Eren's Childhood Part 1

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Maria convinced her two nieces to stay the night before their planned set off in the morning.
"You promised your aunt you'd return and you should keep it." Ashleigh told them.
"We will, two auntie M's is precious to me and I will make sure we return." Eren promised.
"Exactly, I'd crawl through Hell to return to you, even knowing I'll meet another version of you I won't abandon you both." Evie added.
"We know." Maria believed in them. "So let's talk, it's not time to rest yet. Eren this world's version of you died, killed in retaliation from a Kodiaks hit. I want to know your story and see if it's any different."
"Okay but when we return again I want to hear yours, Ashleigh's too."
"Deal." Maria replied.
Ashleigh nodded.
"This version of me did she transition like me?"
"'re transgender?" Maria asked.
"Yep auntie M, I used to be called Corey, I began to transition at fourteen, I'm eighteen now."
"No, this Eren was always a girl, I am super interested in hearing your story now. You're my beautiful niece no matter what, just like Evie."
"Damn right." Ashleigh added.
'Cous this will be quite the story, get the drinks in." Evie grinned.
"I'll oblige." Ashleigh poured out Scotch for everyone and Eren began.
"I was born in Indiana to a Welsh mother and a father who I never saw because he was fooling around in Annwvn."
"Fawez loves you Eren, it's a shame Megan fell for Yusha." Maria explained.
"I know and I've met my dad, we're good, it's just sad it took so long, we're making up for lost time, you'll like him Evie."
"He's a good man, he just felt it best to stay away because of the Annwvn thing." Maria told them.
"Yeah, he didn't have to protect me though, but either way here's my story up to now."

Eren was born to Megan and Fawez, when Fawez held Corey in his arms he couldn't be prouder, happier or sadder.
"He is absolutely beautiful Megan, I wish I could stay with you both."
"You still can Fawez, forget going to your magical land and being some goddam hero, family is more important."
"I'm going because you're both important, I don't want either of you involved in it, it's too dangerous."
"We can take care of ourselves Fawez, for fuck sake you have me tamping again. Is it really going to be Corey or Annwvn? You're really going to play it out like that?"
"I'll be watching over you both, when it's time tell Corey about his auntie Maria who will explain everything then I'll come find him."
"How long do you plan for that to be!?"
"Until he grows up. I truly love you Megan, my Celtic Goddess I'll never want to be with anyone else, but if I expose our son to the Welsh Underworld too soon it could corrupt him and as part of the Wild Hunt it's important to me to see the right souls are guided to us. There's a lot of wickedness in Annwvn and if the wrong person knew about Corey well..."
"Then do something about it."
"I'm going to." He handed Megan a letter kissing her on the head and stroking Corey's head.
"As much as I want to scream and shout at you it won't do any good. We should part on good terms, in time you may realise how important having him in your life is."
"He is important and he will be in my life eventually, I'll make him understand, I must go. Find someone deserving of you, I wish I was that man but I'll always care about you. Corey has powers inside him like me, hide them from him if you can."
With that Fawez left and wouldn't speak to his child again for another eighteen years.
Three years later a lonely Megan would turn to Fawez' brother Yusha for support.
Yusha had spent time in prison for assault and battery and returned to the Kodiaks motorcycle club, of which Fawez was a part of. No one really wanted him back but he had bought votes at the table and stayed patched in.
He was attending therapy and had also found himself a lonesome person in need of love.
That person was Megan, they had talked and Megan was convinced Yusha was trying to turn his life around, at that time he was. For the first time in his life Yusha was trying to do something positive.
He enjoyed being an uncle to Corey and at a young age would get him interested in soccer.
One morning Megan and Yusha snuggled up while Corey kicked a soccer ball around in the garden while their cat Minus-five (Corey had name him) watched on top of the neighboring fence.
"Thank you for giving me a second chance at life Megan when no one else would. I think even Corey likes me, at least I've got you two, even when no one else wants me."
"I see you're changing, if you weren't you wouldn't be here. Corey likes you a lot, you're his uncle and he needs you, eventually everyone will see this too."
Corey came inside wearing the black and white of the soccer team Swansea, where Megan had been born.
"What's for lunch!?" He asked excitedly.
"Hey I'll make it, you guys will love my Risotto, my sister Maria makes it like no one else." Yusha explained.
"I want to meet her!" Corey proclaimed excitedly.
Yusha looked awkwardly at Megan, she gave him a look as if to say he should explain.
"Ah well me and her don't talk at the moment buddy."
"Why not!?" Corey asked sadly.
"I was an idiot and made mistakes, I'm putting them right but I haven't done enough to win her back yet."
"Why uncle Yusha!? You're great, how can anyone not like you!?"
"She'll come around in time little swan." Megan took the ball from him. "Now go upstairs and wash your hands, his Risotto is to die for."
"Yes mum!" He kissed Megan and fist bumped with Yusha running upstairs excitedly.
"He's a great kid, Fawez will be proud." Yusha explained.
"Hmm, if he ever shows his face again." Megan added grumpily.
"I'll cheer you up, time to get cooking."
When the Risotto was ready he asked for marks our of ten. Both Megan and Eren gave it maximum marks, even Minus-five ate some.
Corey's life was perfect.

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