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Morning came by quickly as birds flew past chirping quietly. The children woke up rubbing their eyes tiredly. They glanced around the place. The water by the cliffs churned as if there was a monster below the surface.

"Well, let's check this place in," Alexandra nodded around.

"Yep, I got mah scanner in to scan the bar codes and if you need a receipt tell me cos I got paper to scribble for you," Emilia grinned as the others rolled their eyes at her sarcasm.

"It's meant to be funny!" she exclaimed. 

"Funny my arse," Angelique scoffed.

"YOU SWORE!!!" Emilia exclaimed accusingly as Angelique raised his hands in surrender.

"Guys look at this! I think I see something glinting under the sunlight," Emeral muttered. Sylynir and Alexandra both headed towards the glint.

"C'mere and see!" they exclaimed as the children rushed over. Turns out the glint was reflecting off a glassy gem. Alexandra dug the ash around the gem.

"Oh my! Doesn't this look like your necklace Emily?" Alexandra asked pointing at the double sided galaxy glass pendant necklace on Emilia's neck. Emilia glanced at it before her face completely lit up.

"There's a connection! I feel it from my necklace to the gem!" she exclaimed. The others raised a brow at her.

"If you're jok-"

"No! It's trueeee. Won't you just believe me once?" Emilia asked cutting off Sylvynir. Alexandra and Sylvynir smirked

"The last time we believed you was when we all ended up in a shenanigans!" Alexandra exclaimed.

"Oh and don't forget malarkey!" Sylvynir added.

"Yes and we saw some canoodle," Alexandra smirked at Emilia who shrugged innocently as the others laughed their heads off.

"What on earth are those words?" Angelique asked. 

"Those words are true. You search em up to see," Emeral nudged Angelique snickering at his bizarre expression.

"Shenanigans is a secret activity, malarkey is rubbish and canoodle is kiss and cuddle amorously," Emilia smirked. Angelique choked on his laugh.

"The hell?" he cackled. 

"Now back on track. We gotta find out the story behind these two gems," Emilia pointed out. The others nodded bobbing their heads. Alexandra picked up the glass gem from the ground inspecting it. 

"It has this symbol on it. Do you think there is something that burnt this whole kingdom down? Something powerful?" Alexandra asked. Sylvynir scrunched his nose up cutely. 

"They look cool. Like DnD Dichroic Prism," Angelique nodded.

"Let me see them," Emeral reached her hand out and clasp around the gem. Her blueish green eyes glowed a mixture of colours. The others gasp. 

"Um Emeral?" Alexandra questioned. Emeral blinked her eyes returning back to their normal colour.

"What do you see?" Emilia asked for once being serious. Emeral let out a breath.

"A beautiful kingdom. The castle glints a mixture of colour under the sun and the village is colourful. The water is an amazing blue colour smooth and calm. Then suddenly it disappeared. Winds howling, trees swaying so dangerously that they might fall. There was fire, storm, junks, people dressed so beautifully in fine silk and beautiful gem like the one in my hand. Then they walk off to the distance and everything went black," Emeral explained her face were as pale as paper. 

Stories Within The Legends (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 2Where stories live. Discover now