|-Father & Son Bonding-|

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⚠️Nothing major here! Just some father-son bonding time :)⚠️


Overview: Ghostinnit talks to Phil.

   Phil sat outside his cabin, cup of tea in hand. His wings were folded neatly against his back and you could see his breath with every exhale. This was peaceful, it was nice. He hasn't had this kind of peace in awhile.

   With the sudden news of Tommy's death floating in his head, he couldn't help but feel a bit of sorrow. He found Tommy at a young age, raised him up as his own son alongside Wilbur and Techno. So it's no surprise that the news of the boys death was still on his mind. "You were a bad father"

   His head whipped around, confusion on his face as he slowly stood. "Ello?" The avian couldn't see anything, but definitely knew he heard something. He stepped off his bridge and into the thick snow, his wings spreading out behind him. Phil waited for something else to be said, the brisk wind blowing the air around him making his shiver a bit. "I don't remember if we had good times, but I remember the bad ones.. you always tried to drop me in the air to try and fly. I always fell." He froze. This was Tommy. But Tommy was dead? Phil looked up, blocking the wind with his arm. "Tommy?" He asked aloud.

"Ah! So you got me!" Ghostinnit appeared behind Phil, floating quietly above the snow. "Behind you, bitch." Phil turned, looking his dead son up and down. Memories of Ghostbur then Wilbur flooded his system and he staggered for a moment, looking away. "... What do you remember?" Ghostinnit groaned, rolling his eyes. "I just told you! All the bad shit! Falling to my death a bunch of times, watching as you left me and Wilbur home alone as you and Techno left to go on 'grand adventures'. Other shit too, but we're just talking about you right now." The ghost crossed his arms, looking pissed.

   Phil was confused, his wings wrapping around himself. "Wait wait wait, what 'grand adventures'?" Ghostinnit shrugged. "Wherever you guys went for like, three weeks at a time. We never found out. Or at least I don't remember. I was young back then.. A-Anyways! We're bashing you, talking trash about your fatherhood. You were a dick, you know what? An absolute wreck. You barely kept us in check! When you were home you'd leave us to do everything on our own. You-you know a fathers supposed to teach their kids how to do things right? Read, speak, basic motor functions, the whole shabam! But no! All you did was lay around and watch. Wilbur talk me how to read, Techno talk me how to speak! I can speak pigling because of him you know that? Bet you didn't, you don't know me at all." He sucked in a big breath, coughing a bit.

   The avian couldn't help but smile a bit, remembering the times that Tommy would wear himself out from talking so fast that he's almost faint. The boy could go on and on for hours, it was quite impressive. "You know what el- W-Why are you smiling?! What's fucking funny?!" This just made Phil smile more, and he looked away from the ghost. "N-Nothin' mate, nothin'. Keep going with your bashing, I'm listening." Ghostinnit froze. His pale face grew a bit red from anger and he flew closer to Phil.

   "You think this is a joke. You think this whole thing is fucking hilarious don't you?! I fucking died! I'm your son and I fucking died! This is your sons ghost! You don't feel any sort of sadness or negativity from this?!" Phil backed away a bit, face growing serious. "Of course I'm upset. I don't like losing kids.. it's not something I expected to go though." "THEN SHOW IT! You make it feel like you don't care! Make me feel worthless!" Ghostinnit held his breath, running a hand through his blonde and white hair. "You don't even care, why do I ask? Why should I expect anything from you? If you cared you'd.. you'd would have checked on me sooner, asked around when you didn't see me around the server like usual. Was I nothing more then a random person you felt pity for? Is that it?" Something clicked in the ghosts head. "That IS it! You saw a lost child and felt sorry for him, took him in and here I am! Someone you don't even care for, you feel sorry for me so you're obligated to care. You don't actually want me! You don't love me! I'm nothing more then a stranger."

   Phil was silent, studying the ghost's face with shock. He felt his wings tensed up around him, his hands clenched into fists. Ghostinnit had it all wrong. Phil did care. He cared so much he just, had a hard time showing it. "Tommy- er.. Tommy's ghost? Do you have name like Ghostbur? I mean, your memories not like his but-" Ghostinnit shushed him, annoyance on his pale face. "Ghostinnit." Phil nodded. "Okay, Ghostinnit. Well.." The avians mind went to work, thinking of what to say. He was definitely stalling, tapping his hands together as he though. "You see, I just don't show my emotions the way you want me to.. I can't change how I express myself. I do care that you died, by the way. You are and will always be my son, no matter how bad of a father you portray me to be. I love you just as much as I love Wilbur and Techno. The three of you are my entire world." Phil felt his throat start to hurt, he was getting emotional. "I-I... I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you when you needed me. That I can.. That I can acknowledge. I didn't do my job as a father to protect you. I am sorry." The avian squeezed his eyes shut, forcing the tears back into his eyes. He wasn't going to cry. Not now.

   Ghostinnit had a unconvinced look on his face, and his arms were crossed. "Sure, sure. Nice save, dad." He floated around his father, then through him. "Does Techno know I'm dead? What did he think?" "He... He doesn't know." "What a fucking liar you are!" Ghostinnit faced Phil, a bitchy expression on his face. "What does he think, asshole." "He said he doesn't care. That's all. Ranboo told us a few days ago."

   "Ahhh, Ranboo. That son of a bitch is stealing everything from me, huh! First my best friend now my father and brother! Wow! Next he'll just what? Erase me from history?! Great." There was an edge to the ghosts voice, he was angry. "Ranboo actually cares that you're dead, you know. He sounded very very sad when he told us." "Oh sure! Like that bitch give a shit about me." Ghostinnit backs off, looking around. "I'm done here, see you later, pops." He spat the last word with hatred, disappearing.

  Phil let out a loud sigh, his body beginning to shake as he quickly made his way inside his house. He sat down on the floor by the door, now making it in far enough to sit at the table. He finally let the tears roll down his face, gritting his teeth as he clenched his robe in his hand. "That fucking child.. has to be so god damn-" His breath hitched, and he let out a loud cough. "Fuckin' hell.." Phil sat up, leaning against the wall as he wiped his face. "I am a bad father, huh... two out of three dead. What a fucking ratio."

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