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Genius has to pass over madness and madness over genius.

Salvador Dali


James started talking.

According to the notes here, there was an organization called "Network". First, let's look at what we know about "Network". So, super-soldiers have been trained there. The last students were 6 people. Their names were Hades, Kratos, Prometheus, Zeus, Poseidon, and Helios. Each soldier surpassed in one field of knowledge. Zeus was the perfect one among them. Prometheus was a manipulator, Hades was a tactician, Kratos was a fighter, Helios and Poseidon obedient ones, ready to do anything for "Network".  According to recent records, Zeus is dead and Poseidon and Helios are missing. This shows that the other three are our boys.

 This "Network" has been involved in several political coups and revolutions in the world. They had a plan to rule the world. But then something happened and the plan was not implemented. There are many gaps here. However, the strange thing is that the name Prometheus is only mentioned a few times. The most common name is Mikush. We know that Mikush changed the world 5 years ago. He previously owned companies called "Mikush Entreprises". We know from recent records that he is not dead. What is Mikush's role in the "Network"? Furthermore, after the death of the leader of the "Network", there was a new mysterious leader who took his place, and his identity was never recorded. Then there are these girls, what is their relationship with our boys?

Jamar: How are we going to find them now?

James: According to records, Mikush's company has one of his secretaries, McGregor. McGregor has been living with a different identity for 7 years. We can learn everything from him.


USA, Honolulu, 13:00.

Rooted in authentic Hawaiian tradition and home to a melting pot of ethnicities, Honolulu is a modern city with a unique blend of cultures that serves as the state capital and a gateway to the Hawaiian Islands. You can tour the historic downtown area, surf world-famous Waikiki Beach, shop in world-class stores, hike breathtaking coastal cliffs and dine at five-star restaurants. Best of all, you can do all of this on the same day.

McGregor, the owner of one of the restaurants by the shore, sits quietly and looks around

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McGregor, the owner of one of the restaurants by the shore, sits quietly and looks around. He is wearing a white T-shirt, cream shorts, a large watch, and a Panama hat. Despite being young, he has an old appearance, a bald head, and tired eyes. McGregor has lived a quiet life here for 7 years. Everyone knows him as a calm, unassuming person. He has never been married and lives alone.

A young man sat in front of McGregor. Looking at him quietly, he ordered a Cool Mojito. Then he took a Marlboro cigarette out of his pocket, lit one, and began to smoke.

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