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"Wait a minute are you?"
"Yes I'm your father Fawez. I've been waiting for you."
Eren's jaw dropped. "'ve been waiting...for me? I've been waiting forever for you."
"Eren get a shower or something, freshen up. Why did you end up fighting with Tac?" Issa asked.
"It was a misunderstanding I guess, I thought he was disrespecting my family...argh damn." The pain when she talked was excruciating. "I split his cheek though."
"Good for you lovely, now do as Issa says and run yourself a relaxing bath, I'll be here when you're done."
"No bath but sure dad, give me half an hour."
The fox on his lap came to Eren, she kneeled down to stroke him, he willingly let her.
"That's Unger, Unger this is my daughter, you two will become close friends."
"Do you need me to do anything?" Issa asked.
"Brew some tea." Eren tickled Unger's belly then went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.
"You look absolutely glamorous girl." Eren sighed, yet another fight under her belt. She could do without anymore for a while.
Her back was sore from the chair shot, her hand hurt from punching his bony face. Her lip was puffy, her right eye was black and her eyebrow caked in blood.
"I think I'll cut down on the alcohol, I'm too pretty to lose my looks before I'm twenty." She rolled her eyes and tried to smile, she decided not to.
She began to run the shower, nice and hot to sooth her pores then finish with a cold one to wake her out of her grogginess.
She started to feel better as the water soothed her and the blood dripped down her leg, off her blue painted toenails into the sewage below.
The cold water to follow shocked her back to her senses.
After she'd freshened up and changed she noticed Unger was following her.
"Hey boy how you doing? Want something to eat? Let's find you something yeah?"
"He's a fan of bacon." Fawez told her.
"Ah that's a plan, I'll make some bacon and egg sandwiches everyone then we'll talk."
Eren finally sat down to talk to her father, Unger jumped onto her lap and started to lick her face.
"Awww don't worry about me, it'll heal up in no time." She turned to her dad. "Yeah so first question, why has it taken so long to find me? Second question..."
"I'd rather take it one question at a time Eren, because I'm sure there's plenty you want and deserve to know the answer to. I'm not going anywhere until I've told you all I can."
"A long night ahead I guess." Issa said.
"Too right, okay dad so why?"
"You read the letter your mother gave to my sister, Maria. It explains everything but the emotional impact is what you need an explanation to. Your stepfather was there for you and I always watched from afar, sadly. Annwvn isn't a place I wanted to go to but it was either that or I'd never see you again."
"What is Annwvn? I mean sure I understand, but I still don't like that you didn't even reach out to me somehow."
"It's the Welsh Underworld, I thought Maria might have told you."
"She did but that's all I know except for a bunch of people riding horses in the sky."
"The Wild Hunt yes, Unger was once the hunted, I saw to it that came to an end." Fawez explained.
"Fox hunting, I thought that was an English thing." Issa scratched his head.
"It is." Eren frowned. "How dare some drunken idiots chase after a beauty like you. I'll take a baseball bat to everyone of them."
"No need Eren, and Unger was a willing participant."
"What?" Eren looked at Unger. "Why?"
Unger lifted up a paw then with the other one used a claw to cut it.
"What are you doing?" Eren asked.
"Take a drop of Unger's blood and put it to your lips." Fawez replied.
Eren wasn't sure at first then did as her father instructed.
She put a drop of the fox's blood in her mouth, swallowing it.
"You'll both be able to read each other's thoughts now, if I'm ever in Annwvn and you need me you send a message to Unger. Also I know I should have come to you earlier, and no I didn't know your mom and stepfather would be murdered nor my brother and his wife."
"Do you have to go now!" Eren asked.
"I'll stay the night then you're coming to Annwvn with me."
"What about Issa?"
"Like Maria, unfortunately you can't come, I'm sorry, but I'll have Eren back here tomorrow evening. Although this won't be your only journey there, soon you'll be needed."
"For what?"
"I can't say just yet, because I'm not one hundred percent sure myself. Although I believe it will concern your cousin, I will speak to Maria before we go, I think it's best she comes back here as soon as possible."
"What's wrong with my cousin?"
"I think she's been possessed."

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