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"This is absolutely strange," Angelique sighed. Emeral furrowed her brows.

"There must be a way to get in there. It seems like a curse is placed over the village. But what has it done?" Emeral mumbled. Fox who was playing with Emilia's hair snorted.

"A WAY?! There seems to be no way," Fox huffed in annoyance. Emilia clicked her tongue rolling her eyes.

"There must be a Legendary Scroll. It is always the key to everything. I mean it. Every single thing in the whole wide universe," Emilia mused. Alexandra puffed out air and watched it float around.

"It's made by magic," Hydra whispered lowly catching the other's attention. 

"How'd we find it then?" Alexandra tapped her chin thoughtfully. Emilia turned to Fox who looked away. 

"Foxy woxy knows!!!!" Emilia announced startling the others. Fox shifted slightly avoiding the teenager's gazes.

"Well.. What do you know?" Jaden asked cocking his head sideways. Fox rolled his eyes.

"You guys will hate this.." Fox trailed off. The others inclined their heads forward with interest.

"We will need to sneak into Silver Terrain. The legendary scroll is there. In the queen's safe," Fox explained. The teenagers let their eyes widen incredibly.

"No way," Emeral muttered. Angelique nodded slowly.

"Yes way," Emilia grinned before letting her expression turn serious. Jaden clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"How on earth are we even gonna get the scroll?!" he demanded. Fox sighed rubbing his face.

"I have a friend named Alexa. She's the keeper of 'The Silver Terrain' and she communicates with spirits. Maybe she can help us.." Fox ended with a whisper. The others stared at him for a few seconds before exploding. 'BOOM!!' I'm kidding. They didn't explode like that.

"How come you guys need keepers?" Alexandra asked. Fox sucked in a breath and glanced around nervously.

"They protect our land," he answered in a hushed tone. The others nodded slowly.

"So she can help us? That's good. She can help us get the scroll," Angelique whispered hopefully. Fox shrugged indifferently.

"Maybe not. She follows the queen's order very strictly and is never easy to be fooled. She's trained for the job ya know," Fox bit his tongue from spilling more informations and secrets. 

"Oh," Sylvynir murmured. Hydra nodded seriously. Emeral clucked her tongue as Angelique chewed his bottom lip. Alexandra and Jaden let out a low whistle.

"Are we gonna meet her?" Emilia asked seriously which she failed as her bright smile covered her face. Fox shook his head and shrugged.

"AHHHHH!!! THEN WE WON'T GET ANYTHING DONE!!" Hydra growled exasperatedly. The teenagers rubbed their face tiredly.

"I'm hungry," Fox suddenly complained. Emilia patted his head and turned to the others.

"We shall head to 'The Silver Terrain'." Emilia declared bluntly. The others stared at her as if she lost her mind.

"Well.. how?" Emeral demanded. Emilia raise a hand proudly.

"No dragons guys. None. We go by horses," Emilia grinned as the others blinked at her with bemusement. 

"Fox, do you know where we head to? To go through the portals?" Angelique inquired. Fox shrugged cooly and Emeral smiled gently at Angelique.

"I know. Come on guys. Up on the horses we go," Emeral swung onto her horse. The others threw themselves onto their horses with exhaustion.

"If we need food to eat. Ask me. I've got many coconuts ya know," Emilia whistled a random tune. The others shook their head as their horses galloped into the distance of the dark night.

Meanwhile at Hundri Vxis

The villagers all gasped and backed away in fright as the villains all cackled brightly stalking closer towards the villagers.

"I beg you. Please leave us," the leader of the village protested. Their allies couldn't help as they were all taken down. The villain king cackled before pointing at Lovei.

"YOU! WHERE DID THE TEENAGERS GO?!" he roared. Lovei gulped shrieking when the king stalked closer.

"I-I d-don't k-know y-your h-oli-holiness," Lovei stuttered. The villain king cackled knowing where Lovei learnt those words.

"YOU LIAR!! YOU MET THEM!! TELL ME!" the villain king shrieked madly. The villagers all cowered beneath his menacing glare. The villain king screamed and screeched into the sky. His villains glanced at him as if he had grown three heads.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME YOU IDIOTS!! GET THEM NOW!!" the villain king wheezed. His eyes were wide and wild. His villains gulped and lunged forward as the villagers screamed as their hands and feet were bound together.

"NOW!! I WILL SUCCEED THE WAR!! NOTHING SHALL GET IN MY WAY!! ALL VILLAGE WILL BE MINEE AND THEN IT WILL BE JUST US VILLAINS AND THE TEENS!!! MWAHAAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!!" the villain king bellowed. The villains cackled. Lovei gulped silently. Glancing secretively into the horizon he wished deep in his mind and at the bottom of his heart. Please be quick teens. Every village needs your help. Dangers are going to get into your way and the war is coming quicker than the seconds ticking by. The villain king marched forward proudly. The villains scratched their heads boredly. Night has fallen already as the king let out a roar of pride.

"WHAT OTHER VILLAGE DO WE HAVE TO TAKE OVER!? I HOPE THERE ARE MORE VILLAGES!! WAIT, I NEARLY FORGOT!!! VRORE VRUL!! I'VE HEARD THAT THEY HAD A NEW KING!! ONE OF THE TEENAGERS!! KING VYNX!! MWAHAAHAHAHAAHAAH!!" the villain king has became a lunatic villain. Planning his dirty and dark ways through the war. Taking over the world and make every single living thing bow down to his humongous head. But, unbeknownst to him. His late wife faked her death and ran away with her new lover. But who was it? Silas and Fred both stood in front of their mother and her boyfriend with a tired and pleading look on their faces.

"Help us mother. The villain king is being mad. We need you to stop him," Silas trembled lowering his head with exhaustion. Fred nodded with a pleading look. Their mother sighed.

"I believe he is in love with the wrong twin. My twin sister died when we were married. I believe he got mixed up with the wrong deaths and stuff. I then faked my death and I have no idea what had gone through his thick head. My boyfriend and I have been deciding for a very long time ya know. But I don't think it is time for us to get married aren't I right?" their mother's boyfriend nodded silently thoughtfully.

"Would you mind to tell me more of the young wanted teenagers that the villain wanted?" he asked pitifully. Silas turned to Fred who looked at the sky blankly.

"King Vynx, Emeral, Angelique, Fox, Emilia, Alexandra, Sylvynir, Hydra and Jaden.. Oh no! I think the villain is now going to go to King Vynx's village. He is now in grave danger.. The other teenagers have a secret repetition. I swear. The queen of 'The Silver Terrain' only told us this. 'The other teenagers apart from young Vynx have a secret repetition. I shall be waiting for them to arrive at my land. You two should go now,' That is all I remember mother," Fred drawled quietly. His mother nodded turning to her lover smiling sweetly.

"Looks like we will have a job to do,"


Hi guys, finally I have published this chapter. Sorry for the long delay. The next chapter may be delayed even longer. I have been writing and thinking about this chapter for a few weeks. It has been a hard week. What do you think of this chapter? Who do you think is Silas and Fred's mother and her boyfriend? What do you think will happen to the characters? Have a guess of what the teenagers' secret repetition is. Be safe and have a nice day. :D.😁.

1276 words.

Stories Within The Legends (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 2Where stories live. Discover now