|-Karlnapity (2)-|

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Karlnapity number 2, you guys!! Wooo!


Karl reveals his abilities to his fiancés.

Goggles in his left hand and a folded piece of paper in the other, Karl stood outside the front door to his and his fiancé's house. He had been gone for about a week, and just got back from the Inbetween. His hand crumbled the paper into a ball, and he fiddled with it in between his fingers as he let out a shaky breath. The time traveler knew it was time to tell Quackity and Sapnap what's been going on. Why he's been disappearing for such long periods of time.

He stepped into the house and headed right for the kitchen counter, setting his back and things down. Karl looked around, nervousness glistening in his bright eyes as he sat on the couch. "... I'm home!" A loud thud could be heard from a few doors down, then a burst of laughter.

"S-SHUT UP, SAPNAP!" The avian yelled from the floor, rubbing his back. Sapnap let out a gasp, reaching down to help his love up. "Sorry, duckling.. but you have to admit that was funny as shit." Holding a grin, the demon headed out to the main room, spotting Karl. The two rushed over to him, practically tackling him onto the couch as they let out happy noises. "Kaaaarlll!" Quackity sighed, his wing spreading out behind his lovers back. He smiled, giving each of them peppered kisses across their faces. "You took pretty long this time, babe.." Fire-boy pouted, leaning onto Karl gently. "I know, I know. I'm sorry... I.. I have something to tell you guys, though."

Sapnap and Quackity grew quiet, straightening their posture a bit. "Oh.. is everything okay?" One of them asked, worry coaxing their voice. Karl nodded, grabbing each of his fiancé's hands. "Yes, I promise. I've been keeping this from you two for far too long. It's about time you guys figured out where I go off to." Quackity's head wings spread out, eyes widening a bit. "S-Seriously? Like, dead serious?" Sapnap was just as surprised, looking him up and down. "Are you sure you're okay?"

He chuckled, squeezing their hands. "Yes. I'm okay. I said that already.." Karl let out a deep breath. "I'm uh.. I kind of time travel.." The demons jaw dropped, and he shook his head. "Haha, very funny." The other said, narrowing his eyes. "Nice joke." "I-I'm not joking! I swear!" He stood up, heading to his things and taking out his watch, goggles, and other various items he uses on his journeys. "Look. My watch tells me how many years I've traveled. So far it's... 3,492. The button on the top lets me come back home, but I can't control when I leave. That's why I disappear out of the blue." He sat back down, shaking a bit as the tension in the air rose. "I can't tell you where I've been but, every journey is different.. I don't know where I end up most of the time till I'm there." Karl looked back and forth between his partners. "You know how I'm forgetful a lot? Sometimes I don't remember very important things? This is why. When I travel, I lose some of my memory. It's complicated but I think that's how it works.. to some extent."

"I... Sapnap..?" Quackity looked over the taller mans shoulder, locking eyes with his other love. "I mean, I don't see why he'd make this whole thing up, yeah?" Sapnap out his hand on Karl's shoulder, getting his attention. "Well, thank you for telling us. I'm sure we're both a bit confused but at least we know more now." "Yeah. Just, how did you find out you could..." "Oh, it just happened one day.. then it happened more and more and I finally got to sorta understand what was going on." He nodded to Quackity, turning to him next.

"I didn't think you guys would take it so.. calmly. Thank you." "Karl... I literally have wings on my head and back, Sapnap's a demon or something, this whole servers full of crazy things. It's no shock you have a little surprise too." Quackity grinned, kissing his cheek. "Agreed." Karl felt another pair of lips kiss his other cheek, and he let out a giggle. "You guys are the best.."

"Hell yeah we are! Only the best for you." Sapnap leaned towards, pushing into Karl, and Karl into Quackity. The three laid atop eachother on the couch happily, chattering away into the night.

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