three; my heart will go on

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Britney week ended on a bad note.

The New Directions only performed one Britney song — toxic. And they did it with Mr Schue. It apparently caused a sex riot, but Vee had her suspicions that Sue pulled the fire alarm. That still didn't make the number any less uncomfortable.

It seemed like Mr Schue did this for his own personal gain, you know, to win over Miss Pillsbury even though her boyfriend was wonderful (Carl didn't charge her for the dentist's appointment).

Taking a seat next to Kurt and Mercedes, Vee had noticed the lack of expression on Kurt's face, something was very wrong. That look was only present when something was so bad that it hurt to even think about. Vee would know, she used to do it all the time.

"You okay?" Vee rushed next to him, feeling that something was wrong.

Kurt let out a sigh and a shared knowing look with Mercedes. "No," he said dryly. "My dad's in the hospital."

"Oh my God, Kurt, I'm so sorry," Vee squeezed his arm.

Kurt shook his head. "It's not your fault. He had a heart attack, and he's not awake," Kurt's voice quivered as he said those last three words. "They said — " Kurt paused, tugging at his expensive sweater. "They said he might not make it."

"He will. He has to," Vee said firmly and rubbed his arm gently.

Both of them knew how losing a parent felt like, except Vee had first hand experience with losing a father. It destroyed her family. At least, the two people that was left of it. But Kurt and his family was much better than hers, always has, always will be. Unlike Vee's family that relied heavily on her father for happiness and security, Kurt's was united. But something bad  would happen if two of the three members of that family is dead.

Both Burt and Kurt were amazing, and Kurt of all people did not deserve anything close to this. Losing a parent was tough, Vee would know. But losing both would be heartbreaking. Vee would be devastated if her mother passed, even though they weren't close.

"I really hope he does," Kurt nodded.

Getting up to perform for Kurt, Mercedes sang a spiritual song in honour of Burt. She was beautiful as always, and anyone who even walked past the choir room could feel the solemn tone the glee club gave off.

"Thank you, Mercedes. Your voice is stunning, but I don't believe in God," Kurt said.

"Wait, what?"

The choir room was in shock. With most of them being religious, barely anyone agreed with what Kurt had to say.

"You've all professed your beliefs. I'm just stating mine. I think God is kind of like Santa Claus for adults. Otherwise, God's kind of a jerk, isn't he? I mean, he makes me gay and then has his followers going around telling me it's something that I chose. As if someone would choose to be mocked every single day of their life," Kurt defended himself.

Vee agreed. She was probably the only other one who did. With the amount of terrible things that happened in her life, how could she believe? As a child, there was a slight glimmer of doubt in her head about whether God was real. But now, that glimmer of doubt has expanded in her mind.

With her father gone, there was nothing to convince her that God was up there and looking after her. And Vanessa was too overcome with grief to care about Vee going to church.

"Right now I don't want a heavenly father. I want my real one back," Kurt said, composed and still.

"But Kurt, how do you know for sure? I mean, you can't prove that there's no God," Mercedes argued.

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