one half of a broken pendant, it had a butterfly insignia on it."
Eren looked at Evie. "Mom always said she'd lost it there that day."
Evie nodded and added. "My mom had the other half."
"Wait, Emma had the other half?" Eren asked.
"Yeah, wow this is odd."
"Odder still is the year after that I had quit my job and Easter me and Kieran went to London, we went to a lovely restaurant and you Evie, you and your parents were sat opposite, we struck up a brief conversation."
Evie couldn't believe it. "Yes my god, wait let me think, you had a cherry colored coat and Kieran wore a smart dinner jacket, it was aquamarine, I liked it."
"Exactly Evie."
"Mom lost her half of the pendant that day too."
"I have that half too." Elena got up and went to a drawer.
She sat down in front of them with the complete pendant. "Happy Easter girls I don't quite know what it means." She leaned over and Evie took it from her, the cousins kept staring at it wondrously as Evie turned it over.
"What do you think this all means girls?" Elena asked.
"I remember mom saying once that the butterfly would bring us together, that it meant something, I can't think what. Oh god why can't I remember anything when it's important?" A distressed Eren said.
"Be patient we'll work it out, I keep telling you Eren."
"I know Evie, I'm sorry, but if this can help you I can't afford to be slacking off in the brain department, I need to think."
"Mom said something about the light awakening the butterfly, I always used to think yeah alright mom, been drinking a bit too much?"
Eren took the pendant from Evie.
Eren went outside.
"Get inside you idiot!"
Eren dropped the pendant and stood by the door, moments later a crackle of lightning hit it, the pendant flew towards Eren, she caught it coming straight back inside. She threw it onto the table.
"Fuck it's hot."
"Why did you do that?" Evie asked.
"Look." Elena pointed.
The butterfly on the pendant began to glow blue.

Thanks AshleyBeira for the assistance

Blue ErenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon