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Maria was clearly sad at the thought of them leaving, she couldn't hide it.
"I don't think it's going to be easy for them, dammit I wish I could go with them Ash."
"We could, you could wear my plague doctor mask, so the other Maria won't know you're her, or you, or whatever the feck."
"That would be quite funny Ash, I could call myself Birdface."
Ashley laughed, their unique sense of humor was really just for them, when other people listened to them and stared blankly at their conversations they ignored it.
"I know you've been very protective of Evie."
"But would you say I was overprotective Ash?"
"Maybe, you've done right by her although we have to be serious, if this sorry excuse for a brother could happily kill his own niece while possessing her I'm with Eren, Evie needs to leave this morning. She's promised they'll return, I believe her, like she said she has two auntie M's now."
Evie began to stir, she was usually the first of the two to arise.
"Urgh, we have to go don't we?" She groaned dryly.
"Seems so, as long as you both get back to us we're going to be fine. Wake your cousin up and do what you have to do." Maria explained.
Evie threw a book on Eren who jumped out from her sheets. "Hey, wha? What's going on?"
"Up sleepyhead time to get ready." Ashley replied bluntly.
"Yep, better get set to go, you got anything like a cheese baguette I can feast on?"
"Nope, microwave pizza then you go and get back here safely. Otherwise I'll be one extremely angry auntie."
Eren raised her hands. "Understood chief."
"First place I come back to is here." Evie replied.
"Then we can go and open up another world to get your parents back." Eren explained.
"Yeah maybe, I want to see mom again, dad was too busy being a 'bad motherfucker' with that pissing motorcycle club."
"To be honest I moan about my dad never seeing me, I doubt it would make much difference if he was still riding with those dickheads too. Like a bunch of damn vikings, their code and trying to prove who's got the biggest ballsack." Eren agreed.
"Neither of you talk about your father's that way you hear? Only I'm allowed to talk about your idiot dads like that." Maria pointed a finger at them both. "But if you do manage to find another Fai and Emma say I said hi, oh and Evie remind your father that when he used to ignore my texts I thought he was the biggest prick in the world."
"Yeah he had his issues, he'd even ignore me, his own daughter. Maybe if the dumb old goat had opened up more to me I wouldn't have been so annoyed with him. We'll find my parents again and things will become good again, they'll meet you both too. That's a goddam promise." Evie replied.
"Dumb old goat." Ashley laughed.
"Yeah at least you saw the guy, all I ever got was pictures and letters from my dad. I mean all this dogshit about how we weren't allowed to meet because of Annwvn and how it was too dangerous for us. I lose eighteen years. Eighteen fucking years because of some dumb patriarchy where my stupid ass dad and your equally incompetent dad get in the way of us having a childhood together. I know my mom wasn't a fan of the idea..."
"Nor mine Eren, she wanted us to meet but no, dad who would scare away any boy, except for my buddy Derek who is studying mathematics at University now. The only reason dad liked him is because he's gay and that means he's not interested in me. He saw me as a damn untouchable goddess or something, like if a guy was breathing within a yard of me it made me impure. When we go looking for them again, hey mom can stay the same but dad needs to be less of a troglodyte."
"A troglodyte...ah like a neanderthal."
"Well he loved me and was kind in his ways but yeah in other ways he was just embarrassing and stuck in old man's traditions. Look, I get Saudi Arabia has its tradition and I respect that but I was raised in England and in mom's traditions so that's what I stick to. Fuck, I mean I want to follow Islam one day but I'm just not ready." Evie explained.
"Same with my dad, yep, I mean Yusha taught me about The Quran but ever since he turned against me and now you I don't want anything attached to him, but maybe once we're rid of him we'll think more about it."
"Fuck sake, religion, hating on your daddies and caveman before breakfast. This is too much, Maria I think I'll pour myself a Scotch." Ashleigh walked away into the bar.
"Cool it Ash, you promised less of your getting 'pished' remember?"
"So I did!" She called back. Thinking about it a bit longer she put the Scotch back and poured a coffee.
"She's right though, we all have our faults. Come on, fill your guts and get outta here, I hope you don't talk about me like that." Maria added.
"We won't, but the fact of the matter is they kept us from seeing you." Eren replied frustratedly.
"I understand that, we look forward now."
When it was time to leave Ashleigh waved them off.
"Should I come with you?" Maria asked.
"No we'll be fine." Evie hugged her.
Eren sensed something. "If I'm being honest I'd like you to come to the Gateway, just in case."

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