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Dawed had tried to contact Josephine with no success, the woman had hung up on him eight times.
Polly hadn't answered either but she had warned him she had no classes this day and might be sleeping in.
"It's gone midday girl, who sleeps that late? I hope you aren't partying too much."
His plan was to go to Josephine's place of work but first he had to find it.
As he was waiting for a taxi he noticed a motorcycle rally was in town.
One of the riders was waving a flag which bore a bear skull on fire and the words 'Kodiaks M.C. Indianapolis'.
There were more coming and they were keeping the traffic at a standstill.
"What the hell Is this rubbish? Obviously this would have to happen today when I need to get somewhere."
Dawed was getting impatient and went to see what was going on.
A guy on a motorcycle looked at him, he was Yusha.
Dawed called to him. "What's the hold up here? I need to get somewhere."
"Visiting the country are you? In this state the people that run it is us."
"You are?" Dawed asked unperturbed.
"I'm Yusha Badawi and I'm the Vice President Of Kodiaks Indianapolis, might I ask you the same question?"
"Doctor Dawed Asiri, I'm here to see my daughter actually, maybe you can help."
The nonplussed look on Yusha's face flashed momentarily then returned to one of mild disinterest.
Dawed noticed.
"A Doctor huh? You must be a wealthy guy..."
"I get by." Dawed raised an eyebrow.
"For a price I'll take you where you need to go." Yusha couldn't believe his luck, how was it in all of the world a man he wanted desperately to find stood right in front of him, only a day ago he was halfway across the globe.
"I'm waiting for my taxi."
"No, you're not Doc."
"Yes, I am."
"No, no one is coming through here without our say so, the cops can't do a thing."
"Then they're not doing their jobs Yusha Badawi."
"Who cares, they're in our pockets, cops, they're all the same."
"My father is a retired detective, an honest man who worked hard."
Yusha smirked, this was distasteful and Dawed was starting to lose patience with him.
"You're from Saudi Arabia aren't you?" Yusha asked.
"Yes, I take it you are too."
"Born in Riyadh, grew up here Doc. So, how about I take you where you need to go?"
"How much?"
"$100, or let's say, you listen to a business proposal."
"I'm busy and I won't be staying, and zrrgh to your one hundred dollars."
"You're Saudi Arabian but you don't know what zrrgh means?"
"Tell me Doc."
"It means shove your money up your rectum bawbag."
Yusha burst into laughter. "Funny guy yeah. How about this, you let me talk for sixty seconds about my proposal. If you like it we'll do business, if not I'll take you to your kid for gratis."
Dawed looked at his watch. "Begin now then."
Yusha knew he couldn't fuck this up.
"I'm sure a fine upstanding gentleman such as yourself deals with many charities and causes, say I, the Kodiaks set up something for you over here and we run it for you at a percentage."
"A charity that you want to take money from?"
"Yes, but money they wouldn't otherwise get after we take our cut. Anything you want, we'll set it up in your name."
"Why do you want me for this?"
"The Kodiaks needs fingers in pies, power and noticeability, we put a Doctor to our brand, people will see us as more respectable."
"But are you respectable?" Dawed asked already guessing the answer was likely a no.
Yusha grinned. "We could set up something for Pol- your daughter too, make her wealthy."
"How do you know my daughter's name?"
Yusha had fucked it up, so he thought.
Dawed knew this guy couldn't be trusted, somehow he knew about him and his daughter, but why? He would play along and find out.
"You must have mentioned it somehow." Yusha fumbled with his words.
"No, you knew about me beforehand."
Yusha was about to reply.
"Not another word Yusha, you must know about my charitable work, I can see why the road is blocked, just for me." Dawed was playing along.
Yusha thought Dawed was being arrogant, perfect. "That's exactly right Doc, you're a smart guy."
"I need to make two calls, one to my ex wife then to my daughter at the University, do that for me I'll give you one hundred dollars and we'll talk business." Dawed had to find out who this Yusha Badawi truly was.

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