|-Past Trauma-|

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Physical Abuse
It gets kind of dark

After flying into a storm and falling into a fence, Quackity has to call onto Schlatt for help. Sadly, his partner does more harm then good.

The storm was pouring down heavily as he finally made it back to his home, the thunder roaring outside. Quackity could barley move without excruciating pain shooting through his body, the barbed wire thats around his wings, that cut his body not helping in the slightest. He was muttering curse words under shallow breaths, eyes half lidded. He grabbed his phone from the counter, his grip barley there. Slumping, he finally fell to the floor with hot tears falling down his face mixing with the snot and blood that was already there. His hands shook as he opened his phone and called the one person who could help him at this moment. Schlatt.

Schlatt came about an hour or so later, not seeming to be in too much of a rush even after hearing what had happened to his partner. He opened the door and spotted Quackity on the floor, staring at him blankly. "Well.. you done got yourself fucked up again, huh?" He stated, walking over to the winged man and kneeling besides him. "I keep telling you these wings are bad news. I don't know why you don't just keep them wrapped up for good." He helped Quackity up, leading him to a chair. "Sit with your legs around the back, this stupid barbed wire is gonna be a pain to remove."

He did as told, not hiding his silent tears as he sat in the chair. He gripped the back of the chair tightly, already knowing how painful this was going to be. Schlatt got to work, not so carefully but slowly removing some of the wires with a pair of wire cutters. "So you went out in a fucking storm? How stupid are you?" Quackity rolled his eyes, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt Schlatt tug at the wire. "Stupid." He muttered, knowing better then to talk smart with him.

After about an hour or so, with the goat man getting more and more egged on as the time passed, they got Quackity's left wing free. Quackity let his wing stretch, letting out a loud gasp of pain. "F-Fuck." Schlatt stood up, stretching a bit himself before looking over his lover. "I don't think I can sit here for another damn hour and pick at your disgusting wings, babe... oh! I have an idea, hold on." Schlatt walked off to a separate room, and that's when Quackity let out a few much needed whimpers. Showing too much vulnerability around Schlatt was never good. It gave him too much power over situations. He shut his eyes, resting his head against the back of the chair as he gritted his teeth. This was agony. Pure agony.

With the door closing behind him, Schlatt came back with something in his hands, trying to hide a small grin on his face as he walked up to Quackity. "I can make this go much faster, okay? Trust me baby." Quackity quickly tensed up, looking back to Schlatt. His eyes went wide, noticing the axe. "W-What is that for..?" He stuttered, looking up and locking eyes with his partner. "Trust me. This won't hurt, I promise.." Quacking felt the sweat on his hands now, anxiety growing in the pit of his stomach. But he trusted Schlatt, and turned his head back around. That is, until he felt a hand forcefully grab as his tangled wing. "H-HEY!" He looked to Schlatt at just the right moment before he swung down.

The hot tears began to fall down his face again, and he felt the pain in his wing travel all throughout his body. His head tucked into his chest as he let out a blood curdling scream. The axe came down on his bones again and again until his wing detached from his back. Quacking was shaking, sweating like crazy as he had no power to look at the man who just amputated his limb. He tried to speak, mumbling over his words as he cried. The sobs escaped his mouth and echoed around the room, mixing with the slight chuckle that came from Schlatt. "Finally." The man said, holding the wing in his hands as he set the axe down. "Want me to do the other one?" "N-NO!? HO-HOLY FUCK-FUCK SCHLATT Y-YOU JUS-ST- I CAN'T-T-" Quackity's breathing was deep and loud, he gasped for air as the metallic smell of blood slowly filled the room. With whatever energy he had left, Quackity turned his head to Schlatt, eyeing the wing in his hand. "M-My..." Then everything went black.

Quackity woke up in his bedroom, on his stomach on his bed. His sheets were blood stained, and his back felt sticky with dried blood and sweat. Head pounding and back sore, he didn't dare move. "Awake!! Welcome back sunshine, how was your rest?" Schlatt was sitting by the door on the floor, mindlessly looking at the half awake man. "Fuck you." Quackity groaned, tears already falling down his face. "What! You should be thanking me! I did you a great service getting rid of that wing. Now you won't go and get caught in anymore storms.." Schlatt grinned. "Serves you right, though. Why the fuck did you even go flying? I told you I don't like it when you fly." He stayed silent, hiding his face in his arms. "You're impossible, Quackity, you know that? Can't even listen to me. What else are you good for then?" Schlatt stood up. "Have fun, I'm going out. Don't call me if you need anything, I won't show up."

Quackity waited till he heard the front door shut before letting out a loud scream, painfully curling into himself. This was it. He couldn't take Schlatt anymore. Something needed to be done about him. Now.

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