Part 21

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*Time Jump*
It's been about two years now since the Christmas dinner and party. Andi is now eight years old and is in the third grade. She still has that same personality, being sweet, kind, and goofy. Her dancing has improved a lot and she's even taking more advanced classes. But lately she's been struggling with her mental health. I know she really young but it's been an issue for the two ladies. It was mostly around the time of when her and Dani had their accident. All year she has been ok and haven't had any problems with it but yet when it's that time of year she prefers if they walk everywhere or they have to convince her that it's gonna be safe to drive. But we'll get to that later.

Stefania has been doing well. She got a higher position with her job so she doesn't have to work everyday. Stefania is still in love with helping out at her daughters dance studio and any one-on-one time with Andi. Her and Danielle relationship has been going smoothly. They hardly ever fight. Get into minor arguments at times but it's always over stupid stuff. Like one time Stefania got mad at Danielle because she didn't wash the sheets for them and they had to stay up later even though they had to be up early the next day. It was just the fact that Stefania had a really long day and she didn't want to be bothered so that little thing just made her even more bothered. It was common for her to always be bothered. It was always something that happened at work to put her in this type of mood but she always tried her best not to take it out on her family.

But Danielle on the other hand, she has been making sure that their relationship goes great because she has been waiting for the perfect day to come. This is something she's been waiting to do but she wanted to wait a little while longer to make sure that Stefania was the one for her. Which she is, there's no doubt about that. Now it is time for her to do what she spent ages planning for. Waiting to ask her girlfriend to hopefully become her wife. Well fiancé then wife. Now you might be wondering when this perfect day will come. Well let's continue reading shall we.

It was a bright and sunny day. It was also the beginning of spring break. Danielle had woke up extra early than the rest of the house. That was something she did everyday to make sure that the engagement rings were still in the place she left them. And yes rings. Plural. As in more than one. She wasn't just proposing to Stefania. She was doing more than that. The smaller ring was for Andi. She wasn't proposing to her but she was gonna ask her if it was ok that one she marries her mom and two that she becomes her mom. Danielle never knew in her life that she would ever become someone's stepmom, or just a mother figure in her life but sometimes things come with bonuses. This was a good bonus. She had little things of what she was gonna say in her head. The only reason why she knows Stefania and Andi's ring size was because they went to the mall one day and they just so happened to stop at the jewelry store. They fell right into Danielle's plan.

But you might be wondering why she still has the rings in the house and not somewhere safe or with someone she can trust. Well it's because her mom is out of town she won't be able to be there, Kaylee has a softball tournament so her sister and brother in law won't be there, Jaina loses stuff and Barrett can't really keep a secret for to long. And this was not something she wanted Stefania to know about so there was no one else she could trust with the rings. And those are only people she could count on for something like this.

"Bambina what are you doing?" Stefania mumbled turning around with the blanket all the way up to her face, so that you could only see her nose and eyes. Danielle snapped out of her thoughts. "Sorry if I woke you." She said shutting the dresser and  walking back over to the bed. "It's fine. Come back to bed though. We don't have to wake up at 7 something all this week so please come back to bed." Stefania said still mumbling. Danielle chuckled a bit and cuddled back into bed. "But you do know we have something today so we have to get up." Stefania groaned and Danielle chuckled. "But we can sleep in some more. Just for you. Energy though it's already 9:46." Danielle said putting little kisses on Stefanias neck. While in the process of placeing little kisses on Stefania's neck their door busted open and Andi came running into their room jumping on their bed. "ITS SPRING BREAK!!" She yelled and started bouncing up and down on there bed. "Uggh!!! Perché si devono svegliare tutti così presto?!? ( Why does everyone have to wake up so early)" Stefania yelled and pulled the blankets back over herself. Andi stopped jumping and looked at Danielle who was just as confused as her. Andi shrugged her shoulders and plopped down in between the two. "So what are we doing today guys?" Andi asked making herself comfortable.
"I have a surprise for you guys later today." Danielle said twisting Andi's hair.
"What is it?"
"That's for me to know and you guys to find out. But I actually have to leave." Danielle said getting up out of bed. "Where are you going bella?" Stefania said uncovering her self from the blanket. "You guys will see. I'll be back at 6:30 on the dot. Well Jaina and Barrett. You guys have to be ready. Dress fancy or something like that."
Dani said walking over to her drawer. Grabbing a pair of sweatpants rolling them up into a ball and stuffing the rings on the inside. "I'll go change really quick and then I'll be gone."

You, Me, and the Kid: A Stefanielle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now