Chapter 1: THIEF!!!

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Murmurs and chatters filled the air. A busy city named Vrore Vrul. A really unusual name indeed. A young prince, his friends and the guards looked around boredly.

"This is really-" one of the prince's friends started.

"THIEF!!!" the townspeople yelled. The prince, his friends and his guards perked up. Their eyes skimming around. A brown furball zipped around. Without bothering much the prince easily caught the creature which turns out to be a monkey. It stared innocently at the prince. Suddenly, a snake lunged at the prince who dropped the monkey and dodged the snake.

"What the.." he trailed off.

A figure stood where the animals shot off to. She has a black hooded cloak which went up to her knees and black vans. She was staring at them blankly.

"THIEF!!!" the townspeople shrieked. The girl just grinned before vanishing with smoke surrounding where she just was. A cleared throat caught the others attention. The prince turned around to see one of his guards bowed down.

"Prince Vynx, your majesty. The king requires you to be back at the castle," he acknowledged. The prince nodded.

"Okay," his friends answered for the prince. as they strolled back towards the palace.


"The stealing was kinda ok. Monkey nearly got caught if it wasn't for Snake," Alexandra recounted. Emilia grinned petting their tiger friend. Sylvynir nodded. His silvery purple eyes flickered around the forest where they lived. Their fox friend sat calmly watching them. 

"It will be dangerous the next time if the royalty is there," Emilia explained her eyes narrowing thoughtfully.

"We won't leave each other would we?" Sylvynir asked. The others nodded eagerly.

"Ross the late Chosen One told us to stay together. So we will not leave," Alexandra nodded at her group of friends. The children sat in silence for a moment.

"Did you still hear about the legends of the disappeared dragon rider and her dragon? The fallen kingdom and the lost city where we came from?" Emilia asked leaning forward. The others lit up.

"Yes, they still say about those random rumours. I wanna go and find the truth from many years ago. Which means going past the humans land. But I don't really care. Cos they know about us and we all live peacefully side by side," Alexandra annonced.

"Alex, we won't know where we should go? We can't always travel by feet. Emily, do you know anyways we can travel?" Sylvynir questioned.

"Dragons Silver! Dragons Alex!" Emilia exclaimed.

"Where do we find the dragons?" Sylvynir asked incredibly. Alex laughed.

"From Eblenorth of course," she grinned cheesily. Sylvynir met Emilia's honey yellow eyes which sparkled mischievously and curiously.

"How'd we get there then?" Sylvynir demanded. Alex rolled her eyes grinning.

"By dragons!" Emilia answered. Alex face-palmed whilst Sylvynir shook his head.

"Well.. take us to the dragons then.." Alex smirked. Emilia just smirked back earning a confused look from Alex. Emilia grabbed a random stick and started drawing a mud map. 

"So you see. This is where we are," she jabbed at the scribble.

"And this is where we must go," she trailed the stick over to the cross on the map.

"So we just go that way," she jabbed the stick towards a random direction in the forest. The children turned to the direction before burst into laughter.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Sylvynir demanded. Alex grabbed the stick before drawing a perfect mud map of the city and the forest.

"So you see. I've been going around the whole place so I know where things are," Alex explained. She pointed the stick at Emilia.

"Whilst you did it randomly," she replied pointedly. Emilia feigned hurt.

"Me?! I thought I was the smartest one not you!" she gasped. Sylvynir shook his head at their stupidity.

"Right Alex, I assume you know the way to Eblenorth right? Cos, that's where we ran from," Sylvynir pointed out.

"Yep, we gotta go north," Alex replied drawing a compass rose. 

"We're going that way," she pointed correctly to north.

"Wow!! Well done my child. You did well," Emilia clapped proudly nodding her head before getting hit lightly by Silver (Sylvynir). Emily let out a gasp poking him hard.

"How dare-"

"How dare you guys. We must get going!" Alex cut her off. 

"What about our amazing friends?" Emilia asked petting her tiger friend. Alex shrugged.

"I dunno. They can come if they like," Alex replied. Emilia grinned.

"Off we go on a grand adventure!!" she marched towards a random direction.

"You're going the wrong way dumbo!" Sylvynir snickered. Emilia glared at him before following them to the right direction.


Do you like it so far? Adventure coming up!

782 words.

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