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Polly met her dad on the University grounds.
She had big black wild looking hair and warm brown eyes, she wore a lot of green makeup, her favorite color. She had an affinity for torn jeans with band T-shirts and black hooded tops.
"Dad hey!" She hugged him. "Ah I'm so happy you're here but I'm sad too."
"Why are you sad my little blackbird? I'm happy to be here too."
"That's why I'm sad because you'll be leaving again soon."
"I want you to come back to Abha with me, think about it."
A Polynesian woman with glasses and dressed in a beret complete with a skinny beige jacket, white leggings and beetle crusher shoes lowered her glasses. "Hi, I'm Naia."
Dawed extended his hand. "Well hello, I'm Polly's father Dawed."
Naia looked at Polly. "He's got a nice smile hasn't he?"
Polly shook her head. "Don't start being all embarrassing okay?"
"Thank you for the compliment dear, so do you."
"My mom thinks I have a crooked mouth." Naia grinned.
"I told you Naia your mom is a fool just like mine. Sorry dad, I don't want to disrespect my mother but to be honest she's awful."
"I see, we'll talk about it shortly." Dawed nodded.
"Do you want me to go?" Naia asked.
"No, there's plenty of time. Actually I could use some assistance and you'll both be helpful in this regard."
"What's that then dad?"
"I need to find a place which sells fancy dress costumes."
Polly raised her eyebrow. "Oh yeah, tell us more."
"I just need a costume."
"Well there's a store in the city, I guess we could find a Santa Claus outfit." Naia added.
"We'll discuss this over lunch and if it's okay I'd like to visit this place. I need something darker than Santa, more like a spooky costume."
"I'm loving your dad, my dad visits he wants to pester me about family problems and his job. Your dad visits and wants to dress up as a skeleton or something."
Dawed laughed.
"Yeah trust me, no one's dad is like mine." Polly playfully punched Dawed on the shoulder.
After lunch Naia drove them to the costume store.
"Here it is, let's have some fun."
"I say dad should get this pirate costume."
"He's got the beard for it sure but hey look at that costume there, he could totally rock that jester costume, complete with bells."
Dawed sighed and let them get on with it, for fun he even tried the pirate eyepatch and jacket on.
"This plastic scimitar is extremely impressive, great workmanship."
"Thanks." The guy at the counter replied.
"Are you the owner?" Dawed asked.
"Yes, inherited it from my dad, my name's Rusl.
"Dawed. Do you by any chance have a Plague Doctor costume I could buy?"
"Yes I believe so, you can rent it if you prefer."
"No, if it fits I'll buy it."
"Plague Doctor huh dad? You going to dress up like that Christmas Day?" Polly smirked.
"I'll explain shortly, I need to see if it's what I want."
"He's going to pretend he's Skeleton Jack." Naia chuckled.
"Great movie, dad keeps his face covered when he does his charity work to stay inconspicuous, although if this is your new work outfit you've got my full support."
Polly held onto Naia laughing.
Dawed smiled at Rusl. "They've been drinking too much soda."
Rusl laughed. "Here's the costume, see how it is, I'm afraid it's my only one."
Dawed tried it on, it was slightly baggy but just what he needed, no more quibbling, this would be perfect for tomorrow morning, Yusha could not be trusted.
"Thank you I'll take it."
"Hey dad let's take a picture of you wearing it." Polly was still laughing.
"I would have if you girls weren't making fun of it." Dawed wouldn't let them anyway.
As they left Dawed agreed to stay the night with Polly and Naia.
"There's some truth to what you were saying about my work, I do like to be unrecognisable, so this will be useful. Although it will be a little scary, so it'll be for special occasions, to teach people about the history of the Plague Doctor. I was put on Earth to help people although to educate them too is another gift don't you think?"
"You'd better send us pictures dad okay?"
"Yes of course I will."
The three of them enjoyed a meal out and talked about each other's work and studies into the night.
Dawed had mentioned Polly going back to Abha with him again, Naia was understandably deflated about this, Polly said she'd have her answer for him when they picked him up from his meeting.
The girls could party hard and late though they behaved and went to bed early for Dawed who feigned sleeping but was planning what he would do if this meeting didn't go to plan.
If by some chance Yusha was genuine about wanting to do something okay but Dawed remembered a dream he had a few nights before about visiting someone's house, it had been ominous.

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