French Defense

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A great man never refuses the temptation.

Sun-Ken Rock (manga series)


Of course, I didn't go to the rendezvous when the appointed time came.

I'm sitting on the balcony of my luxurious hotel, sipping my expensive French wine and I'm enjoying the shine of the stars, the beauty of the city, calmly and confidently rejoicing in my victory.

I looked at my watch. It's been an hour. Most likely he is crazy now. Probably, he called and asked if I had left the hotel and learned that I am still here. Now he is trying to decide angrily whether to come to my feet or do something against me?

My door began to slam. When I opened it, I saw him in front of me. How he looks at me with anger and hatred. I smiled at him, turned around, and walked slowly into the room. I sat down at the table and poured wine. He walked slowly and hesitantly towards the room. How angrily he looks at me, poor thing. Everyone expresses their helplessness in some way. Some are crying, some are screaming, some are laughing, and some are expressing all their emotions with anger. But inside, they are all the same - helpless, hopeless, unsure of what to do.

I see myself shaking his tenacious ego. The man, whom no one had ever refused, was now in unbearable pain. Isn't it a mesmerizing feeling?

I told him I forgot we had an appointment. Of course, what I said made him even more upset. I know he won't do anything to me. If he uses physical force to defeat me, it will mean defeat for him. Therefore, he will not touch me until I say so.

He started talking, complained. He noted that what I was did was uncivilized and unethical. As every word comes out of his mouth, he becomes more helpless and miserable. He already understands that he will do whatever I want. It is already a matter of death for him. He is ready to give all his wealth and self to get me.

I smiled quietly and agreed to go to dinner. He looked at me timidly. He's worried I'm going to deceive him again. I smiled and said that I should take a shower and then we could go. I told him to sit on the sofa. Slowly he moved and sat on the sofa where has a chessboard near it. He quietly looked at me.

I slowly began to undress in front of him. Slowly pulled my hands closer to my clothes and began to take them out. I gently throw each of my clothes on the floor. He begins to move anxiously in place. I look into his eyes with every move. The more he looks at me, the more he loses himself. And I continue even passionately. I slowly took out my bra and threw it on him. This shatters him even more. Not being able to touch and feel me hurts him incredibly. I stand in front of him and smile at him. He does not take his eyes off me, silently sweating. My sexual gestures increases his passion. How he looks at my naked body... I bite my lips and smile at him.

I walk slowly towards the bathroom. Before entering, I glance at him and smile.

He is already in my palms. All I had to do is wait for him, increase his desires, and remind him forever of the scene he had seen. He will think more of me every second, want more of me and wish me more. And he will run after me like an Amok...

 And he will run after me like an Amok

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