Level Three Thinking

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Yusha had taken Eros to a hotel room, he knew the owner who was giving the Kodiaks a percentage of their income, Eros had been sneaked in and given a room in Yusha's name.
Eros was not to leave the room at any cost or chance being seen by going to the window.
He had been given a room with a view into the alleyway where the rubbish bins were in case he couldn't control his urges to look out although it could still be fairly busy with employees coming in and out from the kitchen.
Eros had been on the news as a Wanted Man.
Yusha would visit every few days with fresh food, water and toiletries, while also checking on his cousin's mental stability.
"This is where you'll be staying until we can make the changes we need to your I.D, you'll also be getting some facial surgery soon." Yusha explained.
"To make me better looking than I already am, perfection on perfection."
"Do not leave here until we've sorted things, my best friend Freddy will be here soon to keep you company."
"You don't trust me?"
"Eros I'm helping you, no one else will. I trust Freddy and he'll stop you getting restless."
"Before you ask, yes I trust you but you must do what I say without argument. Once you've had your facial reconstruction the world is yours, you're free to do anything you like, and even then you've got me to look out for you."
"Yeah I know, thanks Yush, this means everything to me."
"When Freddy gets here I'll take my leave, he'll contact me if you need anything, also he'll be referring to you as Elvis when he's talking to me."
"Sure, no problem, thanks again."
There was a knock on the door.
"Stay behind the bed."
Eros did as he was told.
Yusha went outside, it was Freddy.
"Sorry for the hold up mate, I was getting hold of some hot white angel dust."
"Ssh buddy not so loud. My cousin is in there, look after him, make sure he does as he's told. If he starts to get restless tell me, if he starts to endanger our credibility for any reason you know what to do." Yusha whispered.
Freddy smiled doing a cutthroat action.
"Yeah but only as a last resort, I love my cousin but not enough to go to prison for him. Been there and done that because of family, never again."
"I hear ya bud."
Yusha opened the door again. "Relax, it's only Freddy, I'll leave you two to bond, any problems keep in touch."
"Everything will go swimmingly won't it kid?" Freddy grinned, his front teeth were capped in gold.
"Yeah don't worry about me." Eros replied.
Yusha nodded. "I'll be back every three days at five p.m, unless there's something going on but I'll let you know in advance." Yusha left preying his cousin wouldn't misbehave for his sake.
"Right then pal whatcha wanna do?" Freddy asked.
"Fuck a woman."
"Kid as much as I'd love to bring two hookers back for us you need to lie low. How about poker?"
"Eh, I don't know anything about it."
"It teaches you to think ahead, analyse people and teaches you what realistic options you can make in a tough situation. By playing this with me I'll sharpen your mind and your ability to figure out winning situations then successfully make them. A life-skill which will be the most valuable one you'll ever learn." Freddy produced a pack of cards.
"Fuck It I've got nothing else to do, teach me."
They sat opposite at the little coffee table and Freddy set up the deck.
"Listen to me now and make it sink in. I want you think above the average person, to know you can do something out of their mindset, that they can't comprehend until you've done it. You must also remember to know when you're dealing with someone who can outthink you then to bluff with nothing but make that nothing into something."
"I don't get any of this." Eros shrugged.
"You will, I'm a high level three thinker and I will teach you to be too, I used to be a professional player before I went to prison, I tidied up nicely and I could retire right now if I wanted to."
Eros' eyes lit up.
"Aye lad now you're listening, why do ye think Yush left me with you eh? With what I'm about to teach you is something I've never taught anyone, you know why?"
"Why's that Mr O'Rourke?"
"Freddy. You're a beginner level three already, you killed a man, that's a special thing to do, not just anyone has that in them." Freddy slapped his chest. "Only those of us who've done it can understand but anyone is capable of it, not everyone is capable of what I'm about to teach you. You're going to be here at least until January, by then I'll have rewired your brain so you're working on an average 145 IQ. This is your University right here and it won't be easy. Listen, don't interrupt and expect long nights ahead.
"I'll do as you say but does it have to be poker 24/7?"
"You do as I tell you until I see improvement and I'll tell you my story, that a deal lad?"
"Fuck yeah, I can't wait to hear your story."
"By the time I've told it you'll think I'm one of the worst human beings to walk the Earth."
"No I won't Freddy, I already think you're awesome man."
"We'll see about that. Now shut up and listen." He shuffled.

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