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Just some soft Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael content for the soul. I'm currently listening to Tubbo's chill Spotify playlist so I'm very content right now. Enjoy! :]



Tubbo and Ranboo have a heart to heart while out with Michael.

   Peace. The wind whistled around him as he sat down on the checkered blanket. He was holding Michael in his lap, arms wrapped gently around him in a protective manner. The goat-boy watched with squinted eyes as his platonic husband sat next to him, and he smiled warmly in his direction. The two have had a long few weeks. With the passing of Tommy and reminders of him all throughout the server, it wasn't easy to get away from. Tubbo shut his eyes, listening to his sons mumbles with a small smile. He was happy here. He felt calm.

   Ranboo had laid down, he was blocking the sun from his eye with his arm and swaying his head to the beat coming from the jukebox besides him. It was the disc 'Cat', not the original one that Tommy had but a copy, it was calming to listen to. "Hey, Tubbo?" The enderman hybrid called out, eyes squinting as he looked to his friend. "Hm?"

   "Thank you... for letting me like, be here with you.." The boy chuckled a bit, confused. "What do you mean, Ranboo?" "I'm... I'm finally happy, that's what I mean. For the longest time I was lost, I was alone and I had no one. I couldn't trust anyone, I could barley trust myself." He sat up. "With you.. you and Michael. I have something to look forwards to, now. I wake up and I'm so excited to start the day because I know I get to experience it with you." Ranboo looked down, a little embarrassed at this point. "I'm just so happy, Tubbo.. you make me so happy."

   Tubbo just stared at Ranboo with a small smile. He gently set Michael down from his lap and reached over to his best friend, grabbing his shoulder. "With everything that's happened over the past few weeks, I wouldn't want to spent my days with anyone else. Michael has been a saving grace, ya'know? He's so small and kind and a little bundle of joy. And you, knowing that I have your support and that you have my back means the world to me. I know we joke about it a lot but I really do care for you, Ranboo. I love you."

   The moment was broken by a line of oinks coming from their son, who was looking back and forth between the two of them quickly. The taller boy grinned, grabbing Michael and placing him on his lap. "You good, buddy?" He asked, grabbing the pigling's small hooves in his hands and swaying them a bit. The pig looked up to him, paused, and then leaned into his dad with a small squeal. "Awww!" Tubbo cooed, watching happily. "I think he's saying he loves you too, Ranboo."

   Ranboo smiled even more, leaning down to place a small kiss atop Michael's head. "Yeah, I think so too.." He then looked to Tubbo. "I love you too, man. I love you, too."

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