|-Karlnapity (6)-|

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Edited on: 12/02/2021
⚠️This ties in with my headcanon that Quackity only has one wing, and was abused by Schlatt⚠️
⚠️Also sorry for double Karlnapity, I'm in brainrot-⚠️

Mentions of unsafe binding in the chest/back

Overview: Quackity gets a couple gifts from his boyfriends.

Quackity arched his back, trying to get his wing as flat as possible against his back before wrapping it up with an ace bandage. He's been doing this for a long time. He knows it's bad, but he has no other choice. He can't risk having people see his wing. Once flat and wrapped up, he slips on his t-shirt and then his jacket, zipping it up.

Quackity was off to see his boyfriends. The three were meeting for their 7 month anniversary. On his way out of the house, he grabbed a small bag full of stuff for the meet up. The plan was to just chill out and have some snacks, nothing too fancy or extreme. Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity weren't like that. They goofed off, play-fought, and just relaxed in each others company. There was no need for a big extravagant thing.

As he arrived to the spot, Quackity spotted Sapnap and smiled warmly, beginning to walk over to him. "Hey!" Sapnap looked his way and waved back, meeting him halfway. "Hey, baby! How have you been?" "Good. Where's Karl?" "He's just picking up a last minute thing, he'll be back soon." They shared a small kiss, and then began setting up the spot for when Karl would get back. "Have any flare-ups recently? Feels like I haven't seen you in forever.." Sapnap shook his head. "It has been a while! You've been busy with your whole business thing. And yeah, I got a little heated up like.. two? Yeah, two days ago. Don't remember why though."

Sapnap sat down on the blanket they placed down, patting the spot next to him. Quackity followed suite, sitting and leaning into his side. He let his tail wrap around the avian's waist, then kissed the temple of his head. "Love you.." Sapnap grinned into his hair at the words. "Aww.. I love you too, άγγελέ μου." ".... You expect me to know what that means?" "It means 'My Angel'." He nodded, leaning into his boyfriend more and shutting his eyes. "Let me know when Karl ge-"

"HEY GUYS!!" Yelled a voice approaching the two boys. "Speak of the devil.~" Sapnap grinned, standing and helping Quackity up. The three shared a long, much needed hug and a bunch of quick kisses before sitting back down. Karl was bouncing his leg, staring intensely at Sapnap with a giant ass grin on his face. "Can we? Can we now? Please, it's eating me up inside I'm too excited for this." Quackity had taken his hat off, his head wings fluttering lightly in amusement. Why was Karl so excited? More importantly, why was he not informed? "What's uh.. going on here?"

Karl reached over to a small box that Karl had brought over. It was decorated blue with yellow accents and a bright gold ribbon. "O-Oh! So soon? I thought we were waiting till later.." The demon also grabbed something, it was a small but long rectangular box. "Duck-mister you're up first." Karl grinned "Wait- why me?" "Because this is important! Just shut up for a sec." Sapnap gently nudged his side, and the two handed him the gifts.

Besides struggling with the ribbon and getting extremely embarrassed, Quackity was a bit nervous. Why were they so persistent with this? What's so important that they need him to go first? Why is- "What... What is this..?" He held up the tank top-thing in front of his face, studying it. It didn't look like a normal piece of clothing. It wasn't loose, but it felt a bit stretchy on the front, sides, and arm straps. The rest of it was thicker and felt stiffer, and when he turned it inside out he could see that the back of it had a different kind of fabric, it was in the middle of the back, above and blow it stretchy like the rest of the item. Quackity looked between his boyfriends, face full of confusion. "Guys.." He let out a nervous chuckle. "I-I'm sorry but I have no idea what this is.." The two just looked at each other, Sapnap nodding as Karl began to speak. "So, you know how you've been binding your back to keep your wings flat?" The winged boy tensed up, straightening his posture immediately. "Yes."

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