|-Coming Out-|

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⚠️Trans Fundy! We love him so much istg he's the best⚠️

None that I can think of!

Overview: Fundy comes out to Wilbur.

   Fundy sat in his room at his desk, scribbling furiously into his notebook. With every word he wrote, his anxiety grew and grew and grew. The fox has written this note tens of times- no, hundreds of times, but it's never felt correct. His paw'd hands were shaking, barely holding the pencil in a light grasp.

   The ten year old boy felt defeated, ripping the page out of the tethered book and crumbling it into a tight ball. He scoffed, rubbing his eyes as he threw the ball against the door of his room. "It's never gonna work.." He muttered, voice soft and shallow. "How am I supposed to tell dad that I.. that I'm- I can't even say it out loud.." He made his way to his bed after shutting the lights off, curling into the warm covers. Another night of secrets.

   With a loud thunderous bang from outside, Fundy woke with a yelp. He sat up and looked around his room with wide eyes, fur standing on end. He hated storms. The way they made their appearance was silent, but the noises were no fun to his sensitive ears. Looking to his clock, the time way 6:45am. Oh! He was up to see his father depart for the day. With a newfound goal, he left his bed and walked into the hallway. "Pops..?" There wasn't a reply, but soft humming came from the room over. Fundy recognized it immediately as Wilbur's tone and a small smile grew in his lips. With his feet making soft pattering noises against the floor, he headed into the room.

   "... Oh, Fundy! Up quite early aren't we?" The fox nodded, walking to his father. "The storm woke me.." "Ahh, okay. Well I don't think the storm can get you from in here." He giggled. "I-I know!" Wilbur was sitting in his reading chair, book in his lap. It was something about maps, but nothing Fundy took notice of. "Can I sit with you before you leave?"

   Wilbur looked to his daughter and replied with a 'Yes', setting the book on the nightstand. Fundy walked over and climbed into his fathers lap, leaning into his warmth. "You were up pretty late last night, pretty lady. What were you up to?" "I was.." The fox got stuck, his mind replaying the works 'pretty lady' over and over again. He was sick of being called a girl. He wanted nothing more then to be his fathers son. He just wanted to be a boy.

   "Um... Pops." "Yes?" Fundy looked down, ears falling back. His nerves were getting to him. "... There's this note... I've been trying to write it since forever and I can never get it right. It's like I can't put my thoughts into words.." Wilbur had put his arms around Fundy, holding him close. "Is it a serious note..?" "V-Very. Very very serious. The most serious thing in the world." The man thought to himself for a moment, looking around the room. "Maybe try talking about it. Do the opposite of what people say, you know? When people struggle with saying things they write it down. Maybe for you, you have to say things to write them down."

   Fundy looked up to his dad, about to object. "I-I.. I mean I can t-try but I've never really.." Wilbur instantly noticed his daughters anxiety, and pressed him a bit closer to himself. "Hey... Hey, take your time, sweetie. You don't have to do it now, or with me here." "B-But I want to!! I need to do it because this is my only chance!" "What do you mean..?" "Pops.. Pops I've been trying to tell you this one specific thing for ages. Since I was like, a baby." Fundy sucked in a huge breath, shutting his eyes. "I'm not a girl."

   The human blinked a few times, looking down to his daughter with a bit of confusion. "... So you're a boy?" "Y-Yes! Yes oh my god yes.. I. Am. A. Boy." The fox looked to his father with shining eyes, a newfound confidence inside him. "Boy boy boy boy boy boy! B. O. Y." Wilbur bit the inside of his cheek, trying and failing to hold back a small laugh. Fundy was instantly angry. "I-IT'S NOT FUNNY! TH-THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!" "O-Oh! Fundy Fundy Fundy I didn't mean, no I'm not laughing because-" He sighed, kissing the top of his sons head. "I'm sorry I laughed. That was very rude of me." Wilbur composed himself quickly. "So, let me get this one hundred percent clear. You are Fundy." "... Yes?" "You are my kid." The fox nodded. "This makes you my son, correct." Fundy was beaming instantly. "Y-Yes! Yes yes, you're son!" "Okay, good. Now, will my son please let me know what terms not to call him?"

   This was going far better then Fundy ever expected, he was constantly wiping happy tears from his eyes and all his pressure was leaning into his father. He went on to communicate what was and wasn't good for his father to call him. They talked for about another hour and a half.

   "Now, Fundy. If I may ask, why were you struggling to tell me so bad?" Fundy shrugged a bit, looking down. "I was scared of your reaction.. I didn't want you to hate me or like, kick me out or something." "K-Kick you out?! Fundy, I would NEVER do such a thing." "I-I know! It's just an irrational fear, it's stupid I know.." Wilbur shook his head. "It's not, though. Trust me, everyone has irrational fears... Wanna know one of mine?" "Yes!" "Well..."

   When Wilbur left a few hours later for his daily duties, Fundy couldn't help but chitter to himself. He was beyond happy, and so so relieved. It felt stupid to him now how scared and frustrated he was last night. He spent the day trying to be productive with his joy, playing the piano for a while and even reading through part of the book his father was reading when he found him. He was finally going to be able to be himself, and he couldn't wait.

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