|-Prison Escape-|

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Sapnap and Tubbo find Dream escaping the prison with the help of Ranboo. A fight ensues.

Sapnap let out a breath, hands tightly gripping his sword and shield. He slid his foot back then ran forwards, charging at Dream. Dream had gotten out of prison with the help of Ranboo, who was enderwalking. Tubbo and the demon had spotted them in his jungle as he was gathering wood for a small project. Sapnap was a man of his word though, if Dream got out of prison, he was going to kill him. He had to.

Tubbo was fighting Ranboo, yelling at him to come to his senses. He didn't know why his friends eyes were glowing purple, he didn't understand why they were fighting. The arrows shot fast at the enderman, but he dodged them swiftly, teleporting if he had to. "Damnit, Ranboo.." The goat muttered, eyes narrowing as he summoned his sword. The taller man screeched, running towards Tubbo at a quick pace. He dodged to the side, turning to swing his sword at him. "RANBOO!" He yelled, desperation in his voice at this point.

Dream's mask was nonexistent at the point, cracked and broken on the floor. Clanking of swords echoed in the woodlands as the two fought. Sapnap got the upper hand, stepping in between his legs and knocking his sword out of his hands.

"Dream. You know what I have to do." Sapnap's voice got an octave lower, and he did his best to stand as tall and powerful as he could. He turned his weight onto his left foot, leaning into it. Dream locked eyes with him, a smug look on his face as he chuckled. "Do it." Was the last thing he said before Sapnap drew back his sword and thrusted it into his friends gut.

He fell to his knees, coughing violently as the sword shifted in his body. As the demon pulled the weapon out and dropped it, he fell onto his side, slowly curling into himself. He gasped for air, eyes looking up and locking with Sapnap's once more. He still had a small shit eating grin on his face. Sapnap just looked down, eyebrows furrowing as he held back his tears. "F-Fuck you.." He stepped back as Dream let out his last breath, looking around for Tubbo.

Tubbo felt the hot tears falling down his face, and his throat was going dry from how heavy he was breathing. Ranboo had torn through his vest and shirt, cutting three gashes into his back with his claws. With eyes glowing brightly, he charged once more. Tubbo had enough. He knew what he had to do. He took aim, shutting one eye and letting out a shaky breath before..

Ranboo fell to the ground instantly, eyes dulling to normal. He had a blank stare on his face, blood quickly trickling down his forehead. The arrow shot clean through his skull, killing him instantly. Tubbo stood still, staring at his best friend with pure guilt and agony. He hesitantly stepped closer to the body, kneeling before it and picking up his crown. The goat boy stood back up and backed away, rubbing his face violently. Sapnap had watched the whole thing, eyes wide with horror. He looked between the goat and the enderman, picking up his sword before rushing to Tubbo's side. He tried to quickly condole the younger boy, hugging him tightly. "We have to go, Tubbo. We can't stay here." "Yup." The two took a single moment to stare at the death before them before rushing off, and out of the jungle.

Ranboo's body disappeared after about an hour, first life gone. He spawned back at his home without his crown, waking up in his bed with a loud gasp.

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