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⚠️This is a continuation to my last story, "Past Trauma"⚠️

Mentions of Abuse

Quackity has been with Sapnap and Karl for about 4 months, and he's hidden his past from them for the entire time. By accident, Sapnap causes him to come clean.

Quackity let out a sigh, unwrapping the bandaged around his back and wing. He arched back, cracking his bones a bit before sitting down on his bed. Slowly, he extended his scared and damaged appendage, turning and beginning to tend to it. Combing through the feathers with his fingers to straighten them out and then shakily raising the wing over his head to stretch it, he winced just a little bit. His wing was always sore in some way. Stiff or just in a general pain from being wrapped up for so long. It always hurt.

He didn't hear his voice being called or the door opening, too focused on his wing. What he did hear was a gasp and the door slamming shut. " His eyes widened, wing folding instantly as he scrambled to get the ace bandage around his back. "Fuck. Fuck that was Sapnap. He saw my back, he saw my wings. They can't.. I don't want them to.." His mind clouded with thoughts as he slipped his shirt back on and then headed out of his room, grabbing his hat. "Sapnap?" He called out, his voice filled with nervousness.

Sapnap didn't answer, he was hiding around the corner of the hallway, eyes wide. *'Holy shit.'* He thought, biting his lip. The nether-boy stayed quiet for another minute before softly speaking. "U-Um... Hi." Quackity sighed, and walked over to the voice. He was putting his hat back on at the same time, his head wings folding into themselves. "What did you see." "Nothing! Nothing at all! We're you even in there? I didn't see a thi-" "Sapnap. I'm serious." He looked down, face paling. "Y-You know what I saw, Quackity.. I... I'm sorry I didn't knock." Sapnap didn't dare look up, quietly snapping his fingers to spark embers in his grasp. He did that a lot when he was nervous.

His face scrunched up a bit, staring at Sapnap with hints of anger. "Yeah. You should have knocked. You know I don't like anyone in my room, let alone when I'm in there.." He clenched his jaw, fighting the urge to yell at his fiancé. "Now that you saw I guess I can't fucking hide it anymore, though. When Karl gets home I.. I owe you guys an explanation." Sapnap felt the guilt growing in his gut. "No, Quackity you don't have to-" "Yeah, I do. You saw my back, you saw what I've tried so desperately to hide and I know for a fact that you're going to tell Karl whether I like it or not." Quackity sighed. "He gets home in like an hour, right?" Sapnap nodded. "Good. Gives me time to think of what to fucking say. Please don't enter my room again tonight, Sapnap. Knock if you need me." Quackity turned, walking off. Sapnap balled his hands into fists, heading to and sitting on the couch. He could feel himself heating up, and he let out a deep breath. "Damnit."

When Karl got home and he instantly felt the tension in the air. He looked to Sapnap, who was laying on the couch with a face purely full of guilt. "Uhh... Sappy? You okay?" Karl set his things down on the table, turning to face the couch. ".... No. I did a bad thing and made Quackity really upset. Now he has to talk to us about something and I forced it out of him and I feel horrible." Sapnap sat up slowly, looking to his fiancé. "I messed up big time, Karl.." "I don't understand...? What did you do?" "... I saw his back." Karl's eyes widened. "What?! How?! That's like, completely off limits!" "I-It was an accident! I didn't knock and entered his room and he was- gah I can't say he'll hate me even more. I have to let him say it." "Say what?" Quackity entered the room, a serious look in his eyes. "... What you wanted to say.. I don't.." Sapnap went quiet, trailing off his sentence.

The winged man walked over, beckoning Karl to sit down. When he did, Quackity stood in front of them, biting the inside of his cheek. Of course he was nervous. The only other person who knew about his wings was Schlatt, and that didn't go well at all. "I was in my room, doing my thing and Sapnap accidentally came in. He saw... he saw my back and now I have to tell you guys what's up because it wouldn't be fair to just have Sapnap know and be hella confused, so.." Quacking groaned, turning around as he grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He was praying under his breath, eyes shut tightly. With that, he lifted his shirt over his head, and then removed the bandages around himself. He heard Karl gasp, and then someone stand up from the couch.

"Quackity..." There they were, his wings. Or, what was left of them. His right wing was completely gone, all that was left was the first bone sticking from his back. The left wing had missing feathers, feathers clumped together and scars everywhere. You could tell he hadn't used it in a long time. Quackity was waiting for the harsh remarks to start, the backlash and yelling. But none of it came. "Baby what happened to you?" He looked down, clenching his jaw as he tried not to tear up. "Just... Schlatt stuff.." The two paused. Sapnap let out a low groan, and he stood up next to Karl. "Of course." He muttered, face growing angry. Quackity's hands were pulling at the shirt in his hands, eyes focused on the ground as he fought off more tears. "It's disgusting and shameful, I know.. I never wanted to tell you guys because I know you guys wouldn't like them, just like him. I got tangled in wires one day and I asked him to help. He did one, got fed up and then just.. chopped the other off. I'm sorry I have them I'm sorry they exist. I'd remove them fully if I could.. I've tried trust me it.." Quackity's voice was shaking the entire time. He was vulnerable, uncomfortable and overall having a rough time. He felt their eyes burning into his back, their stares taking in the weakest part of him. He felt sick, like he was going to throw up.

Karl and Sapnap had no words at first, they just looked at each other with worry. Karl walked around Quackity, standing face to face with him. "Well... I think they're beautiful. No matter how messed up you think they are. They're a part of you, which makes them the most amazing thing in the world to me." He cupped his fiancé's cheeks, tilting his face upwards. Sapnap grabbed Quackity's hand, standing besides his two partners. "Quackity.. we'll love you no matter what, okay? Nothing in the world could every take away how we feel for you." He squeezed his hand tightly, and felt a light squeeze back. "I'm sorry for whatever that dickhead Schlatt did to you.. you deserved none of it, nothing at all."

The three spoke for a while longer, Quackity wrapping and covering himself up, then sitting on the couch. "Thank you.." He muttered softly, looking back and forth between Karl and Sapnap with exhausted eyes. Quackity didn't know when or how far into a conversation he did, but falling asleep next to the two loves of his life was the best thing to happen tonight. He felt safe, and now that they knew about his wings, he honestly felt a bit more comfortable. Maybe things were looking up...

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