Eren's Childhood Part II

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Corey had begun to feel...wrong, things were meant to go well, things were but he felt like an invader in someone else's skin.
He had met a friend called Leigh at school, Corey seemed to get on well with girls, not so much with boys.
His mom and Yusha had bought a farmhouse and there was money left over to buy a second home in the suburbs.
Corey still got on well with Yusha but as Corey got older and tried to explain how he felt, his awkwardness and sadness turned into anxiety and depression.
Yusha who spent a lot of time on the road would playfully tell Corey that one day he'd marry Leigh.
Leigh got on with the family and would join them for holidays, her own parents had got close to Megan, seeing relatively little of Yusha.
The first time Corey saw Yusha change was when he told his uncle/stepfather and his mother at age eleven he thought he was gay.
"No, see lad you are to young to be talking like that and I don't want to hear you talking about being a faggot anymore."
Megan just looked at Yusha in shock.
"I know I'm gay, you've taken me to these specialists and I am not too young!"
The fun loving uncle would change for the worst, at least in Corey's eyes, he knew nothing about who Yusha truly was.
"Megan get him some goddam therapy, I'm not going back to the MC and telling the boys I'm raising a damn queer."
"Yusha he can be whatever he wants."
"Not if you want the money to keep rolling in woman! Get him therapy, it's a damn phase, these kids don't know their ass from their elbow."
"I am gay!"
"Shut up you little faggot before I give you a hiding, get upstairs now!"
"Don't call him that!" Megan demanded.
Yusha grabbed her arm, backhanding her.
"No, mom!" Corey tried to stop Yusha who twisted Corey's arm back.
"Ahh, let go of me!"
"This right here!" Yusha poked where he shouldn't. "Is for men, not queers, get it through your head!" He let Corey go who ran to his room in tears.
The next morning Yusha had gone and Megan was wearing sunglasses to hide the bruises.
"Mom, what did he do to you?" Corey was angry and upset.
"Forget it dear, let's talk about you."
Corey would seek therapy, Yusha was not kind with Corey anymore but he kept the anger to a minimum, Corey couldn't believe how he'd changed over one
He was meant to feel safe at home but he didn't.
Leigh left one day, red faced and upset, Yusha had followed her out of the toilet, the look of a panting dog on his face.
Although Leigh would stay friends with Corey for a while longer she refused to ever go to his home again.
One day Corey came back from a therapy session and sat his mom down.
"I need to speak with you mom, thankfully just you."
"What is it dear? How is the therapy going? You can stop anytime."
"Mom, I'm not gay."
"Oh, it's okay if you are, no matter what Yusha says."
"No mom listen, I'm, well look, I'm transgender and I want to be a girl."
"You want to be a girl?"
"Yes mom, don't be mad. I like guys, but I'm not one, I refuse to be called one, as far as I'm concerned I'm Non-Binary until I transition. I'm being serious mom, but I don't want Yusha to know."
"Whatever you want to be I'm here, I'll need to come to your next session and talk to your Doctor about it, and it's all your choice. If Yusha doesn't like it I'll leave him."
"I don't want him to know mom, not yet, please, I'm begging you."
"Okay Corey, okay. I'm proud of you, be the best you that you can be."
"I'm going to mom."
They embraced.
As the time went on Megan had got her now transgender daughter Eren private healthcare.
Oestrogen, blockers and gender euphoria were making Eren happier about herself.
Unfortunately Leigh had turned her back on Eren, whatever had happened with Yusha was part of the reason and Leigh had just needed an excuse to rid herself of her former best friend when Eren needed her most.
Eren had decided to finish her schoolwork at home, with no desire to mix with anyone she was currently friendless but Megan pushed Eren to work hard, get into college and start afresh.
When it finally clicked with Yusha what was happening Eren and Megan expected more anger but Yusha laughed telling Eren she had a bright future as a sex worker.
When Eren informed them she'd been accepted at The University of Alabama Yusha replied by saying Corey (he would never refer to her as Eren) could spend all day with more 'Shakespeare loving loonies' and get out of his sight.
Eren promised to go as long as Yusha never hurt her mom again, Yusha agreed still laughing at her.
Eren had gotten her bottom surgery a few months before leaving to start her college life.
"Mom keep in touch every day, I know you'll be alone most of the time but if you want my advice divorce the bastard, take him for everything and get a restraining order on his nonce, bully, woman beating ass."
"You don't know the half of it Eren, he's more dangerous than you know, if I could leave I would, but if I try I'll probably end a dead body at the bottom of the sea."
"I knew he was corrupt mom, just get away, move to Alabama near me, we can figure something out."
"If things get too bad don't worry, I'll find your father."
"Yeah right, as if he cares mom."
"More than you know and one day in the near future you'll find that out."
Eren left soon after, her mom's words stayed with her.

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