|-Tommy Leaves The Prison-|

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Mention of major character death
Talk about death

After seeing Sam carry Tommy's lifeless body out of the prison, Tubbo and Ranboo try their best to cope.

   Tubbo gagged, almost throwing up as he catches a glimpse of Tommy's beaten up body, holding onto Ranboo's arm for support as he watched Sam somberly carry Tommy out of the prison entrance. Ranboo stayed tense, hand overlapping Tubbo's on his arm to comfort his friend as he too watched Tommy go past. It was something neither of them should have ever had to witness. It's been a few days after the news of his death. Someone had finally convinced Sam to get Tommy out of the vault, albeit to late. The warden had his face mask on, but you could see clear as day the swell of tears falling down his face as he walked. His steps were heavy, hard against the grassy ground.

   Eret stood further back, quiet. He didn't need to say anything, there was nothing he could say. Foolish was quiet as well, standing near Puffy with his hands behind his back. His gaze was fixated onto the ground. He never looked up. Ponk trailed behind Sam after Sam passed Badboyhalo's house. Not showing emotion about Tommy, but worry for his friend. Ponk mumbled a few things quietly, placing his hand on the hybrid's back as the two walked farther and farther away from the prison. When people started to disperse, Ranboo gritted his teeth, raising his free arm to his eyes as he groaned. His cheeks were beginning to burn, and Tubbo noticed this immediately. In an instant he was dragging Ranboo off to the Bee'n Boo hotel to distract him from everything.. god knows the two need it.

   At the hotel the boys sat inside one of the dining areas, trying to talk about anything other then what they just saw. "How's your face..?" Tubbo asks softly, looking around the room. Ranboo just shrugs, sighing as his legs underneath the table begin to shake. He was getting a little worked up, but no. He had to stay strong. He placed his hands on his knees, pressing down forcefully until his legs stopped moving. Tubbo took notice, a bit confused. "... Ranboo?" Pointing one finger up to signal 'one moment.' "Sorry.. I just.. what the fuck, ya'know? I mean, I'm glad he told us but why'd Sam let everyone crowd around him like that? Everyone just..."

   "S-Saw Tommy.. I know." Tubbo wiped his face sighing. "He looked disgusting." Ranboo nodded. "...Yeah." "H-He.. He must have been is so.. so much p-pain, ya'know? No one d-deserves to die like that!" Tubbo hit his hands on the table, balling them into fists. His face was going red, tears swelling in his eyes. "I can't imagine what th-that must have felt like.. I can't-" Cutting him off, Ranboo clicks his tongue, getting Tubbo to look at him. "Tubbo. You don't have to imagine it. You shouldn't. What you should be doing is letting yourself rest. You've been awake for days since you heard about what happened. Don't think I haven't noticed.. you need to take a deep breath and just try to relax." "R-Relax..? RELAX?! Why should I relax, Ranboo?! MY BEST FRIEND JUST DIED! HE GOT MURDERED BY DREAM, WHO HE WAS LOCKED IN A CELL WITH!! B-BEATEN TO A FUCKING... A-a... a fu-fucking.." Tubbo let his head fall onto the table, the tears rolling down his cheeks and onto it. He let it all out, not caring if Ranboo saw. His hands clenched his knees, nails digging into the cloth of his pants. "H-He's... He's gone.." As Tubbo cried Ranboo held his breath, a bit taken aback. He looked around, worry in his eyes. "Tubbo. Breath."

   Tubbo was too drowned in his own emotions to hear Ranboo. His hands were now rubbing his face furiously again, his breath hitching as he gasped for air. He felt like he was suffocating, eyes shut tightly. Body shaking at this point, Tubbo then ran his hands through his hair, gripping his tiny horns and tugging at them. "TUBBO! TUBBO STOP!" Ranboo yelled a little louder, reaching across the tabel. He practically leaned over it and grabbed Tubbo's shoulders, squeezing them tightly. "Breath, Tubbo. Breath for me." Tubbo finally looked up, nothing but sadness and pain in his eyes as he stared at Ranboo. "It hurts.." Was all he said, scrunching his face up to try not to break into another sob. The hybrid sighed, letting Tubbo go before sitting back down. "What if we went to Michael? Would that cheer you up a bit?" He waited for an answer patiently, giving his friend time to calm down. It took a few minutes, but Tubbo had finally composed himself, wiping the last of his tears from his face. "S-Sure.." The two were off, on their way to Snowchester.

   It took a while, but once they were there the two instantly made their way up into Michael's room. Tubbo's demeanor changed instantly. He was, at least acting, a bit happier and was right now sitting on the bed they made for Michael watching him. Ranboo stayed by the gate, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He was keeping his eyes on his son and friend quietly. The Zombie Pigling had calmed a bit after their arrival and decided to sit besides Tubbo, leaning his against against his side. This made the goat-boy look down at his son with a small smile, patting his head softly. "Thank you, Michael."

   At this point, Ranboo yawned. He looked around, and then sat on the floor, sitting crisscross with his lanky legs. He still leaned against the wall, though, shutting his eyes and trying to fully relax for the first time all day. Tubbo took notice, and sighed. He looked around the room, taking in the photos on the wall and the room he and Ranboo had built a few days prior. So much had happened while Tommy was away. Tommy had no idea about all of this. His platonic marriage, his adoptive son.. none of it will ever be knowledge to him. This saddened Tubbo. Yes he knew Tommy's reaction would have been.. something, but a reaction non the less. Now he will never be able to share any more moments, any more happy memories with his best friend. Tubbo wiped his eyes again. "Stop crying, you big baby.." He said in a slight Tommy impression, and then he let out a chuckle. "Okay, Tommy. Okay."

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