|-Karlnapity (1)-|

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(Art by @/UselessWaiphu on Twitter)

There aren't any triggers in this one, just a bit of struggling to express feelings.

Sapnap wants to tell something to Karl and Quackity. But after he overwhelms himself, what happens?

   Sapnap squeezed his fiancé's hands tightly, looking at both of them with glossy eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut short. "Don't you dare get sappy on me, guapo." Quackity said, nudging his shoulder. "I mean, it is in his name so.." Karl grinned back, looking to Quackity. "Oh hush up and let me have this! I just want you guys to know how much you mean to me.." Quackity rolled his eyes, which earned him a slap on the wrist from his taller companion. Sapnap just chuckled a bit before clearing his throat.

   "Okay, so." He let go of their hands, turning around to face them as he began to speak. "Karl.." He paused, noticeably nervous. ".... yes?" "Sorry, sorry um.." He balled his hands into fists. Why was he so scared? This wasn't something major, he just wanted to tell his partners how much he loves them. Usually he doesn't get so worked up. "Hey.. are you okay, Sapnap?" Quackity's voice broke the awkward silence. "Y-Yeah! Why.. Why wouldn't I be I just want to- I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you and stuff but.. I'm getting.." At this point he pulled at the collar of his shirt. "Is it hot in here?" Karl shook his head. "Not really. I mean, I have my sweater on and I'm not that warm."

   Quackity looked to Karl, concern in his face. "Sapnap. Maybe you should go relax.. you don't want to flame up again in the house." He looked up from the floor, shaking his head. "No, I can do this. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time, this isn't like me at all. I-..." Karl stepped fowards, placing his hand on his fiancé's shoulder. "You're already burning up, baby.. please." Sapnap sighed loudly, running a hand over his face. "Fine.. I'll be back, though!" With that he walked off.

   "That was.. not normal." Karl nodded in agreement, looking down to Quackity. "Yeah. I hope he's okay.." "If he isn't, he'll come to us when he's ready. We can't push him to talk." He nodded again, and Quackity wrapped his arms around Karl. "I know you're worried. He'll be okay." "I know.. I'm just nervous now, ya'know?" This time the shorter male nodded, looking up as Karl rested his own head on his.

   Sapnap had taken a shower to cool off, sitting in the shared bedroom on the bed. He was mumbling to himself, hands intertwined on his lap as he stared at nothing in particular. Lost in though. 'You're scared, Sapnap.' "Of what?" 'You know what. You can't protect them the way you want to.' "I can't just baby them! They're their own people. Quackity has his business and Karl's doing god knows what with the library, but he's busy too." 'You're losing control.' "I shouldn't have control. Of myself, yes. Not of them." He laid down on his back, reaching his arms over his head as he continued to bicker with his mind.

   "I just don't want to lose them, that's all. They mean too much to me. I love those boys with my entire heart, my entire being. I wake up and they're the first thing on my mind. While I'm out and about doing my thing they're still there. When we do things together I'm the happiest I've ever been and.. at night, when it's just us laying in the bed. Sometimes I stay awake and listen to their breathing. Just to try and comprehend that this is real. That I have them in my life. I guess you could say the flame that keeps me going is fueled by them. I don't know what I'd do if one of them got hurt or something, let alone both of them." His voice was getting louder, and his eyebrows furrowed. "I worry about them.. Karl sometimes, well, a lot of the time leaves unannounced and doesn't show up for days. Me and Quackity don't know where he goes, and he won't tell us. It's scary.. and Quackity's been through so much. He's so strong and resilient but sometimes I worry he pushes himself too far. This business of his is cool, I support it and stuff but it's all a bit nerve racking. There's been a lot of people starting things recently. Competition is gonna rise and I don't want him to get hurt if things start to falter."

He rolled onto his side, bringing his knees to his chest. "It's just all so much.. I guess I just let it get to me sometimes." "Let what get to you?" Sapnap quickly sat up, face reddening a bit. "U-Uh... stuff! How much did you hear?" Karl shook his head. "Just the 'let it get to me sometimes' part, don't worry. I just came to check up on you though. Are you feeling any better?" "Yeah. The shower helped a lot and I just talked to myself a bit so, I'm feeling okay." "Good! Cause me and Quackity have something we want to show you." Karl beckoned Sapnap to get up and follow, heading into the hallway.

   Quackity was sitting on the couch, waiting impatiently for the two to arrive. "God you guys took forever!" He grinned, though. "Glad you're feeling better though, love. Now come sit." Sapnap did as told, sitting between his two fiancés and looking back and forth between them. "So uh, what's going on?" "Well, we saw you struggling a bit before, right? We just wanted to let you know that we're here for you. So we're gonna cuddle." Karl was smiling happily, he loved cuddling, especially with Quackity and Sapnap.

   As soon as he heard the word cuddle, Sapnap grinned, spreading out on the bed over his loves. "Haha! Then let's cuddle!" Karl pushed Sapnap's hands out of his face, but shifted to a position where he was cradling his fiancé's head in his lap. Quacking waited for Sapnap to get settled in fully before practically laying on top of him, wrapping his arms underneath his body. "Nice." He simply stated, content. Sapnap laughed a bit, rested his arms on Quackity's lower back. "Nice indeed." Karl was smiling still, watching his two partners hugging closely on the couch. "You guys are so cute. I swear I'm so lucky."

   "Uh no. I'm so lucky! I just had this conversation with myself and I can finally say to you guys that you are both perfect. You guys are my internal flames and the main things that keep me going. I'm so so happy that I have you two and when I'm around you all I feel is bliss. You are literally the best things to ever happen to me." Quackity kissed Sapnap's cheek, thanking him. Karl kissed his own hand and then pressed it agains Sapnap's forehead, also a signal of thank you.

   The three of them laid like that for the rest of the night, falling asleep one at a time. Karl fell asleep first, hands in Sapnap's hair as he did so. Quackity was next, his head resting right underneath Sapnap's chin. Sapnap was smiling the whole time before he fell asleep, and he had to wipe his eyes a few times as well. "So lucky." Was the last thing he said before falling asleep.

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