|-Karlnapity (5)-|

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⚠️Reminder that this is the characters and not the content creators!⚠️

Sapnap has a little bit of self unacceptance.

Overview: Sapnap,Karl, and Quackity start a new thing together.

   Sapnap shut his eyes. It was around 3:30am and he'd just gotten off a call with Karl and Quackity. The three talked all the time, mostly at night because of how busy they all were around the server.

   Tonight felt different, though. Sapnap was a lot quieter then usual, he listened more intently and took in every word his friends said. They made him feel safe, even if there was no danger around. The trio got into the topic of relationships. They talked about who on the server they liked, and who they struggled to get along with. Though, Sapnap's mind always went to the romance. He couldn't help but think about who he was compatible with, or who he liked. To his anger, it always led to Karl and Quackity.

   "I just don't.." Sapnap sat up. "How can I like both..? It feels so.. abnormal but, so right. I just want to hug them and hold them close.. protect them with everything I have." He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. He leaned back against his bed frame. "It's so stupid.. we're best friends, I can't go ruining our friendship like that." His hands clasped together, rubbing up a storm. "But god they're just so perfect. Quackity's so handsome, so so so handsome. I just want to grab his face and-" He stopped, shaking his head.

   "No. No I can't. This is so wrong." He brought his knees to his chest, hands quite warm from all the rubbing. The demon looked around his dim room, narrowing his eyes. "Don't get me started on Karl. He's so soft and delicate, kind and just one to put others before himself.. he paints his nails such vibrant colors too, he's so creative." Sapnap's hands now clenched into fists, smoking a bit. "We all get along so well, it seems almost.. too perfec-" His hands bursted into flames, making him jump in surprise. He quickly shook his hands, scrambling from his bed and rushing out his room. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

   Rushing to the kitchen and somehow turning the sink on, he shoved his hands under the cold water. "Third time this week, god damnit.." Sapnap could barley see in the dark house until a light flashed on down the hallway. "Shit..." He heard gentle footsteps enter the area, and the lights flickered on. "Sapnap?"

   "H-Hey, Dad.." Badboyhalo noticed the sink immediately, sighing. "Again? Do you know what causes this?" He made his way over, grabbing some papers towels. Turning the sink off and grabbing his sons hands, he wrapped the towels around them. "They're still burning, Sappy.." "I-I uh.." Sapnap looked away, face now red from embarrassment. "... Are you thinking of them again?" The boy immediately looked to the ground, barely nodding. "Oh, Sapnap.. you can't hide from these feelings. You're just going to hurt yourself." Bad lead his son to the table, sitting down. "Why don't you tell them about this?"

   He shook his head, muttering. "What was that?" "I-I said that I can't do that because it'll ruin everything.. I can't lose what we have already. It's more then I should be getting anyways and-" "M-More then..? Sapnap.. do you not think you deserve to be loved?" The demon boy shrugged. "I guess..? They give me so much and I feel like if I ask for more they'll just get weirded out.. they probably don't even like me like that anyways. Why even bother? I-I mean if I tell them both how I feel they might get creeped out that I like both of them! This isn't normal!" Sapnap began to tear at the paper towel, frustrated.

   "Sapnap.. you don't know that now, do you?" "It-It's a pretty high chance dad!" Bad sighed again. "Listen, son. If you keep pushing these feelings down it's going to bottle up into something you'll hate, trust me." The demon placed his hands over his sons. "Be honest, please." Sapnap looked to his dad, letting out a shaky breath. "Dad... Dad I can't.. they'll hate me.. I can't lose them. I don't want them to go.." The boys eyes started to glow, lava-like tears beginning to fall down his face. "...I love them."

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